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A member registered Aug 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I met one of you last Thursday and played a version of this game. I just beat it after about 15 attempts or so, and it was extremely fun! There's definitely a steep learning curve, but I enjoyed the process of slowly learning what the different numbers meant and experimenting with different strategies each run. Every time I died, I felt a little closer to winning.

Here's my thoughts (spoilers ahead):

  • Boosting the reactor was the most exciting mechanic of the game for me, because I had to plan the timing of each of my tasks around being able to get back to the engine room before it explodes. The rising sound effect got my heart pumping. However, this crucial mechanic is ostensibly discouraged in the game description: "Don't pull the lever". I understand that this is written from the perspective of the pilot handbook, but it's super misleading.
  • My ultimately successful strategy was to start by rushing Thrusters with 30 power to get to clear space before doing anything else. Meanwhile, I feathered my life support and the reactor while bringing fuses to the warp drive. Once in clear space, I diverted all non-defensive power to the warp drive.
  • The recharge rate of shields doesn't feel worthwhile. I found it better to power Thrusters and Weapons to spend less time under attack than to try to heal from attacks.
  • I never figured out what the wrench was for (if anything)
  • I never had to enter the turret room. It's cool, but since I can't aim the turrets, going inside is a waste of precious time.
  • During my final run, I only had to reload one turret once. That seems weird considering how many ammo capsules we're given.
  • It seems impossible to recover from a reactor explosion. Having the fuses break makes sense, but suffering reduced power for several seconds is brutal. If you want the penalty to be that severe, you might as well kill the player.
  • There's a lot of info on the Tactical Console that didn't seem relevant to me. It was cool to look at (like pirate hull integrity), but it didn't affect my strategy much.
  • Labelled doorways would be extremely helpful, especially while learning.
  • The victory sequence is pretty anticlimactic (which is completely understandable for a jam game), but I felt satisfied anyways.
  • You mentioned to me that you want the player to feel like Han Solo. I think you nailed that. Occasionally falling over, although frustrating, really added to the fantasy and excitement.

I love this game, which is why I took the time to write all these points out. I don't know what your plans are for this project, but I hope to see more, and would absolutely love to help test any future versions.

This game uses Unity's PlayerPrefs system. On Windows, those are saved in the Windows registry. Seach your computer for the "Registry Editor", and in HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE you'll find a folder called "Florian Veltman" delete this folder and your data will be reset once you open the game

The Pale Ones have nonhuman senses. If you linger in the darkness too long, they will feel your presence and crawl towards your location. You can prevent this by keeping your flashlight turned on at night. That's why finding a flashlight is the top priority before the first nightfall.

You can change the mouse sensitivity with the scrollwheel!
Unity WebGL sensitivity is different for everyone, so I put that option in

I got to 2/3 rounds against the final AI, but I can't get to 3. You're right that it's really hard, but it's certainly not impossible

Yup, me too

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Every game you make is an absolute banger. Experimental games are my favorite genre, and you do it so well. 

You're a big inspiration for me as a developer. But no pressure lol! Make whatever games you want to make.

Sorry, cat ran across my keyboard. MyT35X didn't come with a power cable. But it's still running after 2 weeks so I guess I can't be mad.

Wow, thank you for the update! I just played the story mode and liked it a lot. With your timing of Dong's taps at the very end, you can really feel his pauses and hesitation. I'm glad I get to see how it ends now!

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I really like the concept and potential of this game. But I disagree with the design decision to have a fail-state. The 100 consecutive pipe requirement creates an obstacle course style of gameplay, when the game should really be about one person's inner journey. I would have much preferred if hitting a pipe caused Dong to momentarily stop walking and take a deep breath before continuing onward, allowing time to flow naturally.

Restarting the whole game rips the player out of Dong's POV and distracts from the story being conveyed. But I appreciate you telling this story, and I like the game :)

I agree with all the suggestions here, but especially concerning bloom and coyote time. 

The bloom looked cool at first, but it ended up causing some unnecessary eye strain after a couple restarts.

I was thinking about coyote time as well. As designers, coyote time would make it easier to sync the levels with the music, since you would know exactly where the player will be at any given time. Though, this would probably require making a beatmap, which I know is hard (I'm having to do it for my current co-op, bleh).

I don't think I have to say how impressed I am from the aesthetics of the game. I could tell just from the animated and interactive main menu that both of you cared a lot about presentation. Owen, I love the OST you made!

Your gameplay is complete, and I was able to beat both levels after a couple of tries. I can tell that you are talented gameplay programmer, Clancy. My largest mechanical comment was that it felt frustrating that I couldn't run and shoot at the same time. I know that the theme is Don't Stop, but it would have felt better to me if left-click caused me to stop moving for a moment, rather than clicking while running and not understanding why bullets weren't leaving my gun.

I also get the impression that there wasn't much time for playtesting, because Gnolan's speed is very unforgiving. It made me nervous during the live presentation that the developers themselves could not beat the levels consistently. Making games too difficult is a design problem I am infamous for struggling with as well. If you, as a developer, think your game is a little too easy, you're probably doing it right. Otherwise, consider reigning it in a bit.

If you two have an interest in platforming games, I strongly recommend checking out this project by GMTK: I think that if you incorporate some of those ideas into this and future projects, you can create platforming characters that feel and play much nicer.

You two made an awesome game, thanks for submitting!

I'm a fan of geometry dash, so I like this game! It's not as hard as Emara made it look during the demo ;)

Though I will say I got to the final platform several times before understanding that the blue cube was the win condition, which was a little frustrating. As mentioned during the meeting, I think that some of the timing windows were a bit tight, especially with the jump. I recommend changing the jump from a parabolic arc to a sharper Up-Down motion, if that makes any sense, so you're less likely to get caught on the lip of the pink blocks.

And of course, the music is great.

(2 edits)

This was so fun to watch!

It was especially helpful to see what you and your friend found confusing. The filling/depleting of the water resource has tripped up many players, so I can tell it should be made clearer. You did eventually realize that you need to splash hydrants with balloons, but there's not a clear animation or sound effect when picking them up, so it's hard to tell.

There was another mechanic that snuck by unnoticed, which is that driving on sidewalks causes water to leak. Although there's a sound cue when hopping a curb, the visual feedback for this mechanic is vague, and there's only a brief mention of it in "How To Play". Still, I felt this mechanic was important to include, because it gives the Tiller more purpose by giving them some responsibility for maintaining the water supply.

Again, thanks so much for sharing your playthrough video!

I can't figure out how to start the game. I'm stuck looking at a still image. I'm guessing it's a problem with Unity canvas-scaling, or maybe I'm missing something.

I love that this ends up playing like a sandbox game. I know it wasn't intentional, but it's fun to make crazy dice and turn it into an idle game, lol

I thought this game was neat. I've seen games of this style before about adding blocks to climb upward, but I appreciate the dice mechanic. After a couple tries, I got to a score of 1500, but then my character got wedged between blocks and I got stuck.

Then, I tried again, and got pretty far by abusing the Dice Rate Up platform. The stacking effects seem pretty crazy, and I think there should probably be a limit to them.

Overall, cool game!

I saw the thumbnail for this game, and I just HAD to play it, because it's very similar to an unfinished game of mine: My game is like yours, with springs and keys, too! But mine is in 2D, haha.

That is to say, I love your concept. The game feels like it has personality (re: "You're doing great!").

The controls felt pretty intuitive, and the rooms felt varied. It was a little weird that I could get multiple equips on the same face of the cube, though. As far as I could tell, there was no way to change the face of an equip once I picked it up. Luckily, my configuration was good.

The length of the game was perfect for a jam game. Also, it was pretty easy to escape the map by bouncing over walls! I really enjoyed the ending sequence of rocketing down the hallway and into the sky. I didn't have time to read the final text, though.

I would love to see you guys make more rooms/equips in the future!

I totally get that. You gotta do what you gotta do to make the jam game playable, lol! 

Honestly, your core mechanic is so technically fascinating. I'm very curious how you all accomplished the solid shadows effect.

Lovers in a Dangerous Space and QWOP were actually both big inspirations for my game! I wanted to make a game that could play like either, depending on the number of players. And of course, if you do record/stream it, I would love to watch :)

Thanks for your comment!

The difficulty progression is something that changed around a lot during the development process. As it is, the time between swaps decreases by 25% every minute, according to an exponential function:

For game jam games, I think it's a good idea to make the average play length short, around five minutes or less. This is why swaps happen more and more frequently, to make things harder. Fires speed up, too!

I definitely like your idea of a "learning mode". Ideally, I wanted to make an interactive tutorial that allowed players to drive around in a sort of sandbox level, so each player could practice each role without any time pressure. I didn't end up having time for this during the jam, unfortunately. If I ever come back to working on this game, that'll be one of my goals.

My score was 2585. I was worried that the game may go on forever, but one of the big knights snuck up to me! Cool game :)

Such a cool concept! I struggled at first, but then realized that the game is fairly easy to break by stalling in the first few easy fights to upgrade every card in the deck. There should be some mechanic that forces fights to end after some time to prevent me from getting an overpowered deck by fight #2, because then the rest of the game is too easy. 

As a suggestion, maybe only allow a limited number of reshuffles per fight?

I agree with the other commenters that the gameplay loop isn't particularly varied. However, I enjoyed it anyways. I felt like I got into a flow state, especially as things speed up.

My only real comment is that it felt that the inclusion of the dice theme was solely for aesthetic reasons, and it did not seem central to the gameplay. It was satisfying to roll all the coin dice, but it wasn't a necessary inclusion, since the enemies may as well have dropped 1-6 coins each immediately. Same thing with the health values of the enemies. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there was no meaningful randomness in the gameplay. This is not a bad thing, necessarily, just something I noticed.

Also, after buying all the upgrades, it would have been nice to see some kind of "You Win!" message, before continuing endlessly. Just a small change to make it feel complete.

I like the concept. As you said, the game was a bit overscoped. There a couple small changes that would help make what you have feel more complete. 

With some more polish on the camera and controls, this will feel much better to play. For one, the sensitivity was very high for me, so a sensitivity slider could help a lot for accessibility. Also, it was difficult to aim upwards because the camera was overly restricted.

Any sound effects would go a long way, too. Even very simple sounds are usually better than silence.

It would be cool to see you keep working on this! I recommend starting by focusing on one really cool level, rather than a campaign of levels.

I see Inscryption inspiration, which I love. Unfortunately, after my first successful combat encounter, being teleported to the incorrect room was a bug I couldn't avoid, even after restarting. Though, it was fun to walk around and get a better look at the Death model, haha.

Although I only fought one enemy, I find it a shame that some options seem to be objectively better than others. For example, one of the two champion cards always had higher numbers than the other, so it didn't seem like much of a choice.

The premise and presentation were very promising, so I hope the bug gets fixed in the future.

Really fascinating game on many counts. To me, the main character design seems so opposed to the vibe of the game, and that's why I love it.

One piece of feedback is that I think the death screens should be faster. I'm sure there were French jokes hidden in them, but I felt impatient and just wanted to respawn, haha.

Also, I didn't realize the ending room was the ending room for a while. I kept trying to take the right or left passageways and dying, until I finally tried standing still and saw the credits.

Interesting concept. I think that the levels did not get more difficult as they continued, and it was consistently easy to dodge the missiles. I think that adding moving/flying targets would make the aiming more dynamic.

I absolutely love the low-poly artstyle. The character and world design is lovely. Special shoutout to AJ for the concept art and orthos, bc that was sooo clean.

I know you guys planned for more enemies and tower types, and I can imagine this game would be much cooler with them. As it stands, it's a neat prototype.

Fun and cute! I liked the ending.

I was worried that my buddies were getting stuck behind the fence, so it was fortunate that I didn't end up needing them all physically present with me.

Did you use NavMesh for this?

Ok, I at least survived long enough for the boss to spawn! I count that as a win.

The art assets were really neat, so it was a shame that they ended up being so small on the screen.

Sorry to hear that. The jump in difficulty between levels is way too high, so I wish I could have made more levels for the early-game.
As some hints for Level Two, try climbing on the head of your past clone and then throwing things down to them.
It's also important to know that clones will always click in the same place. If you click on a white window with nothing in hand, a future clone can throw something to you to insert inside.

I hope that helps. Thanks for playing!

You can use the scrollwheel to change the mouse sensitivity. Unfortunately, it does not save between levels. Hope that helps!

Super neat idea, and I think you showed off your core mechanics well in each new level.

I'm not sure I beat the second-to-last level correctly ("Hanging Around", I think it was). I got stuck in the side room with the box, and I just sprinted backwards at the green wall repeatedly until I was fast enough to get through. Was that intended?

Also, I have a few quick comments regarding accessibility:

- I'm glad that you picked Blue and Green for the block colors, since those are easier to distinguish with colorblind vision.

- Please always check "Scale With Screen Size" on your Screen-Space Unity Canvases!! It's a simple, quick way to make your game loads more accessible by having standardized and reasonably-sized UI elements across all screen resolutions. I did not even notice the dialogue at the top of the screen for a while since it was so small ;)

- I really appreciate your sensitivity slider. Those are super important for first-person Unity WebGL games

Great job!

Seriously cool, you guys. I'm glad to see that you mixed up the way the mirrors worked between levels, it made it a lot more interesting than always having one mirror at the bottom of the screen.
I loved how the music dynamically changed when the shadow enemy came onscreen, that was a nice touch. And the parallax backgrounds were so cool!
Also, it cracks me up seeing the jam description you guys wrote while knowing you had only 34 seconds before the deadline LOL. Same thing happened to my team ;)

Great job :D

I like the idea of the UI lying to you, and being cluttering with nonsense. Unfortunately, the physics of the game itself were pretty rough and made it difficult to play. I couldn't tell if my character was supposed to be able to flip over or fly or move super fast. On one level, I was hitting an enemy repeatedly but it wasn't dying so I couldn't complete it.

With some more polish and bugfixing, I think this game would be pretty neat!

This game reminds me a lot of It has that same sort of satisfying progression, getting bigger to eat more things.

At first I had trouble winning with the strawberry because I was attacking and missing too often, but I eventually learned to only attack when I was in range.

I thought it was cool that each fruit had something unique to them. My favorite fruit to play was the avocado, because I liked the ranged attack.

To improve, I think you should add more sound effects for when you eat something or move around.

Congrats on completing your first game jam!

Funny and clever. The AI voices really added something special, as a thematic extra layer of artificiality ;)
I didn't understand at first that Bradly could walk through the Living Room in transit without evaluating it. Once I realized that, the game got easier.

My run lasted about 10 minutes, and I didn't get bored since the requirements kept getting more difficult.

Great job!

Super cool concept and execution. I think the sound design was on point here, and combined with the background torches and chains, I could tell that you really cared about creating a vibe. And you did just that.

I appreciate the raw action-platforming without major puzzle elements. You focused on one genre and did it well.

As a suggestion, I felt that the timing windows were too unforgiving. I think that if the player blinks into a wall, they should be nudged to an open space if they're within reasonably close distance.

Also, I liked the ending cutscene. Those often get cut in game jams, but that extra work made the end of the game more satisfying.

Amazing, of course. I loved the way that the font jittered, it really added to the creepy atmosphere.
In the Aristotle level, there is a section of floor in the very top left that the player can fall through, which I think is accidental.

You two managed to make a bunch of levels, and each of them felt entirely unique. I loved the way you used the existing mechanics to create interesting new mechanics, like causing platforms to move continuously in Aristotle and Hooligan. I can tell there was a lot of experimentation with the level design, and it really made this game special.