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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing!!

Thank you : )

Thanks for playing our game and your comment!

It's ok! thanks for playing : )

Thank you! : )

Aaw thank you! 

Thank you so much for your nice comment!

I didn't know that lol it must suck!

I enjoyed it!

Really cool levels and idea!

I started the game without reading anything and I thought when I rolled the dice, fewer numbers I got, the less information is given. But I guess it didn't matter if I knew the real purpose of the dice because I finished the game successfully!

Yeah agreed! It is also understandable that maybe they had no time.

I got stuck when I accidentaly pushed the red dot to the corner of the dice instead of the portal. Is there a way to get it out of the corner? other than that It was a really unique game! 

I liked that you added optional roads, it would be meaningless if you didn't add them. I don't know why but I felt blocked while jumping like I couldn't really jump "normal". For a 1 person game, it is awesome! It is a dramatic game so I think I would have changed the sfx for rolling the dice for further improvements!

Your artstyle is amazing! I wished we had more potions or items when we start the game or if we were given something in advance to prevent us from dying just by chance for once or twice. I think there are a lot you can do with this game though! Adding music and sfx would be awesome!

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Really nice level design and idea! I liked that we can control when it will explode. I stopped playing after I got stuck somewhere and fell lol 

I was confused at first because I didn't understand how to play the game. I read the instructions but I couldn't understand how to roll the dice. I came here and read a bunch of comments, understand it, played it again and enjoyed it! The music at the background was repetitive so I wished there would be more variety to it. Overall I think it is really successful!

Had nice time with a nice team! 

Thank you!!

Thank you!

Hello, you should have a steam account and the game named "tabletop simulator" in order to play it. You just have to add it to your workshop and open it at the tabletop simulator : )

Thank you!

Thanks for playing! we will consider it.

Thank you appreciate it!

Thank you! Actually it was forgiving because there should have been a rage bar but sadly we had some problems with our unity dev.  So we couldn't complete it as we wanted it to be.


Thank you! We will consider it

Thank you!

I just thought that when the lightning strikes, there could be a sound effect for it. But other than that I really liked it! the art is cool.

(1 edit)

I loved the gameplay, animations and art! I don't really mind the lack of sound but I know that if you add some sound, It will be spectacular!!

Cool animations and game idea!

I loved the mechanics and the artwork! good job!

Nice voice effects! The only thing that bothered me was I felt like I was not playing the game and watching it

Very cute artwork! I liked the mechanics

I liked the concept. You can improve your art but very nice!

I liked the minigame! but I just found it hard to drag around all those stuff while trying to be fast because the dragging action was slow I guess.

Very original!! I really enjoyed it.

Thank you. Our unity dev had to leave us halfway so we had some difficulties about Unity. This was not our original intention.

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Made by KENNETH - Alex Meesters - @Ruolus - @Dorinash - @galaxymer -

@ SiriusVictoria