I'm testing out the various features of Super Text Mesh and I consistently get a crash when I try to use the inline quads in a UI setting.
- Create a new project with Unity 5.5.0f3.
- Import Super Text Mesh.
- Add a Super Text Mesh component in the scene by doing 'right click>UI>Super Text Mesh'.
- Change the text to '<q=anybutton>'.
- Unity crashes with this Editor.log.
If instead of '<q=anybutton>' I type '<q=cross>', it works but my console is spammed with this error (and will crash whenever I add another inline tag):
Converting invalid MinMaxAABB
UnityEngine.Mesh:SetTriangles(List`1, Int32)
SuperTextMesh:SetMesh(Single, Boolean) (at Assets/Clavian/SuperTextMesh/Scripts/SuperTextMesh.cs:2377)
SuperTextMesh:SetMesh(Single) (at Assets/Clavian/SuperTextMesh/Scripts/SuperTextMesh.cs:2345)
SuperTextMesh:Rebuild(Single) (at Assets/Clavian/SuperTextMesh/Scripts/SuperTextMesh.cs:925)
SuperTextMesh:Rebuild() (at Assets/Clavian/SuperTextMesh/Scripts/SuperTextMesh.cs:884)
SuperTextMesh:Update() (at Assets/Clavian/SuperTextMesh/Scripts/SuperTextMesh.cs:931)