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BeachBlock Games

A member registered Feb 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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very nice concept!

Thanks for the feedback! I can address a couple of things you mentioned.

First, I do have plans to add mouse controls. It may be a while though, as I will have to learn how to implement it. That goes along with adding touch controls for the future mobile version.

As for the arrow key behavior, when the cube is rotating, the rotation controls are disabled, but I don't think the face selection is, which would explain why that works while the rotation is happening. I don't necessarily see that as an issue, so much as something to be aware of, but maybe I'll look into it more.

On the ability to rotate the center section up/down/sideways, I have thought about adding that in, but I'll have to be careful I don't break what is finally working pretty well. Parenting/unparenting the pieces to the center piece of the rotation is tricky! You can rotate a physical cube that way, but it is also tricky.

Originally, the controls were designed with limitations in mind because of trying to fit the "Life in 2 dimensions" theme. I still want that to be an aspect of the game, but I also want to make it something people will enjoy playing, so I'm trying to find that balance. I have in-game tutorial stuff coming, hopefully by the end of this week, that will help those who don't already know how to solve the cube. 

Finally, the leaderboards do actually work, i just wanted to tweak the numbers being submitted and displayed a bit.

Thank you for playing!

Well, I have decided that I am going to continue develpment of this game to a fully published title, which will include tutorials on how to solve a rubik's cube! Rather than being based on memorizing complex math-based algorithms, it will explain a logical step-by-step solution that solves any scramble. It is not the way a speed cuber uses to solve the cube, but works reliably and gives you braggin rights that you can solve the cube! Also, the controls are going to be completely reworked. The difficulty of the controls was intentional for the theme of the game jam.

Yeah, I am reowrking the controls. It won't be done before the jam rating period ends, but I it is getting done. Is the version you got the messed up cube on in the web version or the download? if it was a download, was it the current 0.21 verison or the original 0.2? That issue was a lot worse, and I thought I had it resolved. I've seen it start to happen one other time since the "fix", so I probably just need to do more optimization, or maybe refactor the way the rotation is handled.

hey thanks!!

Haha! I'm sure anyone who has ever attempted a Rubik's Cube has wanted to just move stickers! Actually, when I bought my first one I intentionally got one that didn't use stickers because I didn't want them to start peeling and look bad.
It was a lot of fun to get this prototype going, and I have ideas for ways to expand on it. First items on the list are to completely rework the controls using the new Input system rather than the legacy system that it's using now, and to add a leaderboard, which will require creating a username. The Input System will also include configuring touch controls, so I can make an Android build, or even so PC players can use the mouse. The current controls scheme was intended to fit into the jam's theme of "life in 2d", meaning movement is more restricted in 2d, but further development will ignore that. The 2d perspective on the cube will probably remain though, as I think the added challenge is unique and pretty fun. It helps you open up your mind to work at remembering what is on the other sides.

thats the point though..."life in 2d" limits things so they take longer. its just a different kind of challenge. thanks for playing!!

Very well put together. I appreciate the extra info in the replies to previous comments! I plan on making a driving game at some point. I would like to see a rework of the old NES games Super Off Road and R.C. Pro-Am. Maybe I'll attempt something like that.

Very nice! I am not that familiar with the Bass Clef, so I found this challenging and helpful. I managed a score of 11500 on my second attempt.

Your premise is similar to mine, controlling 3D objects in a 2D perspective. I really like the aesthetic you went with too! Looks awesome and is a great puzzle game!

I really like this one! I think I managed to deliver 7 or 8 pizzas before I failed one. Are you planning to develop this game any further? The car controls worked great for this, felt real arcade-like.

Awesome game! I only got to level 7 before I died. lol

I really like the concept, though I agree with other comments that the goal should probably be points based rather than time based for a game like this. All in all, well done!
I also saw the comment where you made it a point to add the leaderboard using Lootlocker. I really wanted to get that in my game too, but ran out of time. Life got in the way a bit for me during this jam. I won't add it before the ranking periood ends, but I will afterward.

This is freaking addicting! I only got to like level 4 though. lol. I like the little story and progresison too. I would love to see a polished version of this some day!

Hey, thanks for checking it out!

VERY addicting!

Did you use the keyboard or a contrtoller? During testing, I found that my Xbox One controller gave me finer control with the joysticks.

I really like this concept! There are several points of challenge and interesting mechanics. I failed the first time because I didn't understand the orb signs on the first run, but then I got this score.

I really like this concept! There are several points of challenge and interesting mechanics. I failed the first time because I didn't understand the orb signs on the first run, but then I got this score.

Hey, thank for the awesome review! The gunshots are intended to be random. 

(1 edit)

This is a really fun game! It took me a minute to get a handle on it, but once I figured out the arrow sequence thing to actually make the food, I got into it. It strangely gave me DDR vibes because of racing the characters' timers. lol

Hey, thanks for the feedback. The itch links overlaying the game is either a browser issue (I don't have that issue in Chrome at least) or you have scrolled down. Try scrolling up in the browser window. The enemy tanks accuracy is a balancing element, since they can get stuck on objects when they run into each other. Fun fact, they can also shoot and damage each other. And, if you are far enough away and moving, they can miss you. There are a lot of strategic options built in. I wanted to make more maps to expand on the strategy element of gameplay, but just ran out of time. I may come back to this project in the future and build it out into a full game with more maps, public scoreboard, and alternate controls.

I might have said that wrong actually. You can set it up so that it doesn't smoosh all the stuff together and overlap it in small view of the webgl window. You can actually set it up for a larger webgl window. but i ran into a lot of issues with game jam games due to using an ultrawide too, hence my previous comment.

Hard to argue with a well-working pinball game! Great fun! My only real critique is that the menu could use some work, specifically for various aspect ratios as I use ultrawides.

This game is just simply awesome! There are a few directions you could take this if you continue development. Some way to recover health would be nice. As a dog person, launching cats into space is extremely satisfying!

I gotta say, I've tried to play it a few times, and i just don't think it's for me. I can't get my head around the controls, camera, and UI design. I think I understand the concept though. That intro is amazing though! 

I find it awesome that our games use the same control style for the tank! That is what I got the most pushback for, but I hold that it is a good tank controller. I like that your tank continues to move and give you those last few bonus points on the score too. Can you make a Windows build?

I really love the concept here! I would call the current difficulty level hard mode though. If you continue development on this, perhaps add an easy difficulty setting that pauses activity in the other realm that the player is not focused on? Maybe medium, or standard, difficulty could keep both realms active but increase the timer on the souls before they ressurrect.

I agree with everyone else about the comparison to Plants vs Zombies, and I love it! Excellent effort for a jam game indeed!

Ok. I never actually lost a round in your game, so I didn't get to see that part.

Yes, the controls do have a learning curve. Hmmm....perhaps I could implement a setting that allows switching control types? I haven't actually done settings for a game yet so that gives me something to look into. 

I like the concept, but as a fan of driving games, I think the first thing that needs fixed is the car controller.

I think literally all this game needs is some audio. Very nice game! it supposed to fit the jam theme? Not that it makes the game worse if it doesn't. just curious.

Very nice game! I like the chosen art style. Question, which I did not notice an immediate answer to either in-game or on the game's page, do the pickups you collect during the initial part of the game count toward anything in the second part? like attack power or speed or anything?

This was a pretty neat game! I liked a lot of the mechanics. I've seen your replies to some other comments, and while there is, of course, always room to improve and progress your game design and implementation, the important thing about the jam is to learn something from it. Well done!

I loved the gameplay here! If you built this up to a full game, I would buy it.

The goal is simply to take out as many enemy tanks as you can before they kill you. The crates drop health and fire rate upgrades randomly to help you last longer.

I implemented what seemed to be pretty standard tank controls, but they do take some getting used to. Btw, the health bar is at the rear of the tank, along with that little green light that goes off when the tank is "reloading".

(1 edit)

I still don't know what the goal was. I went through it twice. The first time it just ended after he said let's go now. The second time I chose different items and he gave me a box that a key fell out of and then it ended after i opened a door. Is the goal just to find all the endings? The game itself doesn't give you any idea what you're working toward, only the itch page description mentions the multiple endings.

The character contoller makes it hard to play :( sorry. I do like the teleporting to different areas.