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Does Grace's Juggernaut Hurl work on the second boss's defense too? When they cast that protection spell it gets hard to do much damage, combined with the main part doing an attack-all attack it's an uphill fight! (MIGHT just be that I was underleveled too) Restarting to see if it's just the latter... 

My other question deals with an odd error/oversight. I accidentally found out that the cat in town can change your name, before the girl with the cat mentions that can happen. Explained a few other things that were "that makes no sense...". it is possible to cat the cat in town not change the name until you meet with her? It's fine if you aren't worried about it, just thought it odd!

Grace's JH works on any shield status, so it works on the second boss as well. Hint, only one of the hands can cast protect, start killing that one.

She was more of a reminder, the rename option is there cuz people play shared saves a lot so I added just in case. Also, the warning girl is a beta character only, when the game is fully finished, she'll be moved around.