Thank you :D
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Completely agree with your critique concerning the complexity, we ran out of time to make a nice tutorial and quickly cobbled something together last-minute, which was not great. Hopfeully we'll find some time to make a better one once the jam is over. However...
Don't say that about the unicorn. A half-breed between a unicorn dad and a pegasus mom, it spent it's life facing discrimination from both sides. Never welcome, always shunned and ridiculed, it couldn't find a place to belong. After meeting a good friend, it finally found some confidence, and auditioned for this title screen. Only to be met with more hatred and lack of understanding...
That ain't right. It ain't right at all.
Cool idea, and the presentation is really slick, but man this is hard! Getting the super-jump (with flames and all) seems to need pixel-perfect timing, and since you not only have to use the mouse to jump, but also to set the direction of the jump, it's super hard to get two perfect jumps in a row. I love the concept though, and it's super satisfying when you do manage to get it right :D
Very cool idea, and the ambience works very well (giving off some celeste vibes). However, i had quite a bit of trouble constructing big things. My constructions kept spinning and breaking apart when i tried to select and place them, and i had to start over because they seemd to kind of aggregate in a random manner after that, which was quite frustrating. But the core concept is solid and the physics are twitchy in a cool way!
Hey, thanks for the feedback! Indeed, we ended up with a pretty complex game and no time left for a good tutorial and/or some playtesting to cut it down to a more manageable size and make the layout more intuitive. Essentially the code is there, the graphics are there, but you start out at level 100 with no progression curve, so it's really hard to understand. We'll probably try to work some more on it after the jam to try and ease players into it.
Very well designed little puzzler making full use of the scale mechanic. Cuite visuals, nice music and smooth controls. Loved that the crystals change colors depending on wether or not they will make you smaller or bigger, really made the game a lot more readable than if it weren't the case. Great erntry!
Man i love this idea! Being able to build up your robot is really cool, and it's a great feeling seing it all come together and destroy the enemies! There are still some balancing issues (laser i way better than knife, getting only connectors to choose from 3 times in a row when you're being overwhelmed by enemies is quite frustrating) and some bugs (sometimes you just can't get those parts to connect, and i don't know if it is intentional but you can set up stationary 'attack-stations' by just not connecting some components to the main body), but if you polish this up it could be amazing!
This is a really fun idea, forcing you to think on another... scale! The collisions are a bit too rigid in my opnion, and i did manage to place a tower in a kind of equilibrium wobel (so the green bar would start filling up, the reset, the start filling up again), but all in all an interesting entry!
Very cool simple but effective gameplay, soothing visuals and sound! In the end i had the feeling that the screen was getting bigger, but i think it's just a visual illusion due to the number of shots fired. Very cool, loved this game and it's Vamppire-survivory vibes. My high-score was 158'000, don't know if that's good or bad :D
Very nice take on the team and on breakout! The entry is well-rounded, with a novel twist on a known gameplay, cute graphics and nice music/sfx, the whole thing tied together with a simple but charming little story. Only thing i noticed is that collisions can sometimes be a bit buggy (getting two collisions in one go and having you paddle break, the ball getting a bit stuck bouncing from left to right, etc.) but otherwise a very complete entry!
Nice little platform-runner, and loved the art (those aliens look high as f**k :D). There seemed to be a couple bugs (background doing weird things on firefox, and when fighting the end-boss, my shots moved when i moved my alien, making it quite easy), but overall cool game. Love how you end up happy ratatouilling the aliens ;)
Cool idea and nice puzzles. Sometimes (especially on the first level with the black and white scale) the solutions needs to be a bit too pixel-perfect (i started thinking that there was something i missed for a while there before managing to get it to the exact height needed), but overall a cool puzzler with a nice mechanic.