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Tom Rafferty

A member registered Jun 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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dude, you nailed the look and feel here. it feels so crunchy and satisfying, well done man. 

p.s your art is getting way better too, the colours used are awesome

ey now come on the game is perfect with absolutely 0 flaws!

for some reason, I decided to play this while waiting on a phone call...

3260 was my score. get done! lol

wonderful combination of rhythm and arcade like survival

nice! damn I think you beat mine lol, you gotta stop doing that!

the concept is great! sometimes I seem to just die when it doesn't look like I get hit (maybe the colision shapes are a little big?). the only other problem I have is that the game is mute but when the countdown starts the level suddenly loud music starts playing which was a little uncomfortable. overall a great little concept

thanks for playing

oh dang, I didn't know, still never the less this could be something really fun to play with just a little polish, you should be proud you did all this in just 48hrs!

the game feels great but I can't seem to get over the other cars, at least I think that's what I need to do? there's a part quite close to the start where you use a ramp and the only way past the cars is the ramp (from what I can see) and I couldn't jump high enough to get over it. I may just be being daft. anyway, the game looks great and I love the hectic feel of the car. awesome visuals and camera motion! well done!

haha thank you for the feedback and for playing!

thank you so much for the kind words

very enjoyable! I would say if you wanted to improve it - a better sense of feedback would be good but it's really well made for 48hrs! well done! I'm bad at it, I only scored 41 haha

thanks for playing and the kind words, I'll check yours out now ;)

ye, sucks though cuz I had most of the code there I was just really struggling to get it implemented properly with player feedback and ui etc. this is my second ever solo jam so time management is still something I'm bad at but I think I'm getting better

I love the narrative and the graphics, some of the feedback is a little stiff but all in all really cool. well done!

very good score haha. if I was given the chance again I would learn more about arrays and rigidbody physics before starting the project haha. my original Idea was to have the player follow randomly generated recipes and I had most of the code done but not enough time to properly implement it so this was a quick fix and made the game a little less interesting. it also ended up being a fairly similar game to my previous solo jam for ludum dare so yeah, I learnt a lot but I feel like I could've done much better with a bit more know how. Thanks for the feedback and for playing!

wow that was well made! I'm really bad at it though hahaha was screaming at my laptop. very well made and designed!

thanks for the kind words and thank you for playing!

I really love the sound and the concept is awesome, brought back some sort of childhood feeling too so an instant plus, nicely done!

brilliant, I absolutely love the graphics and the mechanics are so smooth. very well made!

that was great! really nicely made and I love the style, the jump mechanic is simple to grasp and responsive. all in all very engaging and fun, I can't really think of any negatives

wow! that was brilliant, I really like the floaty movement and the way the game makes you feels sort of stressed while some how giving you that sigh of relief when you reach the goal. very well done!

wow this is so so cool! absolutly stunning execution!

yes well pointed out, I did intend to give a lot more feedback but no time, again though a very valid critisism - my time managment was poor and I had many issue which a good friend of mine had to keep advising me on. thanks for playing and for the feedback, much appreciated!

thanks but ye art really took a back seat this time around. however I did conceptualise the character at the start of the jam pretty much so as to get a feel but all pixel art was done in about 2hrs total, hence why the background looks dreadful hahaha and no particle effects :(

I love the concept and the graphics are wonderful! well done!

seems great but I didn't understand what I was supposed to do. maybe add a description to explain or have a tutorial in game. well done anyway!

seems like the start of a great idea but I can't say it fits the theme. well done nontheless!

woah that was trippy haha, pretty unique idea and a great exe(cution) well done!

the idea is brilliant, and those sound had shivers running up and down my spine from the beginning!

I absolutely love this art style! woah, reminds me a little of meg and mog crossed with tim burton. well done!

I absolutely love this art style! woah, reminds me a little of meg and mog crossed with tim burton. well done!

trust me I know exactly how you feel, I commented out so much and cut so much out of my game because I just couldn't put it together (I'm not a coder) and only had a couple hours for "art" haha. never the less, really well done!

absolutely wonderful, all the mechanics a sleek and work great and the gameplay is simple yet interesting. I'd love to see more, well done!


Thanks! yeah, almost everything went wrong but I "got there" in the end hahaha

loved it, as I said in my other comment, I'd love to see a panable camera but other than that - great job!