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A member registered Sep 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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This game made me hate birds.

Sped through this game my first time through. Now my arm hurts from moving the character so fast.

Just like it would if I was actually dragging myself on the ground and trying to shoot monsters with one arm - quite an immersive experience!


It was a reference to RedHotSonic's series where he tests various ROMs on real hardware, notably Sonic ROM hacks. I made the reference because the music sounded like a nice Sega Genesis jam. Good job on it, by the way! ^_^

Nice music! But does it work on real hardware?

(1 edit)

I second this! I think it helps that the visuals of this game remind me of a Vimlark game. Definitely the best looks I've seen so far.

(ノ︶▽︶)ノ ♡

Thanks! There is sound, but they're too quiet. At least compared to the music. Oops

Replying to my own comment because I forgot to mention the surprising amount of strategy there is - it's simplistic, but no doubt it's there.

(1 edit)

Good game! Special mention goes to the juice in this game. You put just enough screenshake in there for everything illegally satisfying to do with the game still being readable. The sound plays a big part in that, too.

I got 353600 points!

Also that is 100% the Megalovania synth in your music. Don't think I didn't notice
<( ◑_◑)👉

Good try

The concept is similar to what I came up with, but you (obviously) executed it so much better.

( ノ ゚▽゚)ノ

The music's actually pretty good, and I like the hand-drawn style. Both fit the slow-paced puzzle of using your corpses to block bullets so you don't die. They also help alleviate some of the frustration of this game. What is that frustration?

Well, corpses always spawn with what seems like a 90° rotation, meaning they're never exactly where I die. The movement is also slippery, but not like "you're on ice" slippery, more "the floor is mildly wet" slippery.

This feels like a flash game I'd play on the school computers while the teacher's not looking - all it needs now is some more sound effects, a few more levels, and the Miniclip logo. Simple fun!


you monster.

(1 edit)

I agree that a gamemode with a Detective would be cool, but I don't think it's necessary.

You need a Detective in games like Trouble in Terrorist Town because there aren't any meetings. In Among Us, the meetings make everyone a group of Detectives voting on who they think is the Impostor.

I think that a Detective would probably be part of a "Special Roles" mode that was going to be in Among Us 2, but will now be implemented into Among Us 1.

Other potential roles...

But, right now, the only way for us to see how it will really turn out is to wait for it to happen. I'm quite excited for it myself.

Innersloth Devs: Maybe the host can disable certain roles, and only make the Detective (or others) available?

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The goal of Pong is to be in the position to hit the ball when it comes to you and hope your opponent isn't, otherwise you have to do it again.

By making the ball a freaking gun, you also add positions you don't want to be at, positions that may align with where the ballgun will bounce.

Cool stuff to overanalyze. Oh and the game's good too.

EDIT: Oh, and that annoying vertical zig-zag pattern that delays an ordinary game of Pong? In this game of Gung, the extra time the ballgun spends bouncing up and down can be used to rain copper upon your opponent.

I don't think anyone wants to hear "Anyone who catches the flu is weak!" in their lifetime.

The art is well done ( nobody pays attention to the detailed ground, they just care about the slime ):< ), and the "remapped controls" mechanic isn't as annoying here as it is in other games. Sometimes I ended up playing Keyboard Twister, which I think you should capitalize on if you develop this further.

However, sometimes the controls are mapped to...troublesome keys, like the function keys or Enter. I didn't have too much of a problem with a function keys, but sometimes I just outright couldn't see what key was chosen! And, at least for me, sometimes I get randomly teleported somewhere. In one particular instance that I ran into both times I got there, I teleported into a wall and got stuck.

This is another one of many games made during this jam that deserve further development. Keep it up!

Thanks for the feedback! A little tip: the player IS the health bar. When you get hit, the ship's core (that's what it's called now, I guess) will shrink. You have 5 hits in total.

I like how the music fits the protagonist of the game. The level design is also nice, the simplistic graphics are both charming and easy to read, and there's a high overall polish (besides the fact that there are no sound effects, which is disappointing.)

Unfortunately, I feel that the main mechanic of the game is a bit lackluster. When Ida's stressed out, she has a higher likelihood of just...crumpling up sadly for a few seconds. I don't know about you, but when people stressed out, generally it triggers a fight-or-flight response.

Still, you did a good job on this game. Keep it up!

Where's the speedrun timer? I want to tell my friends that I got the new "seedless world record speedrun" and brag about it before my friends realize I'm not talking about Minecraft.

Neat little game. Liked how you could make the levels easier and more accessible using the upgrades - kinda reminds me of Assist Mode. Quite thoughtful! (never used them lol)

Fantastic art, music, mechanics, polish...fantastic the entire game. Me and my brother had a lot of fun. The implementation of a tutorial was a very unexpected and amazing inclusion.

If you develop this game further, make sure the fire doesn't randomly spawn on you and prevent you from doing anything - my highest score on Level 3 Endless would've been higher than 133 if fire didn't spawn on me and prevent me from movement I feel cheated

I'd say "crazy movement to compensate for weird angles", but that's just me. ;)

Thanks for the feedback during your stream! I took note of it and will work on improving this game after the jam.

Thanks for the feedback during your stream! I took note of it and will work on improving this game after the jam.

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Something I think is worth pointing out: Not only do you have a laser that cannot be aimed, but because getting a high score is best achieved by shooting multiple enemies at once, you're encouraged to *let* the enemies get Out Of Control so you can potentially get more points! I didn't intend for this, but I will absolutely take it.

Edit: Also listen to the music!

(1 edit)

I like the idea, but sometimes brushing against a wall brings me an immediate game-over. This shouldn't happen, right? The movement is grid-based, but the collision detection isn't?

EDIT: Grammar. "The movement is be grid-based..."

I like this. The fact that you have to rely on physics to turn your spaceship is cool, and also adds an element of timing to when your spaceship is just spinning everywhere.

I wish there was a way to lose other than going down a little bit too much for the game's liking, but other than that, nice job!

Nothing like a completely luck-based game to cheat the theme.

Having the comments spin around is a form of censorship because nobody will bother to attempt to read any critique found here because it's "not worth the effort"*

*i'm joking

THANK YOU. Pressing "L" works for me!

(2 edits)

Thank you, I will do that! Please make this clearer to new players.

EDIT: Apparently, I can't do that! I just got a new computer, with a lot more horsepower than my previous one. The game runs at super-speed now, making anything requiring even a small amount of precision absolutely impossible. Sorry.

EDIT 2: Forgot to mention this in my first edit, but if I set "

AlternateSyncMethod" to 0 in the options.ini file, the sound effects play at a normal pace, but the graphics are nowhere to be found. Hope this helps!

(3 edits)

Great recreation of the arcade game! However, some sound effects seem like they're from the NES version. Please fix this.

Edit: I also could've sworn I could jump over those fireballs. And what does level 6 want from me? That purple koopa keeps dashing into me and I can't avoid it

After some time with this interesting game, I realized that if you were to aim somewhere and turn on your autoclicker, you could theoretically get thousands of lasers on screen at once. Today, I revisited this game and did just that. I sent my ship to the side of the screen, aimed, and let loose the autoclicker. The lasers were plentiful. If I stared at it for too long, it would look like rain droplets. The relaxing music played on in the background, the number of lasers counted up steadily, and the only thing stopping me from falling asleep was the blue background that contrasted the red lasers. I knew very well that this wasn't how I was supposed to play the game, but this is how I played it. The framerate dropped to accommodate the sheer amount of lasers I had spouted out. Vertical columns of lasers populated the entire right half of the game's screen. It was a while before they started coming back at me, and by the time it was all over, the count rose up to 6224, and all I was told, other than "Game Over" and my score, was to press R to do it again.


After some time with this interesting game, I realized that if you were to aim somewhere and turn on your autoclicker, you could theoretically get thousands of lasers on screen at once. Today, I revisited this game and did just that. I sent my ship to the side of the screen, aimed, and let loose the autoclicker. The lasers were plentiful. If I stared at it for too long, it would look like rain droplets. The relaxing music played on in the background, the number of lasers counted up steadily, and the only thing stopping me from falling asleep was the blue background that contrasted the red lasers. I knew very well that this wasn't how I was supposed to play the game, but this is how I played it. The framerate dropped to accommodate the sheer amount of lasers I had spouted out. Vertical columns of lasers populated the entire right half of the game's screen. It was a while before they started coming back at me, and by the time it was all over, the count rose up to 6224, and all I was told, other than "Game Over" and my score, was to press R to do it again.


I don't know if it's on my side only, because I'm using Opera which supposedly isn't supported by Unity WebGL (but I can still play it), but every time I shoot the ball, it counts as a new ball, the next life. This is good until you drain your ball early, and as the game thematically puts it, "YOUR SOUL IS TOO YOUNG TO REAP". Then the Try Again timer starts over, and I can keep draining my ball, and I'll have infinite lives...albeit on a short timer.

0/5 no parallel universes

This game is so good it deserves to be the winner in more than just one game jam!


When you design it like this, it's no longer really a central mechanic, now, is it?