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Delphin Casado

A member registered Jan 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Love the pychedelic visuals of the boss, and the mecanic of switching place between humans heroes and undead creatures. Good job for this creative approach of the theme! 

Fun game and good presentation, the tiny dinos are really cute, good job! 

Simple but fun, the art is really cute, and overall I liked the atmosphere!

Kinda tricky to get into it at first, but it's a lot of fun and eally clever. It lacks audio feedback, but visual presentation is nice and clean. Congrats!

I was fooled by the cute art, this game is super hard haha!

I liked the cute vibe and the shop mechanic!
Maybe the link to the jam theme is a little weak, but you did a nice job on this fun game, congrats : ) 

Great vibe and cool gameplay idea ! 

Just a note: it maybe just me, but when the first enemy  spawned, the little blue diamant moving around, I tought it was an item to get (because of the shape and color...)  and I got hurt when I did catch it haha 

Maybe the design could be more "agressive" to convey better the idea it's a dangerous object to avoid ? 

But nice work! 

It's a cool idea and i like the art style and general vibe! 

Mouse wheel wasn't working for changing dice so I use the Q&E keys : maybe it would be easier with the numbered keys to quickly go to the dice you want? 

But nice job to you, the game is fun! 

it's a simple but nice idea, it was pretty fun !  

Love the idea a lot : it's really well presented and it's a lot of fun to play!

if I had one feedback it would be that some variation on the sounds played would be welcomed. With different sounds played randomly for the same action, or with a random pitch for example, it would sound nicer and less repetitive. 

But nice work! 

Thank you a lot!!

haha 1000 is already pretty good!

Wow thank you so much :D 

Thank you so much, it's really nice to hear !

It's a really unique idea, it's refreshing to see! I like the Paper Please vibe, and the descriptions are cute and fun. 

It's already been said but yes, the score to reach to end the game is probably too high.

But congratulation! 

Great art and sounds, it's a really nice take on the theme. I love the polish of it all, especially the way you integrate the tutorial with the images ont the side of levels! 

Good job it was a lot of fun! 

Simple but effective, I like the color palette and minimalist approach! 

The atmosphere is nice and the idea really clever!  It's really satisfying that you can escape the monsters by jumping to another universe haha. 

Sadly I had to stop after 6 ankhs, as those kind of old FPS views give me a headache :' ( 

But I as said you did a great job! 

Short and sweet game! Maybe my favorite puzzle game of the jam, it's clever but not overly complicated, and I really dig the color palette : it was a lot of fun to play, congratulation! 

Love the idea and exectution! Really simple but really engaging, I had a lot of fun playing it.

Also love the use of the shape of the cube for the world map, it's a good idea! Nice job :)  

A great idea! The visuals are fun and the music catchy, and the gestion of both yours and your enemy's actions is a great hook! The whole risk / reward theme is a really engaging mechanic, nice job! 

Minor bug (?) but when I place an action on a slot with already a lot of actions on it, I often end up selecting an other actions already placed. 

A nice visual hook, it's too bad there wasn't music during the game! 

Overhall I think it would be great to add more visual and sonore feedback for things you do (when you kill an enemy, when enemy and powerup spawns, etc) bu I get that it was a short dev time! 

Thank you a lot : D 
Such nice words! 

Thank you! And you're absolutely right, it could use more gameplay tweaks on the waves!

Thank  you! :D 

Haha thank you a lot : D 

Thank you!! And as I said before, you did a great job on your's too! 

Wow thank you sooo much !

Thank you a lot for such nice words ; goes straight to our heart : D 

Love the art and animation! Great présentation, and simple but interesting idea! 

Such nice art, sound design and idea ! it's really fun and polished, you did an amazing job on this one! 

Not the first time I see this idea for this jam ; but so far it's the most polished one I played! Nice job on the execution of a simple but effective idea! 

It's a clever idea ! Sadly I suck at puzzle games, but I love the concept, and the color palette of the game! Nice job :) 

I absolutely suck at it haha, but what a clever idea! Really fun concept, with nice presentation :) 

What a fun game ! Love the cute atworks and sound design, good job ! 

C'était très sympa comme jeu , très bon taf ! 

J'aurai peut être aimé que les bullets soient un peu plus grosses dans l'écran,  et c'est dommage qu'il n'y ait pas de musique de fond (contrainte de temps j'imagine!) mais c'est très propre et fun. 

Mention spécial pour l'affichage du score en gros et sombre au milieu de l'écran ; je trouve ça élégant et efficace ! 

Très sympa comme idée ! Ca aurait été sympa que le jeu reset de lui même quand ta flèche retombe en bas de l'écran, et comme ça a déjà été dit c'est dommage qu'il n'y ait pas d'audio : mais je me doute bien que c'est du aux contraintes de temps de la Jam, doc bravo à toi pour ce jeu !

Haha en effet on est passé à coté de l'idée des 9 vies, ça parait pourtant si évident ! 

Bravo pour ton sens de l'observation !

Merci beaucoup ! 

Complètement d'accord avec toi ! L'absence de power-up est juste dû au manque de temps... Et les oignons demandent à être équilibrés en effet haha 

Merci beaucoup ! On a testé ton jeu c'était très drôle ! (meme si je suis très mauvais pour faire voler le poulet haha)

Merci pour tes retours très positifs ! Toute l'équipe te remercie d'avoir joué !

Merci beaucoup ! Carrément ; si on continue un jour le projet on ajoutera définitivement des armes et/ ou pouvoirs pour varier l'expérience !