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A member registered Feb 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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I didn't really get it for a while but I believe I get the premise of the game. But it is a little too much randomness against skill, in my opinion.

There's certainly an idea but like Teramin said I took a bit before I figured out the controls. It might help if you put the controls up on the game page. I'll also recommend that the controls be more linearly effective than it be an additive sort of thing--and some more speed could do.

The idea's there, but the sensitivity is out of this world and the fact that you can jump makes it a little too easy. I feel like it needs some sort of enemy or other mechanic to make it pop, and that would bump this game high.

I love how this game looks. The little player walking around is great; the trees are a little weird but the giant colas make up for it. I wish you had more time to complete this!

It's a fun idea, but I wish the controls were less sticky!

OH! I must replay with this information

Super enjoyable little idea, but it is slightly too easy to get into a rhythm and go forever, especially since the next person to go in line resets his progress when you serve an item.


Literally all our previous jams were solely browser games, so I have no idea why it never crossed our minds to do that! 

Having played a couple levels I still don't understand why it's called Check Meat

Awesome graphics. Wish there were more levels, I would've loved to explore the mechanics more!

I love the cheering and the animation and particle effects when the ball hits the hoop. It doesn't really seem like there's a clear goal since there aren't any consequences, but it feels good to play and is polished.

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Aw :(

We didn't test the Mac version, and it's possible it was either corrupted or built incompletelysorry about that!

Pretty fun, although it feels a bit janky at times--also the car crash is WAY too loud!

Best game. I played it for way too long. I raged at the game because these guys are too swing-happy.

I love the art, especially the images for the upgrades and the little icon on the health bar.

The theme-fitting is slightly dubious, but I'll take it since this game is so fun to play. The art style is amazing; I love the pixel art, and cohesion is especially hard to achieve with that but you've done it. I loved the little puzzles and figuring everything out. The only part I was stuck on was I didn't know you could pick up the tree, but in hindsight I should've known. Again, great experience!

I can see this game being cool but I unfortunately encountered that bug a lot of people had where the knife wouldn't let me past on level 2. I adore the art style and the gameplay is polished. I wish I could've seen more levels, I bet it would've been fun!

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It's awesome. But I need more to process what's happening as well as complete the microgame in some cases; for instance, the tower microgame is impossible if "you" fire at a high angle. That aside, the art and sound are all super cohesive and great-looking, and the game is polished to the moon.

Really cool! I wish there was a way to skip text faster though, since you have to replay through the evidence-collection to get to the court scene again.

It's a cool idea, but the winning strategy seems to be just getting a bunch of eco until you can send in an unbeatable queen + king combo. And there's just the one level; good execution though for what you guys have got so far!

It's not really much of a role reversal than it is just a reversal, but the idea can be good on paper--it's just that as the game is there isn't too much going on.

The opening cutscene and loading graphics are charming but it's unfortunate you couldn't finish; I would've liked to see how this would've played.

It's super polished and looks great, but it seems I share the sentiment that the game should evolve in some way--although playing for a session just chasing the laser is certainly fun. I also wish there was another method of movement to scale large cliffs, like a wall jump.

Thanks for the kind words! Seems like I’m not the only one stuck on the first couple nights!

Our artist, Yeofoxeon, is the only one of us so far to reach maximum difficulty (Night 6). You can blame him for the difficulty curve ;)

5 PM Friday - 5 PM Sunday is our currently slated time frame.

the only requirement is the theme and non-NSFW, so yes.

Ah, I know exactly what you mean. I coded camera acceleration but it didn't quite get the effect I was going for and depending on what you wanted to do it was either too fast or too slow. I think the better solution would have been to allow the mouse to turn the camera, but alas, I decided against it. Thanks for your feedback and for playing! (and enjoying the physics)

The “sides as HP” thing was a last-minute (well, I didn’t know it was last-minute at the time) addition that I’m glad people think is cool. Thanks for recognizing its coolness and for being cool!

Thank you! The snake was the first attack I coded but it was more of a draft (and props for getting the pun) and as you likely noticed the rest of the fighting is blatantly undone. Again, thanks for the kind words and these comments are certainly motivating!


I’m glad people are taking notice of the die itself since developing the movement and rolling mechanics was what took up most of my time. Thanks!


Hey, man, I know how hard it is to make levels for a game jam! Especially puzzles :)

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Yo, I know it's been more than a year, but we added the wires. I actually had the pixelated wires in the game since I replied to your post, but I didn't want to upload it until the wire logic was fixed. So recently, I got down to it, and there's a fresh release out now!

Nice concept but I thought the level loading animations were a bit slow (I also found an exploit where you can move through yellow dice before they load in). I also found it too easy to just roll around in a loop to get the right face up on each level since there was always a lot of floor area.

It's a simple but fun idea but I wish it was way faster.

I love the style, but the way the game worked was a little confusing and it ended too quickly.

The value of playtesting…

I worked pretty hard on the guys too :(