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A jam submission

Death Aquatic with Morgan CousteauView game page

A turn-based horror RPG set in the depths of a flooded world
Submitted by Josep Valls, Baran B. Ozden, Engirion — 7 hours, 11 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 35 people so far
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Quite an interesting game. Thematically appropriate and felt claustrophobic. A little bit on the easy side at the start, but I see the difficulty scaling to almost impossible I would assume.


Great idea for a game! I appreciated your reference to the Wes Anderson movie both with the title of the game, and the character art for the scientist guy :) The puzzles on each level were challenging and rewarding to solve. The art and animations were really nice and smooth, especially the details on the submarine and the battle transitions. I wish that each character had their own strength/weakness though, like say the engineer could repair faster, or the security guard could defeat a monster 1v1. I kind of thought that might be the case after the tutorial, but it didn't end up mattering who was on radar or steering. Mostly I wanted the scientist to have a room he could be in to restore oxygen, because on the last level I started with zero oxygen and lost after the first move every time. For a minute I thought that the stats carried over to the next level, so I had fun trying to optimize my solutions accordingly. Amazing job with this, keep it up!


Haha yeah each class having their own abilities were the original idea but we couldn't finish it in time.  The stats should have reset each level but some last minute change introduced a bug that we couldn't fix in time so this is the final version. Thank you for your feedback.


Really cool game, congrats! In my game, there was an engineer that I could not move and he was not doing anything at all, so I think it's a bug.

The SFX were great, the background is really cool, the combat animation + art is definitively more than I was expecting for a 10 days game jam.

If you're considering in keep implementing the game, I would try to create some more cool mechanics. The first one I think would be cool it's giving specific skills for each character of the crew. For example, the guard could handle a monster in an 1 vs. 1, and the engineer could repair the leaks in less turns.


We have been discussing continuing the game with the teammates and what you mentioned are definitely things we have listed. Glad to see there is interest and overlap with what we had in mind. Thanks for your feedback.


great job


Very good one! I liked the art and mechanics! you can play my game if you want:


Of course!


Liked the art! Like you said in another comment, the last level was quite hard.


Liked the art! Like you said in another comment, the last level was quite hard.


Nice game!


Great concept! Lovely graphics and nice gameplay.

Good job!


What a sick game. Great with theme and graphically pleasing! 


Fun to play, nice music and atmosphere! Great job, interesting game overall!

For gameplay wise though, wish we can unclick someone without moving them.  Also tiny bug that shows an engineer in the EMP room even though there's no one there.


Thanks for reporting that bug. We observed some small issues with movement once the sub gets crowded and actors don’t have space to move. Haven’t seen them one. We’ll try to improve that and fix related bugs.


Really creative and interesting idea and really well polished as well! Great game and really well done!


feels like FTL, perhaps for potential of turnbased complexity like Into the breach and perhaps story telling potential in the management tasks like in this war of mine .... I found the tutorial to be kinda too long and wanted to have scenarios where I would guess the solution though, currently it guides your hand a lot

Developer (1 edit)

FTL was an inspiration. We also wanted to as some darkest dungeon but ran out of time. Balancing a quick and comprehensive tutorial is something we want to look into. Thanks for the feedback.


Nice! The graphics are great!


Cool game. I liked the graphics and the game play. And nice artwork. Did you do it all yourself?

Great jam submission.

Good luck.


This was done among 3 people (across 3 countries) and we did do everything end-to-end, from brainstorming to art.


Yup! The art's all me aside from shaders and such done by our programmer.


Great Game! I loved playing!


Great Game! I loved playing!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

4/5 good game


This was a great and clever entry!

I liked the strategies and gameplay of it all. Deffo loved that Baroutrauma vibe too!

Only bug I found are sometimes a sprite remains onscreen despite being used/moved or killed off.

All in all, 10/10  mate!


Barotrauma was certainly part of the inspiration! We didn't have enough time to get the game where we really wanted to, but I hope our intentions are apparent to everyone playing. Thank you and everybody reading this for checking out our game!


Wow, what a great idea!

Very clever use of the theme and mechanics really unique!

In a future version maybe there should be given more free freedom on choices, but super cool in a week! :D

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