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A member registered Sep 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed this game, it was great! I didn't know I needed a train tower defense game.

As some folks may have mentioned, at times it can be hard to locate the enemies at mid-range. I feel like the gold economy was a little difficult at first (the sellback price seemed very low), but by the end I felt like I had enough.

Not sure if it would fit or not, but I'd love to be able to ram the enemies with the train, and maybe a way to repair the towers (if it weren't a set number of levels that is). I think getting a quick overview of the railroad tracks/map might help in the early game too. Of course, these are just my opinions, so do with them what you will.

Regardless, this was a fun game. Good job and good luck!

Nice job! All around, a good experience. I will say, I wasn't sure if the mastery trees started at the top or the bottom for some reason, even though the bottom upgrades were simpler. The linear gain of 1 point per round made it hard to upgrade multiple weapons, and even though I have access to 4 different guns, I felt like it was most rewarding to stick exclusively to the one I had upgraded. The art was good, and I didn't notice the music being repetitive or anything. Again, nice work!

Nice work!

Awesome art and diegetic UI! Everything looked phenomenal. Technically speaking, everything seemed well-put-together. We didn't play all the way through, but I liked the fact that there was dialogue going on at the beginning of each day. I like the idea of being able to spend money on upgrades, too.

That being said, the chaotic hindrances at the beginning were a bit of a headache. Obviously, that's the point, but it was pretty annoying. The audio got a bit repetitive at times, too.

In any case, fantastic job on this one.

(2 edits)

This game is awesome. The animations were incredible and I love how everything comes together. I love stories in games, and  the little details in the background really make it. Like it's a simple premise taken to a very effective end. The audio was great, too. It looked like difficulty ramps up pretty quick so I worry we didn't get to catch all the lovely details while focusing on the game. I was watching a friend play, and I swear the demons were working together to combo us into the falling hazards.

I can't overstate how much I enjoyed the animations going on in the background. A really awesome entry that handled the theme excellently.

As a sidenote, when I saw the thumbnail, I mistakenly thought you play as a demon who washes windows, not a robot during a demon attack. I was a little disappointed because the idea of a demon window washer was funny to me, but I digress.

From what I saw, this was a really neat game, especially as a first time in Unity for a game jam. I really liked the visuals of the environment and how that shifted between floors, though it seemed like the performance was a little slower for it.

I also quite liked the design for the weapon, it was a creative way to vary gameplay in the spirit of chaos. I do love some customization in weapons, and while the player doesn't have full control, it was a very strong concept!

Great work!

Very fun! I had a bit of a mishap with the UI and reading the tips at the beginning, accidentally started instead of hitting the next page, so the first time I didn't know I could should sideways or diagonally. Really cute though, I managed to get around 166.

This is delightful, a fun little experience.

The writing is charming, and I enjoyed playing. Somehow I got a higher chivalry score messing around on the second run than when I was trying to make good decisions in the first one, haha.

There were a few minor typos and missing images, but they didn't largely affect the experience. As it goes with this type of game, it's possible for the outcome of using an item to be different from what we imagined, but I think that's part of the fun. I wish I could have used my trusty chicken companion for all the challenges I faced. Alas, they were eaten in the first event.

Reading some of the other comments, it seems that there were multiple random outcomes with each item at each event, which I suppose I should have understood. I must have missed that detail. That's quite a bit of writing, nice work sorting that all out. Adds quite a bit of replay value that way. 

One note, on the screens presenting what I see would be the random outcomes, I was a little confused because they appeared like links in color and presentation, but were not clickable. Also, after playing for a while, it seemed the music either ended or stopped looping, but this was not a problem for the normal runtime of the first playthrough.

You've got a fun character voice in the writing and a well-executed take on the jam's theme. Nice work.

Thanks for playing! It's definitely more linear than Twine games typically are. I'm thinking maybe after the jam I'll do another pass on the premise and make it a little more open.

I'd be happy to take a look at some point! Honestly, I wasn't expecting a ton of Twine games to be submitted due to the slight emphasis on game design/mechanics. Though I know that one Twine game was reviewed and highlighted on Mark's stream the other day.

Thank you for playing!

Awesome, looking forward to even more polish in the future!

A little daunting to pick up at first, but once I got the hang of it, I really enjoyed this game. I've been interested in similar thematic concepts in one of my previous projects, but I feel like you did a good job making this experience hectic and fun. 

Maybe because I didn't make it far enough into the game, but it seemed to me that the wrench was by far the most useful tool in the game. The boiler(?) needing the most maintenance and a different tool to fix was a good balancing choice, but if I had time that meant that I could just leave the tool needed to fix it by the machine. (I really enjoyed having the ability to duct tape broken elements.) Even with just those two tools, it was a plenty hectic experience. I don't think I would be able to handle much more. Just because I'm stubborn, I didn't ever want to jettison my passengers, though from the gif in the page it looks like a very fun animation. I almost wish there were breaks between levels so I could better appreciate the art and the level. If there were time for polish and whatnot, I would like to better see and understand my score at the end of the game too.

Not a problem or something in need of a fix, but it was interesting to me that the ladders were faster to go down (since you could jump off) than climbing up. The level design is simple, but well-thought out in my opinion.

Visually and functionally, a very complete and fun experience. The audio unfortunately became repetitive relatively quickly. Nice work!

Of course! I'll try to get around to that sometime in the near future.

Thank you for playing, I appreciate your feedback!

With a consistent response, I'm getting a better idea of ways to improve in the future. Thanks again!

This game looks super cute! I really enjoyed the visuals of the game. I was not very good at controlling the fairy or the growth of the bonsai, but that's just the theme of the jam isn't it, haha.

I enjoyed the concept, and the sword ability felt really good to use. In general, the game felt, looked, and sounded pretty good to me. I don't know if it was just me or my machine, but I ran into a bug here and there it seemed. Entering the room on the right at the beginning would send the character floating upwards, for example.

Good work on this jam!

Understood! Thank you for playing!

I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Hopefully next time I'll make something a bit more exciting.

Thank you for playing! Fair point, classifying it more like a webnovel would make sense. I just got so excited at the prospect of getting images to work I went and called it a visual novel, haha. 

Thank you for your feedback. I'll be sure to consider your points in future works.

I thought this was cool, though it did jump a bit back and forth between relaxing and "Oh crap, I'm gonna hit this thing" or miss a flower. The text was a little hard to read, especially when the sentences got longer. White text on light blue background with white wispy wind can be hard to catch. 

Unrelated, but I totally thought the L's were W's and I was shook when the first words in the level I thought read "Hewwo".

Thank you for playing! 

I get where you're coming from. The story is pretty linear and non-interactive as it is, and making it more variable could be pretty neat. Having a choice to tell the passengers or not would be a super interesting decision to make!

I found that I didn't quite have enough time to try everything that I wanted to with this game. Making the scenes and levels for the visuals took a bit more than I had hoped. In any case, I appreciate you trying my game!

I enjoyed the excitement of the near misses. Having the movements so slight, I feel pretty strategic by barely escaping. Unfortunately, playing this way just makes the unfortunate collisions feel a little more frustrating. The aforementioned upgrade system could be a fun approach. In any case, good work, this was a fun game!

Nice job this jam! This was a pretty simple, yet somewhat intense game. Gotta protect baby and all. I almost expected it to be something of a horror game with the lighting. 

I got a little bit lost and a little bit dizzy while playing, but it was a cool time.

Nice work! This was a pretty fun game. I was a little overwhelmed by the instructions page at first, but got the hang of it after playing for a little. The turbo felt pretty good once I figured out how to use it proper. The part that I had the most trouble with was how dizzying the game could get if you lose control of your left or right boosters. At times, the enemies were a little hard to spot against the shield boosters, mines, and asteroids.

Otherwise, you captured things spiraling out of control, which was a little exciting.

I really enjoy the concept! It was a lot of fun. Also made me realize how little the position of wasd I remember from the screen prompts alone.

The game looks great, but I found that the vast majority of my time was spent staring at the gauge at the bottom. I didn't pay as much attention to the level, background, or the bar at the top. Also, I didn't feel very motivated to jump to higher levels. Either way, I think this is a neat game!

(1 edit)

Hey folks,
I'm Riley, a student game developer and writer from UCI. I'm no industry professional, but I'm very familiar with game development and game jams. As the outgoing president for the Video Game Development Club at UCI, I've work with people who are new to game development often.

While I'm not sure if I'll be working solo or looking for a team, I'm happy to help if anyone needs it, whether that be navigating, scoping your project for a jam, or matching game mechanics to your narrative. Feel free to message me here or on the Narrascope Discord (@Dsaname). And if not me, there seem to be plenty of folks here to help, so just let us know. Xuelder's topic in the Community Tab has a lot of good points that I definitely agree with.

Good luck and happy jamming!

Hey folks, playing this game for the SGDA Student Games Festival. I really liked this game, the sound and art were neat and it was fun to play!

Whoah, that was neat! There were cool visuals!

I really enjoyed this game! The gameplay was nice, simple, and relaxing. I liked how the fish slowed down when you hover over them, but I kind of wish the other fish still moved slightly while you were reeling a fish in.

The art for each fish was cute. I found myself kind of wishing they each had fun little descriptions. Also, I'm not sure how a submarine acts as the best fishing tool, but it lends itself to a very funny image in my head.

Oh man, this game is awesome. Played through the entire story, and enjoyed it thoroughly. The characters we interact with are fun and distinct, and I thought they were pretty consistent. The on-screen visual effects were great. This is a complete experience, and I really enjoyed it.

Admittedly, the introduction of the weapon and some of Jim's dialogue kind of point towards a creepier feeling, despite most of the story feeling bubbly and heartwarming. Admittedly, was expecting the story to take a dark turn, but was pleasantly surprised. Still, something to note.

Also, bit of a nitpick, this didn't affect the gameplay or my connection to the story or the characters at all, but I would have liked the art styles to be slightly more cohesive, though the distinct styles did lend themselves to the characters' personalities.

Phenomenal work everyone!

This game has come a long way, and seeing it develop has been really cool. As always, the combat is neat, and the overworld has been getting more interesting in each iteration as well.

I would say that the character progression feels really good as it gets better, but I kind of expect sort of like a level system over buying upgrades at the store. Moreover, I will say that at times it was confusing as to what I was supposed to be doing or how to progress further into the game.

Nevertheless, this is a cool experience, and all of you have done a great job!

(1 edit)

This game looks really nice, like visually and presentation-wise, this looks like a game you could buy on some game market. The text and effects in the dialogue is great, and the sound effects that follow are really nice. I'm really interested in seeing where this game goes.
Keep up the good work!

Oh, but also, make sure all the rooms work and that a certain individual who would want to break the game by going at things in the wrong order doesn't mess things up.

I very much enjoy the sound effects and the feel of the game (though the sound for the tnt can be a bit surprising). 

I think I got a fun bug where the tnt might have exploded twice!

But yeah, as mentioned, there are the bugs where the game isn't replayable unless reloaded. Still, a fun experience!

I'm bad at puzzles, so I didn't manage to beat this game. Still, the visuals look nice (though some textures look stretched), and the music and the mood are neat. I couldn't quite figure out what I was supposed to do, but in the moments where I thought I had figured out what I was doing, I felt very smart. Some of the physics and camera controls were a little weird feeling, and after a good period of not figuring out what to do, I started feeling a tad motion sick, but that may have just been me. Great work!

I'm not good at puzzle games, nor stealth games, so this is a tough game for me. In any case, the level design and the map elements really stood out to me. I think the visuals and the music really fit well together, and the game feels really intense. Also 15 levels is very impressive. 

The sound effect for the green enemies was neat, but I think the effect would keep going even when I stepped off the aggro zone. 

Also, I didn't play the later levels, but I was very excited thinking about the levels that would combine a lot of the elements introduced as the game went on.
Great work!

Has a very cohesive aesthetic, and it looks and feels very complete. Not my usual cup of tea in terms of genre, and some of the levels are kind of upsetting in terms of difficulty, though I'm sure that's planned. Some of the enemies look a little friendlier than their actions. Still, I know a lot of love and hard work went into making this, so good work!

I love the concept for this game. The voice acting and audio is also really cool. That being said, it's hard to catch everything that they're saying, especially when it's instructions. The game sounds like it has an awesome story that I'd love to know more about, but progression is too challenging for me. It's way too easy to get lost, and once you lose the trail, it's hard to find where to go again.

I would like some sort of visual feedback, even if the character is blind. There are surely ways to represent the world and the level to compliment this theme, rather than undermine it. Great work!

The game seemed fully functional, and that was really cool! I didn't get the chance to really play it, but the amount of work that's gone into it is really impressive.  Great work guys!

You guys got the horror aspect down, aah, this thing is spooky. I love the way you guys went about adding something of a story to the game, and I wish I could learn more. There were some bugs with the enemies such as the corpses not getting me when I stood in a corner. The traps being invisible doesn't feel great, but it's sudden and thus spooky. This was really cool, and the audio you guys used was great.

The maze generation is really neat! The maze itself is functional, and I think there's a lot you could do with that if you wanted. Unfortunately, the camera doesn't let us see the cool part at the beginning very easily, and the ball can fall out. But when everything's in play, it's pretty satisfying to roll the ball around. Nice work!