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A member registered Feb 19, 2015 · View creator page →

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What the hell? xD How did you even do that?

Can't reproduce it. What browser are you playing on?

you have to just hold and drag *veery* carefully the pen across the paper (it doesn't really matter what you write as long as you do a long enough stroke)

Thank you so much! :D

It's a shame you didn't have enough time to finish this, because I really want to see the final product now! I see a lot of potential, and I love the aesthetic of it. The game is pretty incomplete as-is though, even the post-jam version, so it's hard for me to even give it an accurate rating... So yea, I really liked what I saw, and I hope you get to update the game once the jam is over :)

Interesting take on the theme. The assasination of Franz Ferdinand probably was the one that most impacted modern history, so it would be interesting to explore this. I did struggle to understand what I was supposed to do in the beginning though, and the game barely gave me enough time to read the text explanations (I'm a slow reader). Still, a pretty interesting game nonetheless!

Thanks! That was actually something I was trying to emulate when making the minigames, I'm glad it was successful ^^

No problem with the late answer. I opened up the settings but it didn't allow me to change the keybinds. It didn't even show me what keys I was even changing when I clicked on the slots.

Damn, what a professional-looking game! It's a shame that the controls were like this, I was unable to change them on the settings, but I still tried walking around. The game gave my PC a bluescreen after playing for a few minutes, idk what happened. The SFX and music were definitely the best part. Great job!

(1 edit)

Nice game! The Binding of Isaac controls are a bit hard to get the hand of, but then again I kinda stuck at these games xD

SFX are nice and music too.

Pretty good for your first game! I like the noir-style aesthetic, and I think this is a great premise that I would like to see developed further. Maybe other games centered around other famous murders from history? Idk, just an idea. Shame there was no audio and no music, and the game itself was pretty short too. Still, good job!

Nice submission! It was very disorientating for me also because my heaphones have the audio flipped and I can't fix it, but I also think the footstep sfx weren't very well "calibrated" because I could hear footsteps of a guard from like 50 meters away, and when you're inside it's hard to tell if a guard is coming or if they're just on the other side of the wall. Other than that, the animations were nice (and kinda funny) and the whole atmosphere was well put together. I was unable to finish the game because I just can't tell when a guard is coming xD

Very nice game! I especially like the minimalistic 3d style, reminds me of the old Runescape but with better color grading. I did have some issues with the camera though. I know 3rd person view is always a pain to work with. It was hard to tell which objects I was actually interacting with, although I get that in a point-and-click like this the point is that you have to find things. Some sfx were a bit too loud as well. But other than that, no complaints! I love games about more obscure topics like this especially :)

The game isn't loading for me, I tried on Edge and Opera. Any suggestions?

Simple, but well made. I did wish that you could more easily dodge bullets when there's multiple coming but maybe I just have to git gud. The Wilhelm scream was a nice touch xD

You're too kind :) I also added a shoutout for you as thanks for your help with the errors in my code

Very short, but well executed, and man that music is unnerving as hell. Here's the VOD: Thanks for coming to my stream! ^^

Very nice for your first game in Godot! I think it's so cool that we both chose to do a game on Fidel Castro but yours is from the perspective of Fidel and mine is from the perspective of the CIA xD You did some minigames that I would have never been able to come up with. Great job! Here's my VOD:

Great job! I love the sfx and the art especially. The part of the fake name of Oswald was something I would get stuck on if I didn't have the help of chat xD Thanks for coming to the stream! Here's the VOD:

I managed to play it again on Firefox so I could hear the music and sfx. Very nicely done! Here's the VOD:

Simple game and mechanics, but implemented in an excellent way! I had a lot of fun, even though I ended up giving up on the last level. Here's my VOD:

Thank you :D

Thank you so much ^^

No you are not doing anything wrong. The game is supposed to ramp up in difficulty as soon as you get Guards, but maybe there's a bug I'm not aware of where the rate at which attacks appear is too fast (might be the case), or it could be just RNG having a bad day. Regardless I know the game is poorly balanced and a bit rushed in design, it was made in 72 hours after all, but I just haven't had the time or energy to work on it more, so for now this is the state it is in, I'm sorry :C still hope you enjoyed some of it at least! Thanks for the comment

I'm not sure what you mean. The game doesn't autosave if that's what you're asking

Thanks ^^ glad you liked it!

Nice game! Though it is pretty hectic, and the bugs on the browser version are a shame.

It's a bit weird that you have to charge the people correctly, and even if you charge less they still get mad and leave xD

Here's the VOD:

This is a really interesting game!

Just wish there were better graphics, though I appreciate the Windows XP background

Here's the VOD:

It's hard to understand what you're supposed to do but then you get the hang of it and it gets pretty engaging.

A run button would be a nice addition.

Also I seem to only be getting 1 tentacle for my performance, which is not fair xD

Here's the VOD:

Man I love this game haha

Worth iiiiiiiit!

Here's the VOD:

Fun and well executed game!

I don't have much else to say about it

Here's the VOD:

Great game!

I just suck at it, and I couldn't finish it.

Here's the VOD:

The idea is pretty unique and fun.

Just wish it was easier to understand what I'm supposed to do.

And it felt like shooting in the rythm didn't matter for the combo.

Here's the VOD:

Wow this was hard to understand. Maybe I'm just dumb.

I like the concept of it. A lot of people seem to have come up with the elements idea x)

And kudos for having made it fully customizable!

Here's the VOD:

Once you understand the controls the gameplay is pretty fun.

But yea please explain it somewhere, took me a few tries to figure it out.

Also, the balls didn't seem to match the music, and that final part looks impossible.

Here's the VOD:

This was a really funny concept xD

But damn am I bad at this game.

Here's the VOD:

(1 edit)

Interesting concept, I like it!

As a geography enthusiast, it was more fun for me to identify the flags than to actually match them lol

Definitely the game could be a bit more intuitive, without requiring so much explanation, or at least explain it in-game

Here's the VOD:

This game has such a random concept, and I love it x)

I wish there was an actual ending to it though.

The graphics were awesome and the music too!

Here's the VOD:

This was an interesting and unique idea!

It didn't seem like chosing the animal parts mattered that much though in the end.

And I won without even realizing what I was doing lol

Here's the VOD:

This was pretty fun (and hectic)!

Only realized you could switch weapons too late x)

Also, it would be nice to get a score at the end, and settings too.

And more sfx would have been nice too.

Here's the VOD: