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A member registered Aug 18, 2019

Recent community posts

Ha! Alice in Wonderland Size-stuff! Nice!

Is there actually a plot? But cool idea in any case!

Ooh, he doesn't look too villainous! I could see him as a protagonist or something!

Wow! Jirik's soo armored up we can't see any of his skin! Nor his tail! That's some well-designed armor!

Is that yellow stuff his hair?? Kobolds with hair. how about that.

More Kobold history! Woo!

May you find even more time next week!~

Thanks for responding!

Well, I was wrong that the web version was stopping me where I was, I just didn't realize that the second city thing has the same "Walk out the regular way to go from small to Regular" as the hometown and walked out the top every time.

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How *do* banes interact with Damage Reduction anyway? Seems like they double the damage, but if I can get immunities, then Banes aren't useful on me?

But the best I can do is probably single element resist focus, with Water damage reduced to 5%. Good thing there's no Boater upgrade that takes it to 50% Water Resist. And the worst with that setup is Earth and Wind's 35% damage. Not quite 1/3 of regular, but it's close. Good thing there's no medals that boost resistances permanently. That would be really OP! Heh.

Was noting how funny it is that Brill can be ambushed by Bandits outside of Torkenwatch Lighthouse, because it's isolated from the rest of Regalle by the cave and forest! heh.

(4 edits)

Lol the great "stealth" pun opening! Hello world!~

Good luck in the jam!

Is it impossible to play through the Web version? Okay, so I broke the first cave. Right. Gonna go to the download version later.

(1 edit)

Good strong combos! Now thinking on "If most attacks are Elemental, then just using all the elemental protection gear might save me?"

I think I got about 80% reduction for all elements is possible? But the smart play at that point is just to Gravity. If he has that. But even tons of (attack and damage) reduction will just delay the battle's end. Which is the point...

Congrats on getting past the hurdle!

(3 edits)

Played because of the bug report.

Cute! Managed to get very far, I guess, without needing to Use any items with enter! heh.

Interestingly, the Subterrene bug doesn't happen immediately on entering the area, but only if you switch items while in it. And you have to return to No Item before the bug triggers. Gonna reload and see if it happens. Windows 10 Firefox latest here.

But, can't get it to trigger after a save and reload from outside the Sub.

It's almost like a first-run-through bug. But if I get it after Continuing, maybe it's not.


Does the Pass not have any interaction text??

Nice! Multiple things to optimize for, there's possibly / at least 3 optimum strats for everyone!

Updating while I'm watching this talking crystal game! heh. How much am I missing for not having played FFIII, I wonder...

(27 edits)

More thoughts in my previous comment responding to this comment, but looking at Hard puzzle 0866902, "firefighter" is misspelled, "firefigher".

EDIT: Wow, Hard 863327 has 16 clues! And 189716!

EDIT 2: Hard Puzzle 0 has too many words. Spills over into the buttons. 950088 too. 837369 is really bad about it.

EDIT 3: Hard Puzzles 2 and 5 only have 9 clues! huh!

Wow, Hard 062453.

8 clues: Hard 659189, 505512, 695359, 968445, 043026, 769076, 043741, 176693, 497446, 331082

Never seen a 7 clue-r...

Oh. 0. 00, and 000000. are all the same. There's hidden 0s.

EDIT 4: 15 clues but so long to hit the second line of buttons: 284376

EDIT 5: Oh, a nameless Hard 8 clue puzzle! Cool! 641472, 376749, 172915, 944971

EDIT 6: Darn, the randomization of new puzzles is cyclic, seemingly dependent on the abandoned number.

17 clues! 989966

(6 edits)

I see! Lucky that my latest Hard Puzzle had London in it!

Unfortunately, the pure black and white is causing a small amount of

And there was more contrast when grids were colored differently than the background, but I can adjust. Thanks for the update!

EDIT: Would be nice if the game checks for solutions like "if you've completed 4 of the right grids, you've completed the whole puzzle. Like if in Hard mode, you complete the top set of 4 grids, there's no new info to find.

EDIT 4: But it seems if I complete some bigger subset, it also fully completes. I can't quite tell / remember.

EDIT 2: A clue set in Hard 73336:

1. A may be Y or Z
2. A is not Z

can happen, which seems silly and should just be merged into "A is Y"?

EDIT 3: Same Puzzle as ^, might not want "Year of the Horse" and "horse as a pet" both as options.

"(You cannot, unfortunately, smuggle 25 Blessed Bottles out of the room.)"

Dang! Well, it makes sense that Tower Management would take them back! And they sure are useful for healing to try and survive Aeternator!

Hope next week's time finding goes better!

I wonder more and more about the mysterious Omega Potion. What will it do? Could I use it in the Tower? Or does it have some special non-Tower ingredient... Hmm! :laugh:

Cool plans! "The elemental essence of triumph"! Wow! Triumph feels great!

"The earlier rewards relate to the old Tower Lords"

I don't think I realized that? Nice! Makes being a Tower Lord extra cool, getting your own item!

May you find even more time!

(1 edit)

Yeah! Woo! This is the kind of logic puzzle I want! Uh, is Lodnon supposed to be that, not London?

Wish this had more tags so I didn't have to luck into this as hard. Maybe this is a good tag:

Hard Puzzle, tons of replayability!

Only wish the background would stop moving. And could crossout clues that we're done with.

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Wish Hospital Ships either healed me too, or didn't say "all ships", because I thought it would heal me who took the legendary shield without Battery to support it and started a battle with like 15 HP.

Came from the Minesweeper tag. Fun! Not sure what Lava Tiles are since I never took the chance to get them and my enemies didn't hit me with them.

Funny description! Came from following

Just so there's a record of why I downloaded this.

Came from:

If you want more tags, try looking at or

I guess? Have fun on the internet!

he's big, clocking in at 1750 HP and 30 Defense before any Tower Lord boosts

oof. Yeah! MASS!


Despite being a hulking metal walker, this Golem is actually something of a naturalist



if the debuffs or buffs on either side get to be too much, he'll remove them with Steam Clean, a Golem precept developed relatively recently to deal with magical pollutants.

Steam Ouchy! Well, at least making it happen will use up some of his time?


"If he's picked up an axe and gone to the Challenge Tower to train, something might have him concerned..."

Well, that Whirlpool near the Frozen Reach has gone unexplored... Might be important later.

(5 edits)

Funny items! Good (not!)typing! Can't use mouse to "type", unfortunately!

Dang, got back inside my tower right at the end, and still failed because I didn't hit the button.

Can grab multiple things and stash them in the tower! Anticipated! Sweet! And was mid-type when my rent ran out?? What?

Ooh, backrooms. I bet we can cancel a portal and try again! Ooh.

Is this

Got past the first barrier is why I'm asking. Maybe I'll try again if it's actually got an ending? Heh. Funny reviews! Nice!

(2 edits)

Good thing you have the screenshots to show that it's like MMBN / One Step From Eden / whatever grid shooter.
Judging from tags in these games, you might want to add Grid-based as a tag.

Good music!

That the Shoot Button is also left-mouse click I only noticed after moving between comment and game, and should be noted in the game instructions.

But it's not a mouse-game. Can't click buttons, mmm.

So, Lola at least doesn't kill you if you lose. That's good?

Does this still work? Tried Jetpack vs. Heart Crystal and Moon vs. Rock and Matchups aren't completing?

Aw, looks so cute! May you get the sound working in Android!

My existing Backlog is the only reason I'm not playing this, but good luck!

their biome becomes "any place with air". (That's a lot of places.)



Lifesparks! I thought they were just shiny gold! "heal and speed up their team", along with Tailwind speeding them up... oof.

So glad that this game has buffs on basic stats just overwrite each other instead of multiplying!


May your work go well and hope that Next Monday is the one in 2 days!

(1 edit)

If you haven't solved the ingredients issue yet, a possibly big clue is how a basic 20 points of Fire Damage of 35% 35% is only 1 Jumbo Pepper and 1 Sun Shard.

But 21 Damage turns it into 1 Jumbo Pepper, 1 Sun Shard, and 2 more Jumbo Peppers, with the recipe having ingredient duplication.

Trying to get the most new things in a bundle, and I know other games that are in multiple active bundles, but I can only see one bundle per game?

What determines which bundle appears on a game's page? Is it the lowest Price per Individual Game?

Watery themed group this!

Have fun! Gtg, so short comment today!

(2 edits)

Bestiary Description issues: Fionain's name has Unicode issues or something in the Balorite Druid and Hedge Keeper descriptions.

But it's spelt fine in Journal Entry for completed quest: On Topiary of the World?


Mixing bug: 70 Damage Fire Ingredient Report doesn't merge Engine Coins. It wants 3x Engine Coins, 3x Sun Shards, and 2x Engine Coins.

Good luck!

Ooh, right, when looking at the game description, is the game still expected to only be 20hrs for current stuff? Or is it 25 or 30 hrs now?

Yeah, no strat I have is gonna let me win against this guy. Cool challenge! Survival!

Took me a while to figure out the mouse cursor direction sorta matters.

May you make a fun show!

I guess you mean:

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Flip Pillow flips only 2 when at the edge of the tiles. Hope the Brain enemy is the final boss...

I could try again, but nah. Too much thinking.

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Didn't expect this from trying out the Alchemist Tag. What's with the first 2 games being LGBT? Not against it, just strange stats.

Also, why isn't Japanese in the Languages section? Although I guess it isn't a Japanese game, not really.

Dang, didn't get the 100 Gold Advance in the third week. This is gonna throw off my plans. Might reset.

Whelp, lost the second garden. Gotta reset.


Can't sell the Mind Enhancements that I have on hand when I get the request for 3!

May your next version be even better!

Also Inventory doesn't mark their existence!

Can leave in Day 11. Also wish there was a reset game button so I could try for a different ending.

(4 edits)

I wonder if you wanna put the Alchemy tag in, since it exists. Or Alchemist.
And Potion:
And... throw? Okay, that exists...

Thanks! Have a good time game making!

Cool! Kirby!!

Heh. You gotta endure the stairs as a pre-challenge!

The basement's so much smaller than the Easy Mode lobby! Interesting! Probably not boss-refights, that's not really a challenge? That's also not unique.

Lol if it's not fighting but is instead puzzles.

There's no Point Redemption Station here, so rewards are different?