The 1bit art-style is well realised and lends itself well to the noir aesthetic. I know from experience it can be hard to do, so what you've managed in this time frame is astounding.
The writing pulls delightfully at details from the period, I love the references to economic issues of the Wiemar Republic. The scene setting and world building flows naturally throughout, the narrated noir style serves you well.
Interacting with H.P Wells-Little was excellent! I'm so glad you included that rather gentle interaction. And hearing the voice actors is a treat, congratulations to all of them, well done!
Only encountered one obvious bug, when advancing dialogue with the space bar, the word "Adding" was displayed on screen each time it was pressed (I'm on windows 10).
Really great work from all of you, especially given the time constraints. And I'm sure any updates you make will elevate it even further.
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