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A member registered May 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's my bad haha
I kinda failed my con save against my chronic pain condition and I'm usually the one who does the background stuff.  
The rest of the team did amazing though and I'm so glad you got to enjoy their great work. :D

I managed to get to 1064, and had a good time except for the audio bug - it gets ROUGH as you get further into the game.

That being said, you had me fully absorbed in a game jam game, which is quite the feat!  Well done. :D

I loved the take, I loved the execution (sound thingy aside) and I loved how it made the gears in my brain go brrrrr. 

Thank you. =)

This was amazing!  When I first read the description I thought "Oh no, this is too big brain for me" but you made it way more accessible than it could have been!  That can be super hard to do in the limited timespan of a game jam so very well done!

You should feel proud of what you did, 100%!
Some of the games you are seeing are done by teams who had everything line up for them just right.   Some are done by people who legitimately just *do* game jams well - this isn't to take from them at all - kudos to them... but some of us are mortal, yo.
We all do our best when we are at our best, and we don't when we aren't.
Given what happened with your first attempt (ouuuccccchhhh) - the point that you pulled together and submitted AT ALL is SUPER impressive.  I would have sat there and cried until time ran out haha.  I frequently end up fulfilling the role of "moral support" on my team when my health acts up. =) Nothing to be ashamed us, we just roll with the punches (hehe, roll, dice theme... hehe).

And even with limited time and a set back and all the emotional nonsense THAT would all bring - you brought the world something that is genuinely fun and got my brain spinning with all the ways you could play off of this concept.  That's so cool!  I'm majorly impressed. =)

Enjoy feeling proud of yourself. =) You deserve it - 100%.

I honestly did at first! I kept rolling nothing above a 3 with the golems haha
All good though, I figured out the trick and had a *blast*!  Thank you. =)

This was super fun - thank you!

My only gripe was that sometimes I just couldn't get my mouse to "snap" to the dice I wanted and I would end up clicking a dice I didn't want, which took time that I did not have haha.

Super well done though, seeing such a polished game in a game jam is both inspiring and intimidating. =)

This was super super SUPER fun.  I really enjoyed it, if I recall correctly, within 3 seconds my brain was just saying "yesssssss".

Now for the critique part: It was a big confusing how it felt like my health counted down by 1 every time I got hit, but the enemy health felt like it had no correlation their health.  I could be wrong on this - just it wasn't very clear to me.

Overall though, really well done!  I had a blast. :D

Simple, but sweet.  I love the idea, well done haha

This is a really really neat concept! 

It did at times feel a bit frustrating but I think that may be the point of a game like this.

Well done. :D

This is a reallllllly neat idea.  Super super cool.  And obviously, within a game jam, fleshing out lots of details is going to be impossible because - no time.

That being said, I feel like the score was a bit too high for a "win" state.  By 1500 I got the premise completely and it was just a grind to see what happens if you win.  Game jams are both made quick and often played quick.  Without something "else" going on (different sets of information, some sort of storyline, etc), I did not feel motivated to continue to the win, other than as a way to see more of the game to get feedback.

Despite the hefty space it took up on my comment, it's by no means a major issue - just something to consider moving forward. =)  This was well done and I hope you are proud of yourself! =)

Sooooo cuuuute!  This was adorable on so many levels and I actually felt compelled to finish the game - a rare feat with this genre. Well done! :D  This game is very, very well done.

Really fun game!  The idea and execution was absolutely stellar and it really came together nicely.  At first I was confused as to why the difficulty ramped up so high, then I read the comments and realized what you had done - so beyond clever.  
Well done. :D

This was a reallllllly cool twist on the theme!  Absolutely amazing idea and the execution was really well done.

I did run into some weird issues here and there, but that's to be expected in the length of a game jam - the depth you went into here is really impressive!  Well done. :D

This was so, so well done.  My only minor gripe was that I had to drag the bullets instead of just clicking the chambers but ah well. 

I ESPECIALLY loved that you had a volume control button - thank you soooooo much!

My partner came in while I was playing and he got invested too so, two votes from us on how awesome this game was!  The take was super creative.

That was amazing! 
I had genuine fun, and thank you SO MUCH for ensuring the guns had different sprites and clearly different purposes/functions.  So often smaller games leave me going "what's this one" and then I die. 

The only comments I could make about improvement would be things that I'd only bother with if I were making the game bigger so - well done - I've got nothing to add to be constructive!
Thanks. =D

(1 edit)

This game is intense and beautiful and relaxing all wrapped into one.  Well done!
It took a minute to figure out how things worked, but once I had that it was so enjoyable to realize the depth of options open to the player.

That being said I couldn't win, no matter how I tried.  I still had fun though!  Thank you so much for the absolutely amazing game.

Edit: after reading some of the comments I realized a mechanic I had no idea existed and I went back and won.  Felt sooooo good. =) 

I loooooved this.  Sooo cute.  Shiny rocks so pretty. *w*

The game seems super interesting, but honestly I couldn't make the graphics large enough to make the dice easily legible.  As such, I kept dying because I wasn't activating planets that I thought I would have activated.  The browser app refused to let me fullscreen (option was available) so I had to f11 and zoom in and even then it wasn't enough sadly.

The concept though is great and I really like the direction you took!  If this was your first time working with Godot I'm beyond amazed. =)

This is a super neat idea - I really liked it. =)  I suddenly got stopped at level 16 though with no warning. =( The dice didn't refresh and I couldn't walk around.  Not sure if it was just meant to be an end state or a bug so I figured I should mention it here.

Surprisingly fun for a game jam though - well done. :D 

I do not like these types of games but your atmosphere was so spot on and I wanted to know more of the story so I kept tryiiiinnnnng.
You hurt my brain, how dare. :P
Overall though, great great entry.

My only actual complaint is that sometimes the text was hard to see because of the background so keeping an eye on that in the future will be super helpful to folks.

Soooo well done! Great job! :D

I thought I hated Tetris.
I spent my entire life up until now thinking I found Tetris to be a horrific game and that I would never understand what people liked about it.

Then I played this game.
And I have come to realize that I do not hate Tetris.  I just dislike BORING Tetris.

This was fun.

Too fun.

Thank you.

There is a bug where, if you spin an item and it's near a wall, it gets stuck... but honestly after the initial frustration it just became another aspect of the not-boring Tetris.

Overall, very very well done - thank you. =)

This is visually so, so sleek.  I can't believe how polished it looks given you made this in a game jam!
The gameplay isn't my style of gameplay so I can't really comment on it other than the sleekness of the presentation actually made me hang on far longer than I normally do with these types.

Astoundingly well done! :D

With the warning at the beginning I was nervous I was going to see something that caused me agony. Boy oh boy was I surprised!

That was the most relaxing, enjoyable game I've yet to play this jam. I loved the feeling like I was actually learning something (how the sides of the dice relate to each other). I'm blown away that you could put this together so fast.  So very very well done! My only suggestion for improvement, honestly, would be to have it speed up after awhile (or maybe variably???) to create a sense of urgency.   But that takes a lot of fiddling to make right and is super hard to do during a full jam, nevermind half of one.  So very well done!! :D

With the warning at the beginning I was nervous I was going to see something that caused me agony.
Boy oh boy was I surprised!

That was the most relaxing, enjoyable game I've yet to play this jam.
I loved the feeling like I was actually learning something (how the sides of the dice relate to each other).

I'm blown away that you could put this together so fast.  So very very well done!

My only suggestion for improvement, honestly, would be to have it speed up after awhile (or maybe variably???) to create a sense of urgency.   But that takes a lot of fiddling to make right and is super hard to do during a full jam, nevermind half of one. 

So very well done!! :D

The title page says still in development - I hope that is because you plan to continue with this little gem!
The game definitely has aspects to it that tell you it was made in a game jam - the boost when you get through a door is a bit too zippy for example and it can be disorienting (or maybe that's the point?), and z and shift are a bit too close together for my comfort for controls, but otherwise this was pretty gosh darned fun.

Might be my favourite one I've seen so far!  Well done. :D

The amount of options available for bonuses was impressive - although hard to follow when playing because there was just so much in such a short time frame to learn.

If you continued on with this game something that explains the buttons in game a bit might help guide the player.

That being said, great job making such a complicated setup in as short a timespan as a game jam gives you!  Amazing. =) 

Really cute game with a neat take on the theme - I liked it!

If you continue with it post-jam I would be very excited to see how you balance the game as right now it can be frustrating to get blocked on all fronts almost immediately, or to get a series of 1s in a row at the start.

That being said - balancing games in a game jam seems like it is nigh on impossible so this feedback should not be meant in any way to say you didn't do great - 'cause you did! :D 

This game was really, really, really fun.

I loved the take on dice, and the audio mix was really fun, except the music was very loud during gameplay, for me at least.

The audio dimming during the menu select was chef's kiss for me, but it came back at a volume that was just overpowering.

If you continued with this game I would love to see some audio control beyond a toggle button - but in the span of a game jam settings can end up on the backburner. 

Well done! :D

I loved the strategy side to this and you compiled a great combo of visuals and audio so it felt super clean.
I played it a couple times until a dice got frozen into a cute lil wiggle.
Well done!  Normally game jam games don't feel so well put together that I feel relaxed at the end. :D
Thank you.