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You should feel proud of what you did, 100%!
Some of the games you are seeing are done by teams who had everything line up for them just right.   Some are done by people who legitimately just *do* game jams well - this isn't to take from them at all - kudos to them... but some of us are mortal, yo.
We all do our best when we are at our best, and we don't when we aren't.
Given what happened with your first attempt (ouuuccccchhhh) - the point that you pulled together and submitted AT ALL is SUPER impressive.  I would have sat there and cried until time ran out haha.  I frequently end up fulfilling the role of "moral support" on my team when my health acts up. =) Nothing to be ashamed us, we just roll with the punches (hehe, roll, dice theme... hehe).

And even with limited time and a set back and all the emotional nonsense THAT would all bring - you brought the world something that is genuinely fun and got my brain spinning with all the ways you could play off of this concept.  That's so cool!  I'm majorly impressed. =)

Enjoy feeling proud of yourself. =) You deserve it - 100%.


Thanks a lot dude! This comment made my non existant self-esteem roll into existence (More puns ;)) 

I really appreciate you taking the time to actually encourage people to continue no matter what! Hats off to you dude 👏