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A member registered Jan 29, 2015 · View creator page →

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Wow, I'm very impressed that you made this all in just 2 hours! You did a great job for your first jam, especially in just such a small amount of time. I liked that you added story to it as well on top of the mechanics, a lot of jam games don't do that. The switching mechanic was interesting, and although the jump sometimes didn't work for me, it was fun. Good job on your submission friend! :)

This was a real good time. Definitely a unique take on the theme as far as I've seen so far in all my ratings, and the setting and FPS/Puzzler genre gave me some Portal-esque vibes in a good way. Will move past the bugs cuz this is a jam and its bound to happen, and the rest of the game was good enough that once they were navigated around they didn't occur to me again. 

For a 48 hour jam this is a very ambitious project and I'm seriously impressed at the visuals, music, and gameplay all being crafted within this time. You all did a great job and made a challenging and quite unique end product. Good job!

Thanks so much <3 Yes totally agree, the item hover UI both for comparisons and for just seeing your gear will definitely be revamped for any post-jam release! Cheers for the feedback! :)

This was very challenging at first, the controls for switching between characters were hard. Challenging, but satisfying! And a very interesting take on the theme. Good job on your sub! :)

Very cool project! The level design of each little self contained box was dope, I loved the little diaramas. The magnets were quite hard to control, but I got there in the end! Great job :)

So much juice and cuteness jammed into these little orbs! I love their adorable little smiley faces :) The gameplay is fun, and the idea is a good concept and a fun unique take on the theme. I would have preferred maybe an extra ability for the player or maybe some way of regenerating the little orbs as if you mess up and lose too many, its hard to get enough back from enemies as you can't kill them as fast and therefore lose more little orbs as a result. Otherwise, great job and great submission!

Great job! This combination main mechanic is a great idea, and the levels you made work really well and create challenging and thought provoking puzzles. The backtracking and multiple different combinations were very well utilized via level design, which is dope. Good job on your sub! :) 

Aww the little friendo's are so cute! This was fun, cute, and well very polished for a jam game. The mechanic was clear and easy to understand, and overall very enjoyable. Great job! 

Thanks so much for checking it out! Agree 100% regarding the skip turn button, for sure - that's a common piece of feedback so far I think

Also re: the broken death button, it weirdly only works if you click it right at the bottom or top of the button, some weird UI collision bug. 


- Definitely agree on the skip button! 

- Avoiding combat entirely is supposed to be detrimental as it means you don't level up and will get destroyed on lower floors, but this isn't communicated very well to the player at all in the jam build so I can see why this has come up a few times! The control to build around enemies is intentional, but without the knowledge that you need to at least kill some to keep up with difficulty, it seems like a smarter choice to always dodge them!

- Yeah thats the #1 bug we've noted haha, its at the top of the game page, tis a Unity button bug that is blocking button clicks on most of the button and only lets you click it right at the bottom.

- Also a seemingly quite random bug, but thanks for pointing it out!

Thank you so much for your detailed feedback, it really is super helpful for us continuing on with this post-jam :) Glad you liked it despite the issues!

Cheers for the extensive feedback!

- RE: Combat risk, the main concept is that difficulty scales up per-floor and the only way to keep up is to level up via combat or you'll quickly be overcome. Sadly, this is only implemented very basically in the jam build and isn't visually shown well at all, so it makes total sense that people would endeavour to just dodge fights! Definitely something to solve.

- The first turn only letting you place 1 tile instead of 3 was a very late bug, and turned out to be because when we automatically place the entrance and exit tiles it counted as player tiles being placed (facepalm!). But yeah its very annoying to have to backpedal until the turn is over, could definitely use a 'skip phase' button anyway :)

Thanks again for your feedback, I'm really glad you enjoyed it <3

Cheers! Yep, totally agree that a skip phase button would be ideal, as well as trackers for how many more tiles / steps you can take. Thanks for playing! :)

Fun concept, I liked the idea of slowly upgrading the planet over time by catching special asteroids, that was an interesting twist on the concept of just avoiding for as long as possible. Good submission, and I really liked the FX too :) 

As some others below have stated,  my main issue is that its hard to really see where your characters are going to go, and with physics its a bit unpredictable. But its a fun game otherwise, and very cute lil characters and music for sure. Really nice submission! Good job :)

Cool idea and a fun aesthetic! I'm a big fan of this kind of gameplay, and I can see the good link to the theme :) Good job!

Cheers for checking it out! Your feedback is invaluable <3 

As for the combat mechanic, annoyingly its kind of a symptom of our overly ambitious plan at the beginning, as killing monsters is supposed to level you up and increase your base stats so that you can keep up with the scaling level of the enemies as you go down floor by floor. This does exist in the game, but its not shown anywhere in the UI other than your health increasing, and its definitely not scaled well due to lack of time. So killing enemies is supposed to be a form of progression character-wise, but its definitely missing a great deal in that area as you say :)

We're definitely planning a post-jam version to patch a lot of these holes and bugs haha. Cheers again for checking it out <3

Interesting influence mechanic for getting the PLOW to move - it felt a bit uncontrollable at first but once I got used to how it needed to be gently pulled in the right trajectory, it was much easier. Interesting concept and a clear take on the theme! Good job :)

This was hilarious! I can't believe that evil moon stole my limbs, whats the deal with that? We need marble boy's backstory and an explanation for this vicious violent feud between him and the moon. 

Good job, funny game and fun gameplay too!

Thank you! Yeah sadly thats a known bug, the placement is definitely quite janky :( Cheers for checking it out though, glad you enjoyed the rest!

Really cool main mechanic and a clear link to the theme! Had a lot of fun accidentally squishing myself with the ball haha, and hearing the cries of terror as the ball got destroyed and the man was so sad at losing his friend. Great sub!

Very interesting take on the 'joined worlds' kind of mechanic for the theme. Was interesting to figure out the puzzles and the best way of picking up gems quickly, and your level design to make use of the mechanic was good! If I had to suggest one thing it would be to add some sort of transition for switching between the two worlds, as it was a bit jarring suddenly just snapping to the other view. But other than that, really good job! :)

Cute game and an interesting fast faced gameplay. I think it may have been a bit better if the reversal of gravity was a bit 'snappier' as sometimes it felt like the floatiness was very hard to control, but once you get used to that it was good. Good job on your submission! :)

Cheers! Glad you liked it, and yeah old dungeon crawlers were a big influence.

Woah, this is crazy for a 48 hour jam! Very impressive you also made the visuals / audio yourselves as well, big kudos to the team for getting all this together.

The 'puzzles' are intuitive and simple, but still satisfying. The main mechanic of switching via the radio reminds me a lot of the mirror switching in Dishonoured 2, in a good way. Exploring the ships at the beginning and then recalling where I saw different notes and objects was a fun part of the natural discovery process in the game that felt very organic.

Great job! 

Really interesting concept! I'm sad that the meal combination screen is a little visually bugged because I think it stopped me from progressing (I had a bunch of extra ingredients in there that kept getting in the way of the ones I needed too I think), but I really did dig the concept. Interesting and unique take on the theme, and the visuals and audio were fab! Great job

Cheers for the kind words and feedback! As for the button issue, thats a bug - you can progress onwards but you have to press right at the bottom of the button (some weird UI collision issue in the final build). But the rest of the game is 'infinite' and just scales in difficulty, so you didn't miss any 'new' content so to speak :)

Big thanks for checking it out <3

I won't cover the spawning spin issue as others already have, otherwise this was a really fun concept and a good time overall. I know you didn't make the music but it still paired well with the gameplay and made the experience very chill, and the sfx was a good choice too. Its clear how this fits the theme and a good take on the jam. Good job!

Hilarious! Can't believe you got that soundtrack and everything just in this jam, its great haha. Very well done, a fantastic submission that would make a funny full froggymothy game

Looks great and clever puzzle design! some audio would really tie this together :D

Hey! This is a bug ahh sorry, you can press the bottom part of the button when that happens, like inside the button but right at the bottom part of it. This was only an issue in the final build so we didn't see it in time to fix it sadly :( Sorry you ran into that!

Glad to hear you still enjoyed the rest of the game up to that point!

nice puzzle game! :D

Thank you! Yes we have plans for developing the game further; some ideas we had during the jam but didn't get the time to finish, and we will be looking to iron out some of those bugs too!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it :D

Really fun puzzle game! deceptively simple at first, but the interactions with the different block types, and learning that I could re-use blocks I had passed over really broadened the gameplay options. High Score of 14793! :D I did find the music loop repetitive after a while, but otherwise very nice game!  

Great visuals / art, the characters were very cute and distinct. The concept for the game is very nice as well, bringing a neighbourhood together through tea is a very wholesome take on the theme and I love it. Took me two tries to get it right, as I wasn't sure what the criteria was for making sure the tea was right for both parties, e.g. when both people liked completely different things, what levels to put to make them both satisfied? But I got there eventually! Good job :)

It did take me a while to understand the controls and what the small creature on the rope did, but it was a very interesting mechanic / level layout after that. Good job on your submission!

Haha this was very fun, especially when I got 16 trolleys in a line and they started flopping all over the place - the physics is very well done! The aesthetics and sound are also a great fit, and the game is challenging to perfect but easy to understand. Good job!

Very fun, satisfying, and a dope rhythm game! It took me a little while to get the hang of positioning the mouse correctly with the beat and dragging it to aim in time, but after that it was easy and a great time!

Haha holy moly this was so great! The hand drawn art, the dialogue and writing, the hilarious acappella music. I'm just sad that it wasn't somehow also hours longer ;) Very impressive, and hope you expand upon it after the jam!