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Sandwich Makes ChefView game page

What if instead of you making a sandwich the sandwich made you?
Submitted by Posh Sloth Games, runestomper, Lockedown02, SpellMender (@SpellMender), 5hadowduck — 1 day, 22 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 89 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
This game lets you reverse the roles of making a sandwich. where you play as the sandwich and put together a chef!

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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No words only emotions.

The floor is too slippery lol


I know my physics, and you spun that chair on purpose ;)

(but I'm also self-conscious, so please tell me if that's not the case 😅)


absolutely adorable AND terrifying!
The sandwich is a cute fella, and even though the chef is terrifying, the graphics are fantastic <3 
A very novel idea for sure, could potentially be spun into a horror type of game if you were to continue it. I would love to see more from this!


Glad you enjoyed our game!


Definitely an interesting take on the theme haha.  The chef's face was a little scary, but other than that I had a great time, nice work!


Not everyone can handle the Head Chef

Don't even get him started about the lamb sauce.


my god that’s worse


Then it's a good thing we stretched it over the mesh for the game ;)


Very on theme. The dancing chefs are so unhinged. Character design is very fun and overall it was easy to figure out and play. Everything comes together to make a really funny game. Love the sense of humor. Good audio feedback on grabbing things, though at times it felt like I would grab one of the fridge drawers instead of a body part I was looking at, kinda strange.

I dig the puzzle element built into the level design as well, makes it so it isn't so straight forward one gets bored or anything, but the time to play is also really good for a jam like this.

The biggest point of feedback I would have is optimization, it seems like it gets a big laggy at times, not too sure what could be causing it just from playing the browser version, but my go to check lighting.


Wow, thanks for the detailed feedback! Yeah, I'm aware of the optimization issue; there's a region around the torso that checks for body parts; but whenever the player is there it checks it every frame.. I forgot to exclude the player from the check. Going to fix that in the next build.

And yeah, the grabbing could be better too. Will fix. Thanks!


Awesome triage, keep it up.

Deleted 188 days ago

Glad you had fun with it!

Yes, the lagging happens because there's a detector for the torso that looks for body parts. Unfortunately we forgot to optimize for certain conditions, so it lags the game. It'll be the first thing we fix after the jam. Thanks for playing our game!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Very bizarre concept but I liked it! Kind of sad that the mouse doesn't work properly in the web build. Would have loved to be able to put anything as a body part, when I picked the fridge door that was my first idea. Also, I found a bug, when you jump onto a stool and pick it when on top of it, you can jump infinitely and go to the outer space:


Hahaha! Nice! You're the second person to find the stoolar engine! (name in the works)

Also, that's an amazing idea; to use anything as the body parts? I'm going to talk with the team about it and we might look into making that a feature!


Lunch time!




Heh, nice. A barely controllable mess and it was awesome


A recipe for disaster 😋




Glad you enjoyed it!

Did you have an entry?


Man, don't you just hate it when your roomates leaves all your chef-parts just lying around instead of putting them in the fridge?

Fun idea, very surreal :D


Yeah, glad I don't have roommates anymore XD


That was certainly something. Not sure what I expected from the thumbnail, but it delivered.


Nobody expects the Sandwich In the Kitchen!


This game was... really something. Was not expecting what I found when going in, but was pleasantly surprised. Sandwich model was really cute. Other than that, presentation was rather low, however it at the same time made the game more fun to play. Hope to see more from these creators! 

Developer (1 edit)

That's mostly the feel we were going for! It's not for everyone though :)

Yes, follow our team channel Posh Sloth! You'll for sure see more from us.

and we'll make sure to polish up the presentation after the jam.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

I had some game breaking bugs. For instance I got myself stuck underneath a stool that somehow went flying and I managed to pick it up directly above my head meaning I couldn't move anymore. This game is a work of art, not gugenheim art but definitely some type of art. Well done, I think haha.


> "This game is a work of art"

> "not gugenheim art"

> "but definitely some type of art"

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

I have no words.

Just to provide some feedback, there are moments where important objects collide incorrectly and disappear into the infinite XD, it`s funny but then i need to restart from zero...


Hahaha! Glad you enjoyed it!

I was replaying it the other day and had the same experience. RAGE QUIT!!!!!!!

but for real, we'll patch that out after the jam. having an incomplete chef just makes it more cursed t_t


Not gonna lie, sandwich assembling human body parts got some cursed vibes to it. The physics when moving chairs can be a bit wonky at times. Overall, it's quite intriguing and fun.

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

You don't.. you don't like the wonky physics?

*scribbles furiously in notepad*


Wow, first time when I put together a chef.

In the first try I messed up the chairs (they felt to the side) so it was impossible to get back to the body, but when I knew of it in the second playthrough I was paying attention to it and I beat the game.

I shouldn't play this game a little bit asleep, because sometimes it looked like I was already dreaming. Great job.


Glad you enjoyed! I'm surprised the chairs didn't stand back up for you. They always did during play-testing. We'll fix that after the jam for sure!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

It was because fridge door had fallen on them. It got really messy in the room.


Thanks for letting us know! We'll try to build player confidence by adding a rotation mechanic for held objects. Think that will help?


A bit disturbing! I probably should've played this as an executable instead of on browser so the lagging is probably a me problem, but i did encounter some iffy bits with the physics, certain stools sometimes just wouldn't get unstuck from a certain axis while dragging them along for example. But the idea is fun! Good job.


I'm aware of the bug. The issue is that the player isn't supposed to be able to move through the stool, and that setting isn't turned off when you grab it. You can still make it work by grabbing it from a short distance so that you're not colliding with the stool. Hope this helps!


The dancing chef was freaking me out a little but I loved the sandwich animations. Good work!


Thanks! That's more or less the vibe we were going for :)


This is one of the most absurd idea i saw in this jam. I loved it. Good job guys!!!


I know, right? It's totally wild! Thanks for enjoying our game.


Speaking of absurd. One time I dreamt aliens invaded an antique shop and then I had to throw books at them to make them go away. 


I had a dream that I was Matthew McConaughey, and that I had to kill a bunch of gangsters with a box of crayons.


I had a dream where I was happy


That wasn't a dream, bro! That was last weekend when we were at Lockedown's place making a game ;)


That was hilarious to play! I enjoyed the theme of it, I used to always playing cooking games when I was younger so this was a good twist. I did have a few issues with the level though as it seemed that there were some collision not enabled and I accidently threw an arm through the world and had to resest :( but I had fun with it! 


Glad you had fun :)

We'll patch the game-breaking jank after the jam, but we want to keep it a little wonky 😄


If you want to have a real janky fun time hop on a stool and grab it for a vehicle unparalleled by any modern technology

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