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Milfairy Tales

Welcome to an Adult Erotic JRPG fantasy with capital M Milfs! · By LeelaK

[Need Help?] Infomative guy, Duck's coner! Sticky

A topic by LeelaK created Sep 05, 2020 Views: 40,762 Replies: 204
Viewing posts 1 to 127

Let us know if you're stuck or ran into any problem with the game! :3


I cant recall where all the stat training spots were and i need courage


You build Courage up by fighting in the challenge battles on the Training Dummy at night. It's a 'secret' training spot. There's a full heal at home (kitchen), save before the fights.

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How do you increase Agility? It would be handy to have a list of training locations and times; other than that I am thoroughly enjoying the game so far!


Note taken! 

You can raise your Agility by training with the dummy in the backyard during the day. Or with the pumpkin dummy near the house outside the walls at night. Also you can get a couple of points if you do the peep minigame.


Hey, enjoying the game so far. Nice to play games like this where the lead character is not just a humongous jerk. I hope he does not become that way later on. -Shudder- too many of these saucy kind of games seem to feature deeply unlikable male leads. Anyway to the point. I may have hit a glitch because I am a bit confused. When fighting the cockatrice mother for some reason the healing herbs start targeting her rather than the heroes (Which makes the fight kinda hard). I think this is something about how guard works maybe? Also, is the Juggernaughty swing supposed to do something about the guard? Because at the moment it doesn't. I am running this on a gaming PC.
Thanks for all the hard work going into this game. I love all the little comments on the various things lying around; it makes the world feel interactive and lively.


Thank you very much for the kind words! I'm really glad you're noticing the comments, believe me they get me stuck sometimes, haha!

About the targeting, that's a common RPG Maker glitch unfortunately, it happens when your mouse cursor is hovering over a target. So your mouse cursor was probably over the boss during the fight. Always keep the cursor away when in battles. That should fix it!

Grace's special move removes Protect status from enemies. There's a chance for the boss to cast Protect on itself, if that happens you'll do little to do damage to it. Then you'll have two options: wait for the status to go away by itself. Or use her skill to break his protection!


Just quickly to say thank you for your very helpful response, and for not just calling me a numpty. Haha believe it or not, but despite having played tones of RPG Gamemaker games that is the first time that has happened to me. Must have been a fluke that it was the first time my mouse was in the way. Great game looking forward to seeing more. In terms of the characters and their updating replies as time passes it reminds me very fondly of Trails in the Sky; which in terms of side NPC development is simply one of the best. So big thumbs up! I just wanted to note that as a detail of this game as it is that kind of extra effort that sometimes fails to get the recognition it deserves. 

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hi where can i find the first book in chpter 2 i cant find the first book that i need for the main qust?

when i try to use the cristaly tips it say: the first book is on the house. what this mean


Here's a quick walkthrough for chapter 2:

For Chapter 2 you'll need to:
- talk to Valerye in the Temple (take the east exit in town)
- talk to Grace in the blacksmith shop
- head to Emma's love store (north road all the way to the north)
- collect the materials for the blacksmith Ramdo (you can purchase them from a miner, the mines are to the left of Emma's shop)
- head to the temple and talk to Valerye in the goddess room
- after the cutscenes go to the temple's farm to the right and get an extra CP point.
- go back to the goddess room and talk to Valerye again
- sleep in your room at night
- go to the room where you fought the first boss in Deep Woods
- clear the second dungeon Deeper Woods by collecting the lanterns and attaching them to the statues to unseal the paths
- beat the boss and watch the cutscenes
- end of chapter 2 at the next morning by talking to Mariah during daytime.

for some reason when trying to leave the farm in chapter two the game says now loading but won't load. Is there any way to fix that?

I'm on mobile


How can I load the old version save to the new version game?


You need to move all files at www/save to the new www/save folder. Including the global save file.


where do you increase kindness i forgot where to go.


You can increase kindness at the temple's farm. You need to set Valerye as your master, and you'll get kindness points after every 100 farm points you trade.

You can also get kindness points by clearing certain sidequests.



hey, im still downloading the latest version here (my internet speed is slow), would you tell me what does the "clear save" file on the download section do?


It starts at the beginning of chapter 3. For those who don't want to replay the game to get to the new content.


Hey, Im kinda stuck at first quest, and also experiencing a problem as my keyboard doesnt work ingame, like I tried to switch it in Qwerty but nothing happens still, could you publish a walkthrough, also noticed that in the commands tab, nothings appear, anyway the few experience I had was still great, keep up the work !


I don't know what could be the keyboard issue. I've never had anyone report a bug like that. Which system are you playing it in?

I also don't know what could have happened about the commands. Sorry.

For Chapter 1 you need (side quests not included):
-Talk to Mariah at home.

- Exit the town to the north.

- Save Emily and continue right to the forest.

- Recruit Grace and find 3 tree logs for her to practice in the forest (optional, but makes the boss much easier).

- Collect 3 blue mushroom in the forest (optional)

-Beat the boss in the forest.

- Head to the shack outside the town 's wall at night (follow the pumpkins).

- Watch the cutscene in the shack.

- Head back home and talk to Mariah. Watch the cutscenes and chapter 1 is done.

Playing on W10, I even tried to launch with compatibility mode but still that doesnt work, thank you very much 


What do the love mastery stats do?


They are requisite for buying new skills after you get the Mastery system unlocked in chapter 2. In the future they'll also unlock special quests and rewards.

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Is there any other techniques but tension blade  for the main character(male/me) and how to get them


There is a total of 15 skills/spells he can learn at the end of chapter two. Check the mastery menu (click on the book on the top-right or press "S") check the master menu and the Learn Skill option will be there.


UMM i am stuck after the 1st main quest did 3 side quests. cant find anything to do.... that puffy quest was the last thing i could do.. help?


Hm, it seems you're in chapter 2. Here's a quick walkthrough for it (sidequests not included):

For Chapter 2 you'll need to:
- talk to Valerye in the Temple (take the east exit in town)
- talk to Grace in the blacksmith shop
- head to Emma's love store (north road all the way to the north)
- collect the materials for the blacksmith Ramdo (you can purchase them from a miner, the mines are to the left of Emma's shop)
- head to the temple and talk to Valerye in the goddess room
- after the cutscenes go to the temple's farm to the right and get an extra CP point.
- go back to the goddess room and talk to Valerye again
- sleep in your room at night
- go to the room where you fought the first boss in Deep Woods
- clear the second dungeon Deeper Woods by collecting the lanterns and attaching them to the statues to unseal the paths
- beat the boss and watch the cutscenes
- end of chapter 2 at the next morning by talking to Mariah during daytime.


yeah figured that out right after...I am just dum.we do need a chapter 3 walkthrough. love the game keep up the great work.


hi, im stuck after look map on town, cannot going back, i press all button nothing happen


Check the new version (v.0.3360) it fixes that map.


I can't go back home. What is the secret in town i have to find?


Go to the shack outside the town's wall. Follow the route of pumpkins.


hi i dont know why a bug appear when im with bastet in the first part of main event dont know why someone have the same ?


If it is asking for a face file during a message box, try this: Load the save again and press S before interacting with the event that caused the error. It should fix it.


I am not able to move. I tried to move to the right side but its not possible 


Thanks for the report, that tile was glitched! I'll fix it for next update. For now you can pickup that chest from the side.


where do you increase charm?


You increase charm by doing the townsladies side-quests. The charm mini-game isn't fully implemented just yet and will have to do with Emma. I'll be adding a version of it for the next update.


thanks, i have all status at lvl20 and couldn't  evolve charm.
Thank you for the good work


Just woke up the catgirl and now this keeps happening at the bar 


Load the save, press 'S' before talking to people in the bar and see what happens. That should fix that type of error.


Does Grace's Juggernaut Hurl work on the second boss's defense too? When they cast that protection spell it gets hard to do much damage, combined with the main part doing an attack-all attack it's an uphill fight! (MIGHT just be that I was underleveled too) Restarting to see if it's just the latter... 

My other question deals with an odd error/oversight. I accidentally found out that the cat in town can change your name, before the girl with the cat mentions that can happen. Explained a few other things that were "that makes no sense...". it is possible to cat the cat in town not change the name until you meet with her? It's fine if you aren't worried about it, just thought it odd!


Grace's JH works on any shield status, so it works on the second boss as well. Hint, only one of the hands can cast protect, start killing that one.

She was more of a reminder, the rename option is there cuz people play shared saves a lot so I added just in case. Also, the warning girl is a beta character only, when the game is fully finished, she'll be moved around.


where are the blue skin mushrooms. I found 2 of them but the 3rd doesn't seem to be around


The last one is in the boss room.


water puzzle i need help


You need to push the 3 rafts into the middle to make a line between the gap on the top. Then you go back to the previous room to fill the water, if they're in the correct position you'll make a bridge. That's the overall idea, there are multiple solutions to this puzzle.

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I feel like I'm missing something obvious with the "raft". I got as far as rescuing Bastet (who is adorable) and having a rat steal her precious item and going after it. I get to the "we move these around it'll form a bridge" but...I can't do it from the "correct side" I do it, but it's from the top side. Either I actually did it and just needed to go around to the side to move back over (possible) OR I'm missing something. Help! 

NM, I figured it out, just took a slightly different look at it to figure it out! Boss rat was TOUGH though!


Glad to see you made it! Yup, the rat was supposed to be the toughest challenge yet, if you use Bastet's skills well, she makes the battle easier with her poison ward and multi-target fire spell.


What do u have to do to reach the end of the forest in chapter 2? 


You gotta find all 3 lamps and put them in the seal statues. After that keep following the north/east exits.


And what about the river with the rafts? I dont really understand what to do there


Just jump from one raft to another until you get to the other side.

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Just a few question, is there a new update coming soon because I'm looking forward to it, is there a way in the mysterious door in pub, how to access the upstairs of raphy room, and last how to get back in sewers of lovefill. Thanks you for the hard work and good luck to the team;)


All I can say for now is part 2 is coming soon (even sooner for supporters).

Two of the places you mentioned will be accessible in the next update. Look forward to it and thank you very much for the support! :3


how do you increase charm and how do you have to complete the quest in which you have to give grace's dad a nude


You can increase charm by completing side-quests (mostly townsladies), reading some books (boobleena vol 8) at study task. Full charm minigame is coming up next.

For the equipment quest, after you give the pictures, talk to him and you'll be able to craft the next equipment upgrade. Get the materials needed, you can buy them from the miner, Bedge, on the mines (day) or pub (night). As soon as you craft the item, Ramdo will forge new items and the quest will be done.


I can't get into the witch's room, it's just the next update?


You can only go there at night. Which chapter are you in?

but where do I get the pictures?

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I just finished the side-quest for Betty when I gotta get the Khocanana and I didn't experience an increase in charm. I also tried the love love mode with Valerye and still nothing happens. How do I get boobleena vol 8? I only read vol 1

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there is a chest that belongs to the mc's mom in the house is there a way to open it 


There's no way to open that chest just yet.


Which button am I supposed to press for the check mark when training with the agility dummy?


check mark = confirm button (interacting, talking, picking actions etc)

X = cancel button (coming out of menus etc)


Time for what is likely a DUMB question, but do you have to start over every time there's a new version? I tried to transfer a save file onto the new version in the saves folder and it didn't recognize it. I forgot to check if there was a save folder too, there was after starting anew...

Developer (1 edit)

Not after Chapter 3's update. If the save is from any version prior Chapter 3 than it  won't work. If it's a save from the previous 3 updates it should be good.

You need to add the files (global save included) to the www/save folder.

If you need a save, there's one for a clear chapter 3 on the page.


half of  my screen is stuck with picture from shower


Oh, that's very weird. Which version do you have and how did you exit the scene?

If this happened at the very beginning of chapter 4, then try to get to Bastet and talk to her after the scene, everything should be fine, at least I had it that way, but if after restarting the shower scene, the picture will get stuck again


can someone help me? how do i change dayes?? exp; day to night


You can switch in the MC room's bed or using the Mastery Menu (pressing "S") after you collect the pocket watch item in the story.


Where the tiara, otherwise they ransacked everything and nothing


You need to go to the first area of the waterway (from the previous chapter). From the pub you need to unlock the first locker, the code is in a bunch of papers in the room where you fought the squid boss. You'll collect a key in the locker, use it on a manhole near Veronica's house to access the previous part of the waterway. The item is in the water controle room.


How do you get bedroom privileges :flushed:


For which scene?

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oh im referring to raphy when you try to go upstairs.

teleports you out and says "gotta work for those bedroom privileges"


where to find bastet house all 5 upgrades ??


Talk to: the old lady in the grocery store. cynthia in the school. the old man in the pub (morning). the merchant in front of bastet's house, and the bartender.


How long until the next update is released? Do you have any idea? I recently DL'd the game, and it's both hilarious and challenging. 1 problem is that skills level up extremely slowly, and this makes them hard to master. Do skills have a maximum level?


Hopefully it will come out this year still! Updates are tons of work and they take a while to get done. The skill level system is still incomplete, it's there just as a test rather than a full system. Max level for most skills is currently 10. I say don't bother too much with them, they'll be revamped in the future. Since this is a beta a lot of things are subject to change and are being constantly tweaked and tested.

Alright. Thank you for being honest. I'm enjoying the game's wacky sense of humor. If I had to give it a rating, it'd be a solid ARA ARA! ;)


Just a few question, is there a new update coming soon because I'm looking forward to it, is there a way in the mysterious door in pub.Thanks you for the hard work and good luck to the team;)


The Mystery Door requires the Velvet Card, something you get during Chapter 4. Keep playing, and you'll get there.


I discovered a slight error. The Serpent Stinger has the same effect and description as the Shining Slasher. I assumed by the name it was meant to be Toxic, not Blinding. Just thought you might want to know.


Thanks, it's fixed now! And technically not supposed to be accessed yet, that's why the error, it was a placeholder version.


Sorry . Can any one tell me where can I get ch 2 scroll? I was not able to find it. Please help me !!!


You can get the scrolls in Raphy's hut (night). Talk to the book on the left and he calls a golden chest that has chapter reward of the Scroll. You need to have collected an X number of items per chapter in order to get the scroll for every chapter after the first one.

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please tell me how to find special key to enter waterway i,m stuck at veronica quest(earth gem).(CHAPTER-3)

Developer (1 edit)

You can get gems from the snake enemies in the Lustone Mines. The key to the waterway (south) can be found in the locker after you go to the waterway (north) from the pub entrance. Check the papers in the room with the rafts and use the password to unlock the locker in the room below the pub.

hey did you update the game to add charm training yet

No, that's still not implemented.


I really can't find the 3 logs to chop for Grace in the first quest. I checked every area it seems like but I've only been able to find 2 of them. Can someone tell me the locations of them? 


One is in the room down from the entrance, the second is in the room to the left of where you first met Grace, and the last one is in the room to the left of the savegate crossing the bridge.


How do you get knowledge? Because I want to learn the skills that need knowledge. But I am only in chapter 2 so maybe I cant get knowledge.

You can get Knowledge and other Love Mastery stats by reading books in your room, or at school. Different books give different boosts. Some will boost Knowledge, some Charm, some Courage, etc. A bit of experimentation will help you find out what gives what.


are there cg scrolls for each chapter? if there are can i still get the one in ch2 if im on ch3? and where can i find the one in ch3 and 4 (when i get to it).


After Chapter 1 all scrolls are tied to item collection. Go to Raphy's shack and check your status with the book on the left shelf. He will let you know how many items you need to collect the scroll for the chapter.


where to i find the mygonid?


It is in Deeper Woods, in the same room as the boss.


how do i get more charm and kindness?


You get more kindness by donating at the temple (or donation boxes) or farming (with Valerye as the main master).
You get charm from side-quests and for reading books that you can get in the Love Love Arena.


Hi, what do I have to do after defeating the rat boss after helping Batet?


Hello, after that you need to go to the shrine and talk to Valerye.


hello, a question I have to ask after having defeated layla in the arena of love


After you defeat La'Yla you should meet up with her on the Amazon Mountain, heading back to the Amazon Village. Talk to her at night to continue into a new main quest.


need help on lighting the 5 towers on Amazon pass, where item drop or who drops them?


You need 3 altars for the first part, 2 for the second. You can lit one altar getting items from the orc inside the cave with the Savegate. There's a secret cave in the room with the altar that asks for Wind Plumes, look for a cracked wall.

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I keep dying at the second boss in the deep woods area. Is this game very resource dependent? I feel like I need to have alot of resources ready in order  to fight the boss. It seems like I can only do a good amount of damage to it with Valerye. But this boss comes with 2 other enemies. If I go after the boss solely and leave the enemies standing, and defeat said boss, will the battle be over or would I still have to fight the other enemies.


A couple of tips, always try to stay at the recommended level or higher for the quest (you can check on the quest description) and you need to keep your equipment updated. So be sure to finish Ramdo's quest in every chapter to buy the new updated gear. For the second boss, I recommend killing the small enemies first, that makes the battle much easier. Keep one character as a healer and you can break their protect spell with Grace's technique. Thanks for the battle feedback I'll revise it in the future, the hands were supposed to die if you killed the main body, that's a glitch thanks for pointing it out.


Thank you so much. I finally got past it today!

Deleted 2 years ago



Hey, when we switch the tension drive, is it supposed to reset the TP or is that a bug?


It is supposed to reset it. I'm not sure if it'll be like that in the final version though.


How do I increase my courage skill? Actually how do I increase all of my skills? I only know how to increase my knowledge which is studying

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I got that figured out now. I had to spar with the pumpkin dummy during the evening.


What's the best strategy to get past the netherland rat boss?


I managed to beat it

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Okay I have posted a lot here but I have another problem. I think I did the shower scene more than 6 times, my intimacy level with Mariah is at 2, and her trust/passion/lust are all 10+. However, I don't see a new scene. Is there anything else I was supposed to do? (complete all side-quests, complete the last chapter before this scene, remove the girls from my party?)


Try it again after talking to the amazon matriarch for the first time after reaching the amazon village, that should work.


Hi, i have a question to pass the mission "betty's little devils, part 3" i need to found the holy girl to brush her... Where is she? Or its valerye abd i have to end the first main mission from the 4 chapter?


It's Helen, the nun. You need to finish Helen's quest first. After that she'll be in the shrine on the altar to the left.


I cant finish this mission, can you help me with helen's mission?


For Helen's quest:

-talk to her outside of the blacksmith's

-talk to lazy hunter in the shrine farm

-have Emily craft the Repair Kit item. You might need to collect some Magnolia Wood by breaking the logs with Grace in Deep Woods.

-take the Repair Kit to Helen in the second floor of the shrine.

-visit the shrine at night and talk to Helen in the Relieftionary and you're done!

Deleted 2 years ago

Mi dispiace, no parlo italiano.

I'm so sorry, your question is in Italian. I couldn't get the context properly with the translator. If possible, please formulate your question in Engish, I'd appreciate it and it would be easier for me to help you out. ^~^

If you're asking about the writers' notes for Jack's quest:
-one is near the entrance to Deep Woods

-another one is near the entrance to the Shrine, on the bridge.
-one is near the wagon at Lovefill's north exit
-one is outside the mine's entrance.


Deleted post

How do you do the Betty's little devils part 1 quest do you just keep going back to the spot everyday?

I sold the random junk thinking it wouldn't do me any good and now I can't advance :u

Hi I'm on a date with Grace in chapter IV and how do I get the cutscene? I get 5 stars but it doesn't show, I only get attribute upgrades. Could you tell which states she must successively be in?

first of all love the game hope its completed soon, just downloaded all the rar files from your page but theres no application file and idk what to do to actually play the game if you can help it would be much appretiated 

hello I have a problem in chapter 3 I have to go to the mines but I have to look for Grace who says she is in the temple but I go and she is not I have gone through the whole temple but I cannot find her is it a game error or do I have to do something before?

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

I in the start in ch 4 but I can't go out the house because he is not in the mood what should I do?


I'm doing the part where I have to look at the original beauty and find the flaw. I'm on the second stage and I'm having a hard time finding it. Do you know what that difference is? I keep looking and looking and can't seem to get anywhere.


Wow...I just solved it. Yea the room is exactly the same. How I got past it was the blue flame on the left side of the cement. However, that blue flame is part of the original. I think this is a bug.


This is a tricky one, the idea is the speed of the flame. One flame is slower than the others, gotta have good eyes for that one.

seem to have a issue with the dream section, there a part where you push these boulders but it leads me in a circle? i got Mariah, Valerye, Grace and bastet on my team

The game refuses to download via the app

Developer, can I ask? ...

If you may ... um ... this game is there anyone made the Android version? ...

How do i get viper oil?

Great game. Unfortunately I can't get passed the first moving of the rock on the bridge on Chapter 4 as the game fails everytime with an error.

Is there anyway to download my save to try on a different browser?

Where the hell do i find the ciel snake for the bronze mountain part 1. I have searched for hours in the deeper woods to not find it.

nevermind finally found it

I'm sorta stuck at the paintings/orb changing color part of the dream. 

(2 edits)

I got it figure out. now on fighting dragons. beat them all and now I'm stuck pushing  all the green button down. figure it out after tons  and tons tries.  I went on you meet you and you said sorry dude you're done until I update the game.

I am stuck at the nether rat fight , any tips ?


hello, I'm stuck in chapter 3, after rebuilding the house for Bastet. What should I do next? What is the code for the water machine?

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Hunt #4 wouldn't start, shrine boss defeated, the writers quest is complete, Also Bastet's quest is bugged can't go forward. doest spend the night with her, the LLM scene has issues can't complete that either

Think I have a bug, when I walk out of the temple in act 2, Valerye is waiting outside. There is a cut scene where we walk back inside & head to the roof. Sex is preformed & at the end a very strong nether beast arrives. It one hits kills us game over, why is this happening

Ok found out if I do not leave through front door straight away. But go through another door first it stops it

How do you throw the rocks at the statues in the bottom left room in chapter 

Perhaps I'm an idiot but I see a couple of ppl on the front page have posted the same question. Ch1 - view cutscene in the shack. I have clicked on everything I can in the shack both before and after triggering the Hat Rack but there's no cutscene. I can't find any alternate entrances or interactable, I've even tried clicking on all of the empty spaces inside the shack in case the "secretary" was invisible or some such nonsense. As it stands I truly can't find the "view cutscenes" and no guide or answer online actual spells how to trigger it.

Same problem here


Check Subscribestar. Leelak has a quick fix file that solves it. I was stuck here too and thought I would have to wait for the next update. Yay, I don't have to wait.

found it, tyvm! pays to follow all artist pages I suppose lol.

I am stuck ch1, what is subscribestar

Click on the game title at the top to go to the main page. Then click the Subscribestar link is right under where it says =Support Us!=. Near the bottom should be where LeekaK posts updates about the game. LeelaK put up a quick fix file there for the Ch1 problem a while back, so go there, DL the file and replace the game file of the same name with that one. That's best I can say. Good luck.

I'm trying to do Deep into the woods, needing to find the seal idols, any advice? Ty

I swore I knew the best way to get Courage was from Joe, but it seems I mistook that for Agility. If that's the case, what is the best way to get Courage?

Wait, I've got it now. Joe during the day = Agility. Joe at night = Courage. Technically I was right before, but with the wrong time.

Well, I just saw a tiny little bug. Chapter 2, Night. Instead of seeing Raphy, I went to see Veronica in the school and behold... It's a double Veronica this time! One telling me how Eric is doing better with wizardries and the other complimenting Mark's maturity. Does this mean we need double Betty and double Ammy to make it a full set, now that we've seen every other girl have doubles? lol

Oh, and there's also a double Grace in her house. One love and one just talking.

I'm collecting Wind Plume for Amazon trials, located the cave and it's only gave up one, are there other places to Get more? Ty

(1 edit)

Does anyone know how to level up the Tension Drives? You know, like Shephard, etc? And there's something wrong with the Ritual Bath scene. If you use an item to reduce her climax points in the first stage, you get stuck. Val won't stop talking with all the question marks popping up. I had to close the game and reset to get out of that more than once. And I'm still determined to finish it with all 11 bounties.

I have problems for quest Eric i didnt see him in school to give him book 

Also larry told me to go inn tonight but I finished it before 

i really like the game but im stuck on the shack at chapter one cant progress anymore 

I’m stuck in chapter 3 at the waterway messing with the rafts. What is the right order?

Hello i cant find the 3 places where te vines are for grace her skill the whilrwind splurt

hi, im stuck  to Activate Hunt #6  talking to Owan, the bartender but nothing happen?


Hello i need a little help i just trying to enter game but its saying data/Map035.json failed to load how i fix that?

Same here

Completed chapter 3 Raphy scene did not play after hitting the chapter max for all stats in 15. 3-7 Mariah does not appear in the memories. Even if failed conditions are me

How do I get Grace to break pillar?

help im stuck in chapter  3 i defeated the boss and talk to mariah but now i dont know wat to do

(2 edits) (+2)

Edit: Nevermind, I wasn't aware that I needed to put the data and audio folders from the part2 archive in the www folder. I only realized where they should go after checking the files of another RPG Maker game I have.
(You should probably put the instructions for that somewhere on the download page in case someone has the same problem I do.)


I just found this game, and I just tried launching it for the first time and got this error.

I'm wondering if I extracted something wrong, or didn't download everything I needed...

Anyone plz help me, i got stuck with the rock at bridge to the mountain it's on chapter 4. I can't throw that rock is it bug? Or it's my problem?

I am need some help. I have been trying to get silk thread for the blacksmith, but I can not get any more to drop. I have read that the spiders in the sewer are suppose to drop them, but I have been getting spiny shells instead. I have been fight them for hours and not even one has dropped yet. I just need one more, please is there some place that I can find another one or buy another one?


Maybe a dumb question, but what does "Heart Taker" mean? It's on the last stat of the Lovemasters, like jealousy, devotion, and curiosity. Does that mean it's a stat I should avoid increasing or what? I don't get it.


That's a unique stat for each master that will affect future events and choices but it's ok to increase it too. All stats unlock new events and make the characters stronger as their Intimacy Level rises.

This system isn't fully implemented yet because it needs things that are related to the main story.

How do you download the first chapter? I don't see it?

every time i try to unzip it, it gets 3 files in and just stops. i tried deleting and reinstalling it but it just stops every time.

I went to redo Val's bath ritual scene in Chapter 3 and this happened. She's not there.

And I still can't get all 11 bonuses. Best I've done is 9. :( What am I missing? 3 in stage 1, 3 in stage 2, and 3 in stage 3 is all I've found.

Do stats like courage, agility and others affect anything besides being able to learn more skills and accessing some scenes?

how to get silk thread ?

не вводиться пароль Red Bird


как правильно ввести пароль Red Bird для первой машины в главе 6? 

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I don't know if you still need this information, but you often check the keyboard in the game, near the bottom right there is a button without letters or numbers, it looks like a space, you need to press "Red Bird"  not "RedBird"

You dont have a Discord Chanel Leelak?

i already broke the three pillars needed for grace but it says i need one more

i think i figured out, i used one log that apparently wasn't supposed to be used, already found the one i needed, sorry for the inconvenience 

I'm stuck in a glitch, the guard I defeated is now invisible and standing there, preventing me from meeting Mina.

When ever i open the game this always happens. been happening since i dowwnloaded it

Deleted 174 days ago
Deleted 174 days ago

Can you actually get "Great Intimacy" without the freebie at the night scene with Mariah in Chapter 3 after you cleared the mines? You are locked to intimacy level 2, and I think all (or most) of the love love stats are maxed. I had the 2-3 dialogue options that lead to "good" replies with the ringing sound and I gave also gave her gifts to increase those that could be increased that way, though some gifts that were supposed to increase enjoyment and passion sometimes increased Trust, I think, instead.

I've only just started chapter 2, so maybe I just haven't gotten to it yet, but is it ever explained exactly what different stats ("parameters") do?

Trying to buy equipment and stuff and while I can guess what speed and some of the others do, some are very vague. For example what in the world does stamina do for Mark?  I think being able to read the descriptions of these stats from some book or menu would be greatly informative and a big help.

I have a problem with the Temple of Fire, I found it, but I don't know how to get inside,please help:)

how do i get to the backrooms in the pub

you have to advance the stor

you have to advance the story

how to reset this? 

(1 edit)

I have bouncy seeds but I am unable to find patches to grow boucy seed and how  can  I grow it can  you provide answer or someone else where I can find them with the help of screenshot 

What is password of locker

Where can plant seeds and how

in the back of the temple, i don't remember how but you have to talk to a gir