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Thank you very much for the kind words! I'm really glad you're noticing the comments, believe me they get me stuck sometimes, haha!

About the targeting, that's a common RPG Maker glitch unfortunately, it happens when your mouse cursor is hovering over a target. So your mouse cursor was probably over the boss during the fight. Always keep the cursor away when in battles. That should fix it!

Grace's special move removes Protect status from enemies. There's a chance for the boss to cast Protect on itself, if that happens you'll do little to do damage to it. Then you'll have two options: wait for the status to go away by itself. Or use her skill to break his protection!


Just quickly to say thank you for your very helpful response, and for not just calling me a numpty. Haha believe it or not, but despite having played tones of RPG Gamemaker games that is the first time that has happened to me. Must have been a fluke that it was the first time my mouse was in the way. Great game looking forward to seeing more. In terms of the characters and their updating replies as time passes it reminds me very fondly of Trails in the Sky; which in terms of side NPC development is simply one of the best. So big thumbs up! I just wanted to note that as a detail of this game as it is that kind of extra effort that sometimes fails to get the recognition it deserves.