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Katja's Abyss: Tactics

A turn-based tactical game with minesweeper-inspired mechanics. Play the campaign to learn what Katja's planning. · By OneHundredThousand

Bug Reports and Other Issues Sticky

A topic by OneHundredThousand created Apr 09, 2021 Views: 844 Replies: 22
Viewing posts 1 to 12

Please share your bugs and other issues you find here! 

We will do our best to address and fix them as soon as possible and upload a fixed version. In the case that you download a new version to fix a bug, here are the steps necessary in order to keep your save data:

  • Open the file location where katjasabyss.exe/ is
  • Copy katjasabyss.saves and paste it somewhere safe (eg. on the Desktop)
  • Reinstall Katja's Abyss: Tactics
  • Move the katjasabyss.saves folder from your Desktop (or wherever you pasted it) back into the folder where the game is, choosing "replace" when prompted

The files inside katjasabyss.saves are what store your campaign progress, high score, settings preferences, and other details. If the above steps are inaccurate to your system, just make sure you don't lose the files inside katjasabyss.saves.

Developer (2 edits)

Known Bug #01 - Enemies spawn on top of units

Description: When there is little fog of war and enemies spawn, there is a chance an enemy will be created at a location occupied by an existing unit.

Threat Leve: Minor; enemy can be targeted or player unit can be moved from the double-occupied space

Steps to reproduce:

  • Move player units to reduce darkness/fog of war to a minimum
  • Wait for turn multiple of 3 (eg. turn 3, 6, 9, etc.), when enemies spawn
  • Rely on random chance to spawn enemy on occupied space

Fixed on: 4/12/21 (Hotfix 1.0.1)

Developer (1 edit)

Known Bug #02 (and a half) - Mid-level save data doesn't get cleared

Description: Quitting in the middle of the campaign level, then beating it later, will cause you to load back into that level when you select "Continue" from the title menu.  ADDITIONALLY, selecting "Erase save data" on the title screen will not remove the mid-level save data.

Threat Level: Mid; cannot be fixed without manipulating files in the file browser. 

Steps to reproduce: 

  • Enter a campaign level
  • Quit (don't retreat)
  • Continue campaign mode
  • Beat the level 
  • Quit to the title screen from the level select area
  • Continue campaign mode
  • Observe

How to fix: 

  • Open the file location where katjasabyss(.exe/.app) is (where the game is on your computer)
  • Open katjasabyss.saves
  • Delete 3.rsav
  • (This works to resolve both of the issues described above.)

Fixed on: 4/12/21 (Hotfix 1.0.1)

Developer (1 edit)

Known Bug #03 - Sector 8 can be completed incorrectly

Description: Sector 8 allows you to build an Extractor. It should be disabled on this level due to a different win condition. This can cause a quite confusing and anti-climactic ending to the game. 

Threat Level: Med; likely to occur and interferes with the ending of the game.

Steps to reproduce: 

  • Enter Sector 8
  • Collect 150 energy
  • Build an Extractor
  • Observe

How to fix: 

  • Do not build an Extractor in Sector 8

Fixed on: 4/15/21 (Hotfix 1.0.2)

Developer (1 edit)

Known Bug #04 - HQ ending breaks level select map

Description: Completing Sector 8 and receiving the "HQ ending"  results in the level select map becoming unusable after the credits finish rolling

Steps to reproduce:

  • Complete Sector 8
  • Proceed through the ending cutscene and credits
  • Observe

How to fix: 

  • While on the level select map after completing the credits, DO NOT CLICK QUIT IN THE MENU
  • Close the program with Alt+f4/Command+Q or by clicking the X in windowed mode
  • Reopen the game and Continue the campaign

Fixed on: 4/15/21 (Hotfix 1.0.2)

Developer (1 edit)

Known Bug #05 - Hot Keys for movement and actions usable when unit already moved/acted

Description: If a selected unit has acted already, an X keypress allows the unit to act again. Similar with pressing C to trigger movement. Additionally, if a unit has acted, C cannot be used to start movement, and if a unit has moved, X cannot be used to start acting.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Perform a unit action
  • Select the unit and press X
  • Observe

How to fix: 

  • Do not press X if the selected unit has acted
  • Do not press C if the selected unit has moved 

Fixed on: 5/3/21 (Hotfix 1.0.3)


Hi, I just got this game as part of the big bundle.  The download page says "Your purchase comes with a Steam key!"  However, clicking show steam key shows the message "There are no keys available at this time, try again later."


Hi! That's because all the available Steam keys have been claimed. I did not account for the bundle sales when I requested the batch of keys from Steam! Thanks for notifying me. I will request more and post a devlog when more are available. Thanks for your patience. 

yes i wait for steam key thanks


Steam keys have been restocked.


I'm playing the infinite mode, and on floor 4, it won't let me build the extractor. it gives me the message "Build Extractor on Target!" every time I try. I've scrolled over the whole map and I don't see any target spots. moving my refinery around to try building elsewhere didn't help.


I might know what the source of that is. Big whoops. That message is meant for Sector 3 in Campaign Mode.

(1 edit)

In campaign, when I replay the tutorial via going to the training facility and then exit out of it the refinery that I control on the level select hub spawns on top of the door to the training facility. I can't move using the arrow keys as the refinery is stuck inside the door and using the mouse to click anywhere on the hub will automatically send me into Sector 7. Retreating from that level sends me back to the level select with the refinery still stuck in the same position. Once the refinery gets stuck like this it stays on that same spot even after closing and relaunching the game.

After erasing save data, replaying the tutorial doesn't seem to get me stuck anymore. However, the game keeps asking me to enter a name whenever I replay and leave the tutorial. Also, I am only able to leave the tutorial by completing it as the retreat option doesn't seem to work in the tutorial unless this is intended.

(2 edits)

Pressing P automatically clears the level you are currently playing in.

When I pressed P in campaign levels, dialogue that usually happens upon victory occurred followed by the results/rating screen. The sector would then be counted as cleared and the game let me progress.

In infinite mode, the game asked me for my name as if I was starting a new campaign save. I was able to type whatever in the box asking for my name, and upon hitting either Esc or Enter the game said I've successfully built an extractor for the level and therefore count it as a clear and move me to the next level.


Oof, that is a massive problem. Thanks for reporting. Sounds like someone forgot to tick a box before shipping the last build (it was me).

(1 edit)

Great game! Two bugs I found while playing:

1. Sound settings don’t save between game restarts (Windows 10).

How to reproduce:

a. Open the game and go into Settings.
b. Choose "Sound" and use the arrow keys to lower the sound volume to 0; sound is silent during game play.
c. Quit the game.
d. Re-open the game; sound levels are back to their defaults.

Expected behavior: changes to sound settings will persist when quitting the game.

2. Reading the mission Help and clicking “Accept” ends the turn.

How to reproduce:

a. Start a new sector in Campaign mode.
b. Make a few moves with your units, but don't complete your turn.
c. Check the "? Help ?" menu to get information about the mission.
d. Click "Accept" to close the dialog; turn automatically ends and goes to enemy turn.

Expected behavior: After closing the Help menu, player should be able to continue their current turn.


Thank you! The sound volume was an engine limitation that was just lifted. I'll get around to adding that into the game. (if you're curious, it's also related to why the sound volume UI is visually different from all other menus.)

I could have sworn I fixed the end turn issue with the help menu! Totally frustrating thing to encounter, I'm sure. Sorry about that. 

(2 edits)

Uh... That "end turn issue with the help menu" still happens. Is this game now on... Final version? Or not?

Level 3's a slog, especially since I accidentally retreated, but at least it's not hard.

Music's good at least?


I'm gonna be real with you, this game is from 3 years ago. The chances of me risking diving back into the code for a re-export are pretty low. Katja 2 might happen sooner.

Thanks for being real!

"Katja 2 might happen sooner." as in that's actually likely? Or not likely but still more likely than a patch?


A magician never reveals her secrets... or her to-do list.

May you make a fun show!

(1 edit)

Hi, I've been enjoying the game but there are a few bugs I've encountered:

1. The "actions" cheat gets turned into the "energy" cheat at some point after buying it, maybe after reloading the save or something?

2. Sometimes the "acted" marker doesn't appear for a unit. I'm not sure why this happens. I've seen it on the miner and the non-upgraded fighter. Clicking the unit behaves properly though (i.e. if it's acted already, no action button is presented even if the graphic hasn't updated).

3. Sometimes there is no number next to a non-revealed tile. It should probably be 0 in that case I'm not 100% sure.

4. Numbers next to non-revealed tiles don't refresh until the end of the turn. Maybe this is a game mechanic but I'll say it just in case.

5. (I have no idea how to reproduce this one, it happened *once*) I had a refinery, and a scorpion to the right of it, then a refinery two blocks below the scorpion. I used the bottom refinery to create a fighter above and attack the scorpion, but I got a message saying there's nothing to attack there. On removing the attack overlay, the scorpion turned into a fighter as if I had just spawned a second one, and neither fighter had "acted" that turn. The top-left refinery hadn't acted either and didn't really play much of a part in this but it's looking mighty sus.

6. (Not a bug but an issue ig) the "retreat" button doesn't ask for confirmation. Sometimes I get into a rhythm of moving units, pressing esc to remove the overlay, then clicking another unit to select and move it. If I move a unit to the end of its range, it doesn't show the overlay automatically, so pressing esc instead brings up the menu and quite often my mouse is on a dangerous button like quit (thankfully asks for confirmation) or retreat (which... just scraps everything :( ). Relating to this I've also clicked the "help" button and reached the bug that Lord Kitty Tutu describes too.

7. Sometimes on the level select screen, no movement input is accepted until the menu is brought up and dismissed.

As you can tell I've been playing a lot lol, I used it to pass the time on the train to my parents' house.