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A member registered Jun 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Absolute gold! 5* in all categories. You can play this game to prepare for Elden Ring...
There was just one tiny thing that I noticed. When Rain puts his sword above his head to ready his forward chop, you can also get hit before the chopping animation takes place.

Solid top-down action game. I imagine it would be more fun if you could use the mouse to control the aim. The background music is lit! Kudos for adding a story, but I had some problems with it. Did the wife return from the dead? If so, I'd expect some restraints or supernatural abilities. It would have worked better (for me), if it was a revenge story like Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill, where the protagonist was meant to be killed but survived.

Jump and run is always fun. My score showed 0 when finishing the game (even though I collected all strawberries and killed all enemies). When jumping, you often clip to the higher ground which feels a bit clumsy. The levels' difficulty progression was good, but you should not let the player jump into the unknown (last level). Always show the next platform - either at the edge of the screen or by showing later parts of the level while you play - so that the player can prepare for the next jump.

I didn't understand how it is connected to "death is only the beginning".

I like the mechanics of this game. You could improve the visual keys to make some elements more obvious, e.g., making the blue floor pieces more visible in "dead mode".

I like the mechanics of this game. You could improve the visual keys to make some elements more obvious, e.g., making the blue floor pieces more visible in "dead mode".

I enjoyed playing your game! It's a very solid arcade game with fitting visuals and gameplay sound. For the story, theme, and music I'd see room for improvement. Though, it's difficult to have all categories satisfied in this kind of game. But on the other hand, this would also separate you from the many clones of existing arcade classics.

Nice game! I really like the twist of the psychedelic second level. It made me curious to see more! One thing that distracted me a bit was the different level of quality of the imported character assets, but I think if you'd want to continue this game idea and grab a cheap character pack from the store, you could make an interesting story game. 

Nice game! I really like the twist of the psychedelic second level. It made me curious to see more! One thing that distracted me a bit was the different level of quality of the imported character assets, but I think if you'd want to continue this game idea and grab a cheap character pack from the store, you could make an interesting story game. 

Nice obstacle course. I'm missing the theme though. Would be interesting to see how you'd incorporate it in this game idea.

Good entry! I enjoyed playing it. Nice that you added walnuts in positions off the main track for those players who really want even more challenge.

(1 edit)

Thanks. :) Check out the controller source code. It's adding some really nice features.

Thanks. :) I also saw this mechanic when I played some of the submissions. I was just building a prototype, but the corpse mechanic can be used for more challenging sequences... If I was only a better level designer. :

Thanks for your feedback. I hope so, too, but I think I'd rather join another game jam. :D

Thank you! :)

Thank you for your kind words! If I had invested the full two weeks, I might have ended with something that looks and feels more complete. In the end, I spent around 12-13 hours on this, so I consider it more like a prototype. Unfortunately the porting to WebGL also ate my sound effects. Please feel free to experiment with the source and share your result. :D

Thank you - glad you liked the game. :)

I had to look up the story on Wikipedia as I experienced a bug in level 9. There was no sound or text, but two characters were shown in the cutscene. After having read the plot, I think your interpretation is quite smart and very well-fitting to the theme - good job!

If I may add more feedback: I'd prefer a faster movement of the character (and enemies). Also, more variations of enemies or traps would make the levels more exciting. I like the idea of walking from level 1-9 and then returning from level 9-1, but you could experiment a bit more with the level design, as returning from level 2 and level 1 was not challenging even though it's the climax of the game. You could think about more walls so that the player has to think about how to reach the exit with the restricted movement, or you could add some more story, like text boxes that read that Orpheus is starting to doubt that Eurydice is still following him.

(1 edit)

This game is good! It's hard and reminds me of some old-school platformers (because of the unforgiving controls), but you can master and enjoy it. The theme and gameplay are connected very smoothly and the puzzles are easy, but with increasing difficulty. Good level design!

The only thing I didn't understand was that sometimes the levels seem to reset when you die too often. Somehow I thought that when activating the shrine that allows my corpses to remain in the level when dying, I could use this mechanic until my total life reaches 0 or when I activate the vampire shadow shrine...

Btw: we both use the idea of leaving our corpse in the level when dying, but you really made a game with that concept (and other mechanics!), whereas my game is just a prototype...

Nice transition from the intro to the gameplay! Unfortunately, I was not able to get far in this game as I found it difficult to evade the obstacles.

Really nice work! I also died when I entered the second level because of the spawning object. Sometimes it's hard to navigate when the target floor piece is covered by another object. I don't know if it was only for me, but I received the last keyword after the word puzzle. I like all of the details that were put into this game, like different footstep sounds, voice clips, and outro. It was a great story and an innovative take on the game jam's theme.

Nice one! Keep on developing.

Thank you for your feedback! I had some pretty crazy versions of movement when I was prototyping it. In the end I chose the speedy, ice-y version. If the game would become more fleshed out I would love to change the movement behavior based on the levels. E.g. low vs high gravity, slippery vs non-slippery surfaces. ...and also some more challenging usages of the switches.

Hi Binus Game Development Club, thank you for your comment. Checkpoints would make it less frustrating, that's so true. During playtests I had to cheat to drag my character to the desired spot. I better learn how to implement checkpoints or split the challenges in shorter levels. Seems like you almost reached the end. ;)

Yes, I've played it by now. The music is very scary. :D You added several levels, but I think you can increase the levels' difficulty a bit more. E.g. first level has no gaps, second level has floating platforms, and from then onwards the height, distance and/or size of platforms vary to make it more challenging.

Thanks for your feedback. You should have seen some of the previous attempts of player movement. It ended up like something that feels a bit like ice-skating and I have to admit, it's not 100% what I've intended. I am very happy that you liked it. Looking forward to the next jam. :)

Thank you for your feedback! It was really fun figuring out the code and also looking into all of the other parts of game development. I've learned a lot, but for the next jam I will consider joining as a team.

What a wonderful game!

What a wonderful game!

You did a great job my seperating the music into the separate channels and then play one or the other depending on which character you're playing! Nice game - I was going for the "you can split your character" approach, too. Have a nice day

Sweet! I think we were doing quite a similar approach. :D You created a very nice mysterious atmosphere in your level with that artstyle and the music. It was fun playing it.

Nice music!

Hi mixmax, that's unfortunately true. If the distance between you and an empty space is small enough when uniting the cubes while standing in a phased out environment, the cubes will be pushed to the empty space. I can imagine two ways to solve the issue when getting stuck in the environment though. The nicer solution woul be a check and only allow uniting when not standing deep in a phased out environment - or - load the game over state when being stuck. I hope you still enjoyed the other parts while playing. Have a nice day & thanks for your comment!