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Little NinjaView game page

Protecting the house from evil at 8 years old!
Submitted by Brex, SirInfinity, Zephyr OST — 10 hours, 39 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#2213.5803.580

Ranked from 88 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does you game fit the theme?
You are a young child, pretending to be a ninja in his house!

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
I wrote ALL code, and I want to pass out. Second team member made all art, third made all music and sound. The ONLY "asset" is the ending credits which has the script of The Bee Movie for whatever reason

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Fun game, the pixel art looks very nice. Good job!


Rated !!! would you kindly rate mine too!?, I'd really appreciate it if you do, Thanks!
here's mine:


One of the few games I ACTUALLY completed in this game jam. wow wow wow, I loved it! Well done. The art, the audio, THE CONCEPT, everything is just on point.


I agree with the mother that the little sweetie is so cute! hahahaha It's weird though that in dual screens, the game can't be move or the game is placed in a weird way so I have to play it in 3/4 of my screen. But still, a nice game and I love the pixel art. Initially I thought that we have the same concept because of the rooms and stuff but during the gameplay, it is different hahaha. Anyways, good job on the game. 


funnn concept!


I love the pixel art!! One of the best games we've played so far. Congratulations!!

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cool, creative idea!


I love the concept, a really creative way to fit the theme. Also the artstyle is on point. Probably the only stealth game that didn't scare the heck out of me when I got caught, it actually brought back a lot of memories from when I was a kid, great job!


Cute and fun, and I like the theme and how the parents think you're really cute. I think this is one of the more creative uses of "not real." The only thing I would have liked is a dialogue skip button (unless there was one and I just didn't notice).


There wasn't a dialogue skip, will be sure to add it


So fun! I loved that the plans didn't get completely thwarted when you were found. Also, the concept was super cute! It would have been fun to see the other animals as you found them, but this is a really really solid entry!


Love the art so much. Text in dialogue is a little bit hard to read though. But nice game btw.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Yay! I completed the game, I managed to gather all the toys together! I love how the family members aren't really the enemies, they would only escort you back into your room. It was really fun finding all the things in the house. I look forward to what you guys come up with in the future, excellent work! (I dig the Bee movie script at the end)


Wow, this is probably our most in depth review so far! You definitely played the entire game through, and the team really appreciates that. And you will! Even if the game is paid on full release, every reviewer will receive a Steam key  


this is a great game, i can tell this game was made with a lot of love. 
capturing the memories of when being a kid meant everything in your mind was an adventure stuff toys are your fictional characters great job!


Nice Art! Great Music! Overall epic game


Nice graphics, nice music, nice gameplay. What else to say than nice game!

Keep on developing games!


Adorable art and theme! Good stuff!


Liked the gameplay and 2d art, congrats.


the idea is really funny i liked it xd

cool gameplay too

good job man


The music and art is great! but I found myself stuck in the first scene the character won't move, but the game is nice and cute and other than that great job!


I have talked with with my fellow developer who speaked to you earlier, regarding not being able to move. We have not gotten any reports of this happening, and have concluded that this is a hardware issue on your side. Possibly a bad key on your keyboard


yeah I got it fixed a while ago and played the game  haha, thanks for replying.


i'm having the same issue, how did you fix it?


Loved this game in its entirety - the looks, the sound design, and the gameplay for sure! Everything mentioned made for an adorable game, and reminds me of when I was a little child, running around the house and such. Impressed that this was made in a week!

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