Hey everyone!
I have made a few games before but for my first game release I have uploaded here on Itch.io and I have advertised after advertised to try and get my name / game out there for people to play, It's free to play as all I'm looking for is reviews and video content of people playing the game. Anyway after everything I've done people have downloaded the game but not a single review has been left. I even tried to make a community in discord where I can post updates and promote others uploads etc and still no one joined.
The main question I'm asking is when uploading a game should I make a build for Windows, Linux and mac or are the majority of playing using say Windows, and do you have any tips on what a single developer can do to get their name and game out to the public without having a community?
This post won't only help me but it may also help other developers who are struggling too!