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Pocket platformer

Code free tool for creating platformer games · By The l0bster

Ideas and suggestions

A topic by The l0bster created Jul 02, 2023 Views: 1,714 Replies: 68
Viewing posts 1 to 24

Add your ideas how to improve the tool / what features you would look to see in the future here :) 


I had very similar ideas :)

I agree that cutscenes would be cool. I'm unsure about the exact implementation for now.

Regarding custom elements - by "softlocking" you mean that they are limited to 18 elements? I'm planning to make a pagination and allow an infinite amount of elements too.

You can change border tiles by selecting "edge blocks" in the draw section dropdown.

And i also agree that more VFX and maybe some sort of VFX editor would be nice and make PP flashier..


didn't knew lol. will see later... 

maybe also an idea for sounds of player dying, jumping and dashing? like not only background music...

also a cool idea to set up background color to every level separately like vfx and size? also background music level (not-game) dependant would be cool...


thx 👍 most of this things are already on my radar

okeh :)

Weird idea but maybe you could make a pseudo cutscene system by letting developers prerecord Source engine demo type gameplay and then play it back as a level with text and descriptions or whatever.


a cutscene generator would be cool in general :) has been already requested a couple times...haven't thought about exact details yet

Suggestion, make the software open source, I'd like to see the modding community for this. I understand if you want to keep the source code private.

i'd like it too...

(just for forking it and making mobile app out of it... right now even web version isnt mobile-friendly...)

Deleted 97 days ago
Deleted 97 days ago
Deleted 97 days ago
Deleted 97 days ago

idea for current updates - maybe a custom sprite for spinning player (after getting thrown out of barrel) ?


don't think i will do that. don't want to overwhelm users with too many sprites, and the spinning animation is played for a very short time only


- level management (rearranging so you dont need to redraw all the game if you f.e. putted a level too early)

- cloning levels (like to not make a empty default scene but copy tiles from existing one)

- changing title fonts (not only default pixel one, even 3 fonts of current one, serif and sans-serif would be better than only default)

- being able to redraw mobile controls same as sprites in game

- ability to use custom hex color in color picker (right now its limited set of colors)


thx, good points.

Probably going to make point 1 and 2, but not the rest. Colors are limited on purpose, to keep it simple and i don't care enough about mobile to make controls changeable^^

Deleted 97 days ago

very bad idea - high-res version of pocket platformer. read - 16x16 sprites instead of 8x8 and bigger game scaling (two times of existing size, like 1588x868)

why i want that? if i put games from this engine in game jams i get lower rated for too pixelled and small game


My problem with it is, that in the end-screen, you see how many collectibles you collected. To simplify that (not show the amount of different collected collectibles), and some other things, like flag opening logic, and i made them not cloneable.

couldn't it be so default coin icon (not cloned) would be coin icon at finish menu (like hardcoded) but being cloneable so i can add many looks to that icon?


but then it's kinda confusing. the user could collect 5 coins and 5 diamonds or whatever, and in the end he sees he collected 10 coins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

i know but well…

what for then is an engine if i need to modify output manually later?

feature request - being able to clone also collectible thingies in custom items page…


I might've gave somebody an idea on making a PP-like engine, but for the Sega Master System or even a PP converter. What do you think of that? Because I would like PP games to run on platforms other than just the internet browser.


i thought more of pp converter to .exe . apk and so on…


You can always learn to make a webpage wrapper using Electron, but it's rather painful and bloaty that way.


There are tools out there that can convert an HTML into an APK,  like webintoapp , or similar.

Not sure if webintoapp would work with a zip file on that front.


One way to make it easier to convert to other platforms/engines could be the ability to export the game data into something that can be read by other platforms, like, for example:

  • A JSON or a YAML with all the data: easy to implement, but the graphics may have to be represented in an akward way;
  • A PNG containing the graphics, plus a set of Tiled-compatible TMX and TSX files: would require more implementation work, but would load on Tiled without any additional effort, and many engines have plugins for importing those, or may even be able to work with them out of the box.

The idea would be that, if someone ever wanted to migrate their game to other engine, it would be as painless as it could possibly be. Of course, the various behaviours would have to be implemented from scratch on the target engine.

Hmm...yeah, this is gonna be a challenge, but I like it tbh.

(4 edits)

Starting to experiment with data extraction:

 The work-in-progress script above extracts the level/sprite data from the exported HTML into a JSON file.

Example exported JSON:


that's awesome! :)

Already useful as it is, even if you don't continue with this project.

Thanks! ;)

The script has been updated to generate a PNG spritesheet, too:


:o nice!

Now, the script can also generate a Tiled-compatible TSX file, including custom properties and animations.

Example TSX file:

The tileset opened in Tiled:


cool! thx!

The script now exports the levels into Tiled-compatible TMX files (only map layer for now; objects will be next):

Original level:

Converted to Tiled (so far):


moving tiles when? and pushing blocks (along with detectors of them) ? or sticky player (so i could build push-the-box game)?


vfx idea - sliding line like in vhs tapes… (with possiblity to change line direction, line color or gradient, shadow thickness, shadow opacity and line thickness)

just throwing here screenrecord of a bug with pseudo-moving platforms… fun one, very buggy


thx. well the bug here is that the blue/red tiles should be placeable on paths at all, as the collisions are not implemented for that. so that's the thing that i should prevent for the time being

bug is mostly that disabled tiles (eg. blue tile) aren't even detected in gui by p-p and are only stored in db for existing in another time (like if they weren't placed) but not by level itself


yes, thx, exactly. 

because blue tiles are not solid in the beginning, but only become solid after touching the switch, which leads to problems. i will need to fix it


layer problem…


idea - either making animations longer than 2 frames or make ability to merge deco elements with paths...


It would be fun if there were secret levels.  So to speak, NPCs who are, say, soldiers and they shoot from something :).


can't you make secret levels with custom doors?

but yeah, red/blue (or maybe green/yellow or something) switches could be made to persist whole game - like coins...

In terms of? I'm not the creator.

i know but for the now you can make few exits and entrances to one room so its theoretically possible to mess up specially as recently it got an option to hide level-changing animation...


First of all, thanks a lot for this amazing tool. I use it in game design workshops with kids and they love it.

It would be amazing to have mobile support for the editor, so they could also use it with tablets.


thx! :) glad they like it.

Honestly i don't think that mobile controls for the tool will happen because the tool is made with desktops in mind mostly. But the expoeted games can be played on mobile phones.


just add touch and long touch detection to existing editor. nothing much :)


maybe add custom one-way blocks?

now not yet available...


make an offline version of engine...and adding plugins for monetization, you can sell your engine for some $ ...etiding menu... splash screen...addong buttons


you can download a zip with all files here:

not thinking about monetization


i am a serious person. ragdoll-like bodies


very good tool. awesome, i think you can sell this tool, and put something premium features. really love it. 


thank you :)


maybe make sounds for each level? so i can put quicker music to last/harder level and at start make something "sleepy" ?

and cutscenes still not done (it could have two buttons for adding either cutscene or a level, where if chosen cutscene it'd show only editable field for title and content where is player management normally and normal level screen like in first&last levels ("press enter to start" things) )


Hi! Thank you so much for the tool. Some ideas occured to me:

  • Possibility to run code through NPCs, like not just displaying text, but e.g. setting variables, calling functions or triggering effects.
  • Move objects, e.g. the ability to push a box over the end of a platform to overcome obstacles below.
  • Conditional end tiles, as in you can only pass through to the next level if you have collected a key.

Good luck!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you! :) 

i was planning on doing a simple event system and hopefully some of your suggestions will be possible to do with it. 

You can also already achieve "conditional endings" with coins and flags in case you've overlooked this feature btw. Place some coins and click on a set flag to make it conditional.

maybe adding a typical enemy? like to make enemy where by jumping on him you can destroy him and it will automatically detect solid fields (or it being able to swim in all directions in water). also - making sword for player for more typical way of fighting (with it possibly a hearts system) ;-)


i would like to do all of it. Cutscenes, enemies etc. My main problem is lacking the time for it.

Also i don't want to do quick fixes, like 1 generic enemy, 1 generic weapon. Those things should be made flexible, so it's possible to expand them later, but such ground-work takes longer than a simple solution..

will see how good is my programming skill & will try to fork it and update myself :D


Ok. Give it a go. I think just making a goomba- style enemy f.e. isn't that hard. But creating f.e. an enemy you can adjust in the tool with different behaviour etc. is the hard part .. depends what you need..

killing dragon with sword. literally :)


ok^^ do it :p