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A member registered Apr 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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My ass can NOT be caught with my pants down dawg 😭

This whole reply thread is [insert butchering of "weird" here] lmao

What the fuck is this reply thread lmao

Just asking, but add a toggle to the main menu to turn off Discord Rich Presence next time?

Despite sounding condescending, I do think adding a volume slider would be neat.

Something like a Master Volume slider, alongside a Voices slider(and even a Sex Scene voices slider, separating the voices for those that still want to hear the voices outside of the sexual situations) if  they do decide to do that.

That comment was a year old lol.

Thanks for linking this to me.

I don't think anything can ever get to that level except for the creator of that comic coming back and making another one.

Fun Fact: In sonic forces somewhere, Tails gets pressed about a bench or something, and his response is "It was one time!".

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The game was inspired by an old Minecraft mod, actually. So you're not completely wrong.

Though the game is way more than Minecraft. More intricate, the finer details are what the game focuses on.

This game is difficult, though not too difficult, and it can also be tedious if you don't have the patience to, say, shape a clay pot pixel-by-pixel.
A lot of people describe this game as "Minecraft for men." lol

Found a silly little bug where the icons would quickly flash to a large enough size that they would be automatically selected without my input.

It's fun but it meant I couldn't take a breather inbetween rounds lol.

Oh, it seems RagsTheRat already got this bug.
Oh well.

Does this still work?

Adding it to my game makes the title say version 54, so I'm wondering if the actual content the mod adds isn't conflicting with the base game as of version 67.
(I haven't played the game in a long time and my save files are missing, so I'm wondering if I'd be missing out on anything should I start a new save now.)

Well, one needs to know why someone would say this out of nowhere.

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37 seconds

Damn that fucks.

'S all I got to say.

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I'm curious... I've seen this same excuse before with Vintage Story.

I have to ask now, how much is the money worth compared to $5 USD that it is described as "too expensive"? Not poor shaming, just genuinely curious.

No I won't look it up myself because lazy lmao

For what? 😭

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This is probably one of the craziest things I've read on an comment section lmao

Just learn about gamebanana bro

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How do you not see it? 

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(Shame I don't get notifications for edits, though it makes sense anyway lol.)

My suggestion as a stat boost option made it in I see. 

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Only problem I personally had with it is I use Visa gift cards to buy things, so I assumed that the site doesn't handle those well.
I often get told my card is declined by a lot of websites because of this though. Fortunately itch doesn't fuck me over.

I feel like this is a situation where people just need more buttons to press on controllers for it to work.

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what is this back and forth lmao

both sides sound rude as hell 😭


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It costs more or less depending on if you buy it between the different sites.

Aside from that, they all give you the same thing.
Well- that and buying it over here gives you a key that will let you attach it to your vintage story account on the main site, letting that site know you own the game and can download the installer and updater over there.

I had to learn that the hard way because buying it on the main site didn't work for me either lol. I just figured worrying about two extra bucks wasn't worth the energy, so I bought it over here.

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Quick word of advice, itch developers post development logs usually.  Just look at the top of that to know.

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Has anyone ever asked you to make a cheat option that gives you all of the "% faster" bonuses before you start a new save?

Like for people that want an easier time getting everything, but still want to have to earn their stat points, and without having a full inventory from the start.

Small idea I'm sure I've had before but kept to myself and forgot about.

Fortunately I like answering questions people have about games I like lol.

At the moment I'm pretty sure all the endings for the game are done, which I've done them all, so I'll tell you things that will happen without spoiling much.

1) Yes, Gomamon is the only one you can have sex with.

2) Drimogemon is an optional non-con encounter, if I remember correctly. (Though there is an optional encounter right before the first real 'hurdle' of the game

(optional in the sense of if you want to view it or not, that will happen in canon no matter what you pick. It's for plot reasons I guess, lol.))

3) It's not possible, but you can use his genital slit like a pussy.

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Whether something is fictional or real is the focus.
This is simply an "interactive visual story" that did not happen, and can not happen. 

You may view it as wrong to even portray stuff like this- even in fiction where nobody gets hurt, but to the rest of us, it is simply a story that we read for our enjoyment.

Sure, you may not hear anyone out, but that's you being shortsighted.

To straight up call it "grooming" like it's that bad? How many people do you think get off to the real stuff that happens to real people? Those are the real freaks.

If you read this whole thing, then I appreciate your time being taken out of your day to at least read this, however. Just went on a short rant is all.

Did you only copy the "saves" file from the last version within the "www" folder?

I can hear the copypasta already...

It was a desuarchive /trash/ thread.
I was gonna link it here, but I can't find it lol.

I saw this game in my YouTube recommended page. 😭

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If the new Freeplay menu is there, then all you need to do is scroll the difficulty to the right far enough.

Though the update is not up here yet, so we'll have to wait. Newgrounds has it though.

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I saw a game in a certain orbfucker thread, and was wondering what it was.
I didn't know the name, so I had nothing to go off of to find it.

And finally I had found it.
It looks fun nonetheless, --this being said before playing the game.

-----Edit 3 Hours Later-----

That was neat.

The Moon level gave me a bit of trouble, but I eventually beat it after about 5 or 7 tries. I dunno, I wasn't really counting. It was probably more.

Lmao It's alright.

At least now you know lol

You innocent soul.
You haven't been tainted by what the fandom calls "Undertail" yet, have you?

*Looks at the name of the game.

"They don't know. 😭"

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I said which files already.

Though just so you won't have to look at my other reply again, move the "audio" and "data" folders that were in the part2 download both into the folder named "www". 

Though I just realized, just in case you might not have downloaded both part 1 and part 2, which you need both. Just saying.