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Bandit Revolvers

A member registered Apr 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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It's a good start. Looking forward to seeing what else you guys do with it.

What I liked

I liked the cutscene at the end, that was a surprise.

Nice graphics, definitely made my 2080TI sweat a bit in rendering everything.

The assets seem well but together and thematically go together.

What could be improved upon:

I felt like there was no feedback when I was hitting enemies or when I was getting hit. I was just watching health bars the entire time instead of enjoying the environment or combat.

There is no way to quit the game except for ALT-F4.

Nie work!

Honestly,  the controls are kinda rough. It took me 3 or 4 tries to finally get a grip on the steering but it was fun doing jumps to get the mid-air coins.

A fun and chill game. 

Gotta admit that I thought the dog and snail were enemies at first haha.

I enjoyed this strategy game. I liked how the AI was .. well .. ruthless. But it always made the move that I expected it to do which is great predictability for a vs AI game.

However, I was also a bit confused about the health/attack values. I picked up on it after a bit though.

Nice work!

I liked the aesthetics and the ghost mechanic. But I was surprised when green mist killed me in ghost form haha.

Nice game!

I didn't know that "Torch" was referring to the flashlight on the table. I was literally looking for a flaming dungeon-like torch on the walls and was surprised when I reached the bottom and didn't see it. 

John's a cool dude, helps me out and everything. Unlike Dick.

Hyuck, hyuck.

Fun game!

It took me a while to figure out how to exactly kill myself on some of the levels. I also feel like level 6 is a very large difficulty spike, but I managed to get past it.

I also noticed the bug where if you hit your head when you jump sometimes your jump is broken afterward.

This was fun! I do love gathering an undead army ....

I liked this entry. The calming music, crazy level design, and the simple collecting mechanic made this all meld together really well.

When the house tried to smush me I was legit scared I was going to go down a floor again, haha.

Congrats on your game. 

I loved how as I became less tethered my jump height increased to give a real sense of achivement. A nice touch!

Really enjoyed the visuals, and the encouragement you get in trying to beat your personal best.

Made it to 10 candies and then got caught :D

It did take me a while to pick up that I could use Mouse 1, 2, or 3 to cast my cards instead of stretching to #1, #2, and #3 while moving with WASD. Once I understood I could use the mouse (despite the keypad icons above the cards) the game became very enjoyable.

Also, the minute I wished that there was another enemy type one of the ones that could shoot spawned. So nice work there.

The music and sound effects and feedback were spot on.

I think you should polish this one up. I had a ton of fun.

I do love a good clicker game. I also agree with showing how many minions and the rate of souls you get.

Those ghosts don't know what hit them! I even went back for another round.

 I like the change in music when you're finally the zombie you were always meant to be. Now I want a zombie pony!

Congrats on submitting to the jam! I have some feedback:

  • I like the fact that I get two lives, and there's a satisfying DING when I lose my halo. And also if it's another angel, they can bounce around and block other objects for me.
  • I think that there should be a score or some other kind of metric at the end to encourage the player to keep playing to beat their own personal best.
  • I think that if a newer object dropped that followed some kind of sine wave, or fell slightly from left to right, or even slightly tracked the player would make it more interesting.
  • Getting some angelic music would be great.

Hello! Thanks for playing my game. Glad to know that you enjoyed those two aspects of the game. :D

The two separate worlds for when you're alive and you die is a great idea. I do have some feedback:

  • I felt that the tutorial area for the shooting range was a bit long.
  • There's a lack of feedback on the gun when you shoot. You said that these were placeholder assets and I can understand that. But in a game where the gun is your only interaction with the enemy (for now anyway), making the gun the star of the game is important.
  • I never switched away from first person. For one, I forgot the key to do so, and also I feel like it's a better game in the first person.
  • I didn't know what was killing me during the horde trials and I figured out it was the water. You should make the water, green, or red just to make it obvious to the player that it's dangerous.

Overall a great start and a lot of work done in 10 days. Nice!

  • I also had a bug where I couldn't pick up a body, but then it turned into a zombie and I knew what the health was for. It was going SO WELL up to that point haha.
  • I enjoyed the sense of progression and the building complexity of the mechanics.
  • I felt as if some of the levels went on a bit long. I think there should be a level meter to know how much time left I had left.
  • I no longer want to be a mortician if one mistake causes zombification to occur, haha.

Overall, I had a bunch of fun playing this game. Nice work!

Congrats on submitting. This was a very chill game with some chill music. I got to 1000 so many times and just zoned out and miss-timed a sphere. I think with sound effects (on hit, or orbs whooshing past) would help this game a lot. :)

Love the synthwave theme. I wish the colors changed between levels to make it feel a little different. 

Nice game with great graphics. I will repeat what everyone else is saying and say that the lack of feedback from enemies, and also feeling like my fireballs weren't going far enough was a bit frustrating as a player.

Congrats on submitting!

I noticed that when you restart the game it doesn't restart your score. My original score was 31. There also wasn't any feedback as to when I got hit, or if I'm hurting the zombies (until they explode that is)

Congrats on submitting. I do enjoy typing games. But I found that trying to move and type at the same time was difficult - but that's part of the challenge I guess. Perhaps if you made right mouse always move forward you could still keep that typing element or even up the difficulty.

I liked how time slowed down for those massive chains, and that I could 4-shot or 5-shot enemies if I lined them up.

[49 Enemies - Wave 18]

Nice work. I felt betrayed by that NPC though :)

Nice work submitting!

Loved the characters and the game mechanics. Nice work! The story was a bit too heavy for my tastes; Feels like I have a two-page paper about the meaning of freedom and escape due tomorrow. :D 

Hey, despite the bugs I managed to beat level 3. You should consider re-visiting this in the future.

A fun game. Truck-kun, ranked #1 in isekai-delivery.

What I liked:

  • Voice acting and simple controls

Cool things to add: 

  • Sometimes the hero would spawn in front of an obstacle which would make it a bit unfair to get. It would be nice to be able to control my speed or maybe even drift into the other lane.
  • A satisfying thump if I run into a mob characters.