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A member registered Jul 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!

I agree that the experience is quite mesmerising! :)

That’s probably the most creative and unique mechanic I’ve seen so far! Though it was really hard to figure out at start since the game doesn’t show any tutorial or tips, and ~10 first levels can be solved in a second by accidentally moving the mouse :D (I do realize that the game’s page has an explanation of mechanics, but I prefer to see the games “raw” first, so to speak). The last levels were mostly just trial and error, and, again, I completed most of them almost accidentally.

I think this is a great mechanic to iterate and build up on, great job and congrats with your submission! I’d be happy if you tried my game as well, it’s also about colors:

An interesting take on the theme! Managing the balance of two cities is something I haven’t seen before. However, the mechanics felt weird and obscure: I couldn’t figure out how much food is produced or consumed, why certain farm fields die out even if the city is starving, why I can only place buildings in certain spots, what exactly makes new “action cards” appear, etc. I think this has great potential if the player is given enough info about what’s going on!

Anyways, congrats on your submission! I’d be happy if you tried my game as well:

Very nice take on the theme! The sun & moon mechanic felt slightly tedious, since you need to switch to a different mode, drag something, switch back, and only then see the result, which breaks the problem-solving flow a little bit. At some of the “atomic” levels it’s really hard to see the further parts of it - it took me quite a while to make the gasoline molecule (see the screenshot). And, yeah, water, acid and gasoline are molecules, not atoms :)

Anyways, congrats with your submission, I quite enjoyed it! I’d be happy if you tried my game as well:

Wow, very nice! It looks satisfactorily clean! :)

Interesting take on the theme! Seemed a bit trivial at first (just move left-right until you get the required state), but you’ve explored and elevated the basic idea in quite non-trivial ways, that’s cool. The level with falling down a bunch of lasers felt a bit off: it’s very hard to see the route through the lasers, and once you see it, it’s just a matter of extremely precise falling down, which took me some 30 attempts or so. Oh, and this level really made my GPU burn :)

Anyways, congrats on your submission. I’d be happy if you tried my game as well:

A very cool idea! Loved how the ants gracefully switch between wandering chaotically around you and following you in an organized group. Unfortunately I found it very hard to progress: ants get stuck in bridges or narrow passages extremely often, so I end up gathering just enough resources to prevent the ant population from shrinking. Enemies seemed way too harsh as well: they immediately kill a lot of your ants before your soldier ants start attacking them. After a few skirmishes I lost all my ~40 ants except for a few soldier ones, so I decided it’s better to just avoid them. It would probably help if there was a mode when all your ants hide somewhere, and only soldiers follow you. Losing soldiers in battles isn’t that bad, since they’re useless otherwise.

Anyways, congrats on your submission! I’d be happy if you tried my game as well:

Thank you for the bug report! This is a result of some two-hours-before-deadline coding - we added the ability to replace existing tile with a different one without explicitly deleting it, because it proved handy while testing, and forgot to exclude the case of replacing the color source. It’s an easy fix, but we’ll have to wait until the jam ends.

I’m happy you liked the game, and sorry again for the bug!

Sorry for the controls, I agree they could’ve been better, but we focused on the mechanics and balancing first. Really happy you took the time and gave it a try!

That’s a beautifully-arranged factory you’ve got there :)

Thanks for trying the game! What exactly did you find unsatisfying with the controls? Btw, the game’s page has a comprehensive explanation of those!

Deleting a source is a bug which I can’t reproduce, how did you manage to do this?

To unselect, simply click the right mouse button.

Incredible artwork, lovely interactions, soothing atmosphere. Great job! Would love to have a minimap or otherwise some means of understanding where I’m located, - I spent some several minutes trying to find the guy who wanted a beer, and several more for the give wanting a knife.

Found all 20 air conditioners and the closed ladder going up, but couldn’t figure out how to open it, or any indication whether I even could do this. Not sure if that was end of the game or not :)

Anyways, congrats on your submission! Stylish as usual :)

An incredible cool and unique idea, loved it! It’s so simple yet so effective, makes for a very interesting game. Got stuck at this level (see screenshot), it seems to me that it’s impossible to solve, but probably I’m missing something?

Anyways, congrats on your submission! I’d be happy if you tried my game as well:

Nice classic mechanic! Loved the lore and the items you use for the build :) The power-ups (glue, 3 boxes, 2x size, etc) sometimes stack on top of each other visually on the top-left board, not sure if that’s intended. Managed to reach 29m, after that it turned into a huge mess 😅

Congrats on the submission. I’d be happy if you tried my game as well:

A very cool idea! Camera controls felt a little bit weird for me, maybe you could get away with having a fixed perspective on each level? Also would be cool to see the controls listed on the game’s page, I had to try my whole keyboard to figure out that [X] and [C] are jump and shoot 😅

Got stuck at level 5, no idea how to solve it. Probably gonna return to it later :)

Anyways, congrats on your submission! I’d be happy if you tried my game as well:

Looks like something I’d enjoy! Unfortunately, the buttons in the employee and furniture list didn’t do anything for me, as well as clicking on areas to buy, while all the text seems to be placeholders (see screenshot). Maybe some files are missing from the game?

By the way, I’d be happy if you tried my game as well:

My own engine in C++ & SDL2 & OpenGL.

(1 edit)

I’ve submitted my entry on time, but then realized it is missing a few quality-of-life features (like saving progress when quitting, pausing music when the window isn’t focused, stuff like that). Is it acceptable to update the build with such non-gameplay changes after the deadline, or is it better to wait until the jam voting ends?

Great, thanks!

(1 edit)

Is bitbucket fine? I host everything there including my own engine, would be weird for me to use GitHub for that.

I agree, this was a very bad design decision.

A hilarious game, loved it! :D Aiming was a bit hard - the bullets seemed to move a bit off the place where the crosshair was. Also took me a lot of time to realize you can move the bullet itself. Anyways, fun game, good job!

Not sure what I’m supposed to do: at first, I was to stop the player, but I failed; next, my family was kidnapped and I was supposed to let the hero win, but the hero didn’t move - he was stuck at the left corner of the level in a running animation, but didn’t actually run.

I liked the gameplay, it’s new and fits the theme really well! The UI felt a bit clunky - many times I was just unable to click on a waypoint for no apparent reason, and at the start I didn’t understand what I’m even supposed to do. Maybe, when the player have selected a car, you could highlight the possible road nodes that can be clicked? It would also be cool if you could skip clicking through all the intersections along a straight road and let the game figure out how to place a straight path. Lat thing about UI: when another car is moving close to an intersection you want to click, it’s basically impossible to do since the game selects this car instead, so you have to painfully wait until it moves away, which is bad for a timer-based game :)

A very nice game! A bit hard to understand what’s going on at first, but eventually I figured everything out. Definitely needs some music and sound effects, the game quite empty without them, they’d add so much to the juice. A bit frustrated that you can misclick sometimes and apply glue to empty bricks, or apply “spawn bricks” card to the black border brick, which doesn’t do anything. I feel like this just shouldn’t be possible for the player to do? I also noticed that you compute the selected brick by intersecting the mouse ray with the plane going through brick tops, but which works confusing when placing new bricks (because you see the bottom layer, not the top layer). It would also be useful to highlight the area in the bottom where you can’t place bricks - maybe have a different color there?

The wave effect is really cool! I guess you didn’t actually solve the wave equation, but just added together the contributions of the surrounding impacts? Still, it lagged quite a lot when there were a lot of waves, maybe some optimization is needed.

Anyway, I felt like the game keeps going forever - I reached 4000 points and it didn’t look like I’m ever going to lose. Some difficulty progression would be nice :) I also didn’t understand how exactly the score is computed - it didn’t seem to be connected to either time or destroyed bricks.

An unusual game, in a good way! At first I couldn’t make it past the first area - I bubbled the aliens, stood on the red button but didn’t notice what happened due to a bad camera angle. I tried moving the box on the button and it didn’t do anything (since I’ve already stepped on it before, duh), which got me a bit confused. Then I re-read the description and realized what to do :)

The aliens felt both too hard and too easy at the same time - they almost surely kill you if they see you, but they have a very narrow viewing range. Maybe make them less strong but at the same time less dumb would make it more interesting to play?

The movement & camera angles made it a bit hard to navigate and orient sometimes.

I also couldn’t figure what to do in the end. I got the spaceship, sucked all the aliens, but nothing happened after that. The spaceship also sinks in to the ground if you fly over empty space for too long, and doesn’t get up ever again (1st screenshot).

I’ve also found a bug where the cow can glitch through the terrain (2nd and 3rd screenshots - before and after sinking; I’m pretty sure the cow didn’t just fall from the cliff, it was clearly sinking in the process).

A nice game, really enjoyed it! Loved the swift and smooth movement and shooting. A very nice & novel weapon mechanic. The difficulty level rose a bit too fast, to my taste, as if it grew exponentially with time; I think a linear difficulty growth would fell a bit more fair :) Cool entry, good job!

Reminds me of the first game I ever made for a jam almost 3 years ago :) I like the realistic acceleration-based spaceship movement. Very nice touch with the particle trail - a good way to tell the player where the ship is going. Agree with others that the role switch happens a bit too rarely - I can easily imagine a player who never survives long enough to even reach the switch :) Filling the space with a bit more stuff would be cool. Also I tried accelerating like crazy and quickly hit an invisible wall, which felt a bit sad - I’m in space, after all!

Nice visual style, funny gameplay, although quite repetitive. Nice job! :)

Nice idea, but I didn’t really get how to get 2000 blood - your owner gets killed pretty quickly no matter what you do. The tutorial was hard to grasp since it’s so much information in one go. Also I think I had a bug - when you click “Replay” and select a new owner, it appears as being already dead - lying on the floor, being all red.

A nice game! I was thinking of making a platformer as well, but ditched the idea, glad to see someone pull it off. I’ve noticed one bug when sometimes I couldn’t pick up a jumping platform I’d placed and I had to restart the level.

A fun take on the theme, though the “reversion” of roles doesn’t really affect gameplay that much - you’d play exactly the same way as the driver :) The gameplay gets repetitive soon. Would love to see some score or similar.

I really like the idea and the chaotic simulation & visuals, but the gameplay gets really repetitive fast, and the whole game is just clicking everywhere really fast, with no apparent strategy.

Nice touch with filling the 12 pentagons with water :)

A very funny take on the theme! Mouse sensitivity was way too high for me, it was hard to target specific objects. The gameplay gets way too repetitive with time, I didn’t find enough patience to finish the third level :( Also inventory scrolling felt a bit weird, I’m use to it going in the other direction (scroll down moves to the right, scroll up moves to the left, like e.g. in Minecraft).

Interesting take on the theme! To me the game felt painfully slow, and the zombie’s movement was quite frustrating - sometimes they take questionable routes to the destination, and sometimes don’t respond to commands at all. I get that this is part of the idea, i.e. zombies are chaotic and don’t follow commands, but it makes the player quite frustrated.

Made me laugh! A really funny take on the theme. Agree with others that it’s a bit too easy, and there seems to be no end goal or at least score.

Interesting idea! I’ve found that rapidly oscillating left-right is a pretty good strategy :) Would love to see a counter for how many bugs I’ve eaten and some progression or challenges. Also when you die (move off the plane) the screen just freezes, which is a bit confusing.

A very nice idea! Sad that there are only 3 levels (unless I missed something?).

A very cool game, loved it! Quite confusing at start - I didn’t really understand what the Q and E buttons do, it seemed like Q makes the player pick up coins nearby, E makes him open doors, something like that. So, a longer and more gradual tutorial would be cool.

Nice difficulty curve, I had to think for a while before I could pass some of the levels.

I stumbled on a bug when if you end the level while in object selection mode (after pressing Q), the whole game is slowed down, including the level transition, so I had to wait something like 20-30 seconds for the next level to load :)

I reached the thing where the player just stands on a plate, not sure if this is the end?

Very nice idea! Unfortunately it’s really confusing as to what the player should actually do. I’ve read in the comments that you kill the hero by jumping on her head, but I tried this and never managed to do that. Although at some point the hero just died, seemingly without my intervention.

There’s also a spot where you can “trap” the hero (first screenshot).

The font in the text is beautiful but also quite hard to read for people with vision problems.