I am at the end of a project and so once again available for contract work.
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One thing I forgot to say, at 10% default earnings on every sale, even with a non-optimised earnings model, I would guess that itch is probably raking in the dough.
That said, it seems a standard for every second half-finished and broken game to be ~700MB, so yeah, on consideration I share in your wonder.
Very carefully. ;)
From a technical standpoint itch.io seems crazy good
This is true. I know I like to complain about the lack of multiple filters, but itch is exceptionally good, from a technical standpoint. If you look at pretty much any other site, it is drowning in javascript bloat, but itch has none of that garbage slowing it down. It's simple, it's fast. As a programmer, this is how I like to do things. Efficiency is everything.
It does seem that the site needs more staff. But as a business owner myself (really small, in my case) I think I can guess the reasons for that.
(seriously though, multiple tag exclusion would be great :D)
For contact, please use the address provided on my website: https://cm-works.co.za
For examples, please see my published games on this platform. StoneChess for example is a multiplayer game built in a custom engine.
I am a programmer with more than 16 years of programming experience, and my passion has been game development. My core principle is efficiency. I like to write the most efficient code possible, and make no attempts to obfuscate what is happening. There are very few bugs in my work, and fixing bugs and maintaining very large legacy projects are my speciality.
As far as popular game engines go, my experience has mostly been with Godot, but learning other engines is not a challenge. For my own projects I have often opted to write bespoke game engines, just to make sure that nothing is wasted.
As someone living in South Africa, I can offer very competitive rates.
Having it in html5 build also helps a lot as many people ( at least me personally ) would be more comfortable with playing a web game than installing a new game from an unknown publisher on my computer, especially here on itch.
This is of critical importance. I think this is what makes the biggest difference between Itch and Steam. People are absolutely terrified of malware, and I think this goes double for the kind of people that play horror games.
There are many good and great games on the platform, and there are many more bad games that make the good games difficult to find. This is a common issue on platforms like this. If you dig hard, you will find some gems, eventually.
The trends are created by the game creators, and by the site's management, who feature the kind of games that they like. Game creators also notice what kind of games get featured, and then make more games like that in an effort to get featured. If you don't like these kind of games, I think that the people that run the site don't care about that. A feature to exclude multiple tags from listings is requested quite frequently, and it gets pretty much ignored every time. The closest to an official response you will likely get, is someone that likes to pop into the conversation and attempt to convince you that you don't really want this feature. Most people who don't share the site's ideology have given up, which is more bad behaviour.
There does not appear to be an easy fix to this problem. There is a hidden feature to exclude single tags, but there is more than one prolific tag filled with garbage. At the moment the solutions are limited to spending time digging through the aforementioned garbage, or to find some third party means to fix it, for example: Write a script to fix it, find another platform, or make your own platform. As you can see, there are no good solutions at the moment. I do suggest to those that disagree with the site's ideology not give in to apathy, and make their own opinions heard, even if it is just for the record. The world is in a bad place, and a lot of work and determination is required to fix it. Be part of the solution.
If you're only releasing on itch, then free is the only way you will get any significant traffic in the overwhelming majority of cases. Even so, it will be difficult to rise above the sheer volume of upload traffic, a lot of which is pure nonsense.
There is nothing wrong with ads, but they have been given a bad name by bad actors that have made distracting and obtrusive ads the norm.
I do not understand this.
I get that it is difficult to find good games on many other platforms, but once finding one, why do people not want to buy the game from them? Surely once you have given your details to a platform to buy one game, it becomes very easy to buy another. In my mind it is more convenient to simply download a game and have the installer forever, rather than needing some application always running to do the same thing, and to run the game.
On top of this, there are other games stores more similar to Steam, which don't get any traction.
These other platforms you mention don't really want to see self-promotion, often times it is regarded as spam. All of them are also working very hard to make it so that you have to pay them to have any visibility at all.
This platform can be seen more as hosting and selling. It makes available some measures of promotion, like dev logs, but these are not very effective to that end. A lot of good games get lost in the traffic here.
Since I feel like the US is in a bad place economically, and there is a lot of tension in the globe, Id say put Trump back in and let him try to fix it his way.
Leaving the fate of a nation up to such a careless choice (elect him and see what happens) is criminally negligent. You can see how the U.S. got to the state it's in with this attitude. He is not even an unknown quantity, he is a proven liar. His foreign policy is to do whatever Israel wants, and that is the worst thing right now.
I suggest adding a checkmark to say that your game is itch.io exclusive, and then give a pre-defined amount of visibility boost to those that are. This will also require a way for users to report games which are not, and a proportional amount of demerit to burden games (or creators) that claimed they were exclusive, but weren't.
I am a skilled programmer, so if you need assistance implementing features, let me know.
However he gets things done, that I can respect.
The only thing he got done was operation warp speed, and that was a disaster with corporate backing, for corporate benefit. Every one of his other promises got papered over with more promises. Didn't build the wall, didn't lock up the Clintons, he is just another geriatric liar. Harris is bad, but she hasn't lied as much as he has. She hasn't had the opportunity. Neither of them deserve a single vote.