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A member registered Oct 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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I am blown away by this game! As a huge fan of celeste I can see the inspiration! The character art, animation, and sounds fit perfectly and the whole thing was just a blast to play. There were some rooms that took me too long to do, but it felt so rewarding when I finally mastered them.

This one left me wanting so much more. Really impressive guys!


The art in this game is insane. So incredibly nice! The style of game that you are going for here can really be felt through the audio, visual, and relaxing nature of the whole thing. The meditation was nice to lead me to the next location! Good use of a mechanic that some faster paced people might try to push past. I love the collectable runestones!

Continuing with your work and aiming towards the right audience, you will definitely find some success with this game :) Great work you guys!

I love the fast paced feeling of this game. The combat was really good too! Those weird arm and eye monsters definitely feel like a dream. The elevator is such a nice break too. Thank you guys for this. I could play this again. Great job Maher and team! :)

Wow! Super nice! I really love how all the features in this game feel like they were tested and balanced well. The art is super nice and the "cutscenes" or whatever you call them were so nice! The constant story during gameplay was both engaging and interesting and I loved hearing it in the background as I was sneaking past the gaurds and hacking doors!

I think it was just my unpatient playstyle, but I definately didn't use the hacking of guards as much as I should have! I trusted mmy sneaky skills.

Sound design and art were very very nice. I couldn't have asked for more! Awesome job guys :)

I love it. It took me a few tries but I finally completed my shopping list! Super funny, super addicting. This would have been a favorite as an arcade for sure. I really like music and voice acting, as well as all the sounds. Reminded me of all the times I have run into aliens in the supermarket.

Great job :)

This is probably the most polished game here! Very well done. Everything fits so well and the design of the levels is perfect. It felt fair, and challenging at the same time. Well done guys :) Make more! I could have played longer.

Very cozy. I really liked this game. I wish there was more to discover! The sounds all fit very well and most of the progression felt intuitive. I really appreciated the different notes on the paintings/pictures. One of my favorite parts of gammes like this. :)

Wow! There is a lot that I found impressive. So many different characters was awesome, different levels was awesome, and the easy yet difficult one button mechanic was pretty well done! Not to mention the AI works pretty well! I love the art and audio as well and think they mixed very well together!

I played a couple games where I started on the bottom and got hit out right away, which from my perspective makes me wish there was a "pause" or "restart" function!

Good fun :) I hope I can play it someday with the actual pump! 

Very cute! I love the concept! The music and sounds fit very well together too! The custom input would have been awesome to try. Maybe next year!

Thanks for the game :)

I really loved the audio and art style of this game. The music was awesome!! The sound effects too! Great great job there. I wish I could see this game in all of it's glory as an arcade. It feels like it would be very fun!

I would play more of this if there were more levels! The different enemies were a nice touch. I also thought the fighting was fun! Very different than a classic game. I could see there being many different levels of enemies in the future!

Thanks for the game! :)

I loved exploring the different train carts! The art was awesome and I really liked the differences from each area. I would have loved to use the guns seperatly to fight the enemies (and sometimes felt like I did), but the dual pistols were a good touch. The enemy animation is nice too. 

The audio and art style made me feel like I was 10 years old trying Bioshock for the first time. Very cool, kinda creepy. Good job! I would love to see what the pieces I pick up do!

This was very cute :) I appreciate that you guys acknowledge me AND Mel's Diner in the credits! The art was nice and the sounds fit very well with the game! I had a nice time playing through.

It would have been nice if an arrow or something showed me that I was actually supposed to go to the edge of the screen! It took me a few seconds to figure that out but that isn't a big issue! 

Thanks for the experience!

I really love the art style! I wish I had more to enjoy! The trailer makes me think there is ganna be some twisted stuff going on soon and I want to see it!

The audio from the radio was super well done! The art really did make it feel like an old 50's american dream style game. Great job! :) Would love to experience more in the world!

This is the most frustrating game here. So frustrating that I have tried to beat it over and over and over.

I love the concept and think the whole thing feels pretty nice! Some of the levels had a par three or four that has taken me more tries than anything in my life.

Super fun! Thanks for the work and keep it up! I want that high score.

Good fun for all ages. I completely destroyed my roommate in this game! He had no chance. 

The different items each have unique properties and advantages when used right! I also love how easy it was to see the UI, and the noises and music in the game felt so perfect. Also, probably my favorite trailer.

Super fun :)

The audio is perfect and conveys a heavy feeling. I really enjoyed the gradual buildup too. I don't know what kind of message it was hoping to convey but to me, it felt like slowly getting over hurdles, getting better as you go. Near the end, it felt like I had overcome something.

Interesting idea. Thank you for the opportunity to play.

Truly an awesome game. I don't know if it was meticulous level design or pure luck but these were some extremely well laid out levels that really made me have to think and test. Awesome stuff.

I must admit, I havn't gotten through the third scene yet but I amm determined! Puzzle games are my thing and this one reminds me of the old ones I used to play! Super awesome job. Would love more levels and dynamics added.

Such a nice feeling! I want more of this so badly! I finished the first puzzle and wanted there to be more so badly. 

I love the whole story and background into the witch trials in Sweden. There was a lot I dodn't know about and I'm not even sure what is true yet! I will have to search things up.

The only thing that bugged out a little bit was the cammera during play, but otherwise I loved the feel, art style, and general idea and design of the game! It felt super creepy and intersting. I need more!

Really cool concept. The tanks and map felt very in sync and the audio was quite nice!

I wished I could cancel my original path or overwrite it while I made a new one, but I had to try this over and over until I got a good enough score. I will be coming back to this game to get an even higher score soon!

Great job :)

Got to floor 4 and the door wouldn't open after we got the key! The enemies spawning was impressive being that it seemed random and the floor patterns too! Very well done. I would have loved more upgrades too!

One last thing, the enemy hitboxes were a tiny bit unforgiving, but honestly, I had fun and am really impressed. Keep it up :)

This has comme a long way from the last timme I saw it! I played for a while and got a bunch of money. Would love to have something to spend it on in the future! :)

This game made me want to die. 5/5. Top tier.