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Suggestion Box Sticky

A topic by Dasius created Jan 19, 2017 Views: 78,103 Replies: 1,111
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2 things. Make the boxes easier to flip just in general, and mane make it so its a TINY bit less of a mining sim. I mean , if I bought the ingots to make a shortsword for a person I would make two dollars in profit misusing all costs. Come on. You got to do better than that. Mane add a miner you can hire or something but it takes time, produces random ore, and the miner can only collect ore equal to the level under his pickaxe. So you have to give him a tin one to get copper. That would make it fair.

you should also have some professional testers run over the game, I think it would help get the bugs out faster

(1 edit)

make it compatiblewith mac

Can you bring back the earlier form of ingots and the particle effects  as well as when you had to properly place the ingots with out them magnitizing for more immersion

I suggest an option menu on the main screen

maybe add some other shops that sell crystals or ores to replace the delivery would make things a little more realistic like considering that only paper was delivered lol  and just guessing, if the crystals are going to be used to enchant items might wanna involve an echantment table of some sort that you have to build/buy . Adding more mines would also be nice but the further you go into the mines or from home have slightly better chances of rarer ores but not too much of an increase.[ i would also suggest if there would be other ways to level up, for example, being able to equip/drop/switch weapons and go into a dungeon of some sort and kill some monsters and such?] - maybe i dont know really because it is a black smithing game although you could have the monster drop ores (golems) and crystals( elementals).  well.. thats all im contributing, if i think of anything else ill just add on to this one or make reply to this and thank you for taking your time to read all this. i know its a lot XD thanks again! o3o


Although this comment has approximentlly a 1/1000 chance of being seen (due to the current number of comments and the probability of actually reading this far) I'll make a suggestion.

So my ideas realatively simple;

You know how Geo sells parts to you? Well why not turn it the other way as well.  SInce it takes time and resources to make parts, it may take time to get back to the shop. So, on a bad day where you can't get any customers, why not sell any scrap parts or weapons to Geo for a reduced or increased price depending on mods, materials, and the other stats yet to be put in. Personally I don't know the limits of Unity nor if this is actually possible but for players who made a pretty terrible mistake and decided to go mining right before "tax" day it'd probably be pretty useful to be able to break even so they don't "lose" the game later on.

And that's my idea. If you need a short synopsis of this paragraph:

Make it so you can sell to Geo for cash when broke.

Welp that's all I got for now have a wonderful day/night :D

P.S.: You might want to add initial/special crafting recipes for more/less money to, not just size or material.


Hey Hettow,

I am working on getting "Geo" to purchase things from you as well.

(8 edits) (+1)

Hey Dasius, I got also a few ideas that would make more interesting the game, like:

(my English and spelling is no good just yet, sorry if my spelling makes your eyes bleed lmao)

1- special customers comes with the request for you to build a special weapon with special ingredients they brought to you. this kind of customers will rarely appear (like 1 out 10).

2-it will be cool if you could implement elementals to the weapons like sword or great Sword, which will require you to obtain certain  material and carefully crafting. This kind of weapon will be more like an order, costumers will request this kind of weapons and come to the next day to pick it up at the same time of the day that they ordered it.

3-it will be also cool if the blacksmith had his very own and unique hammer that can be upgraded through experience so you could build more powerful weapons.

4-Adding the ability to build armor pieces will be cool idea.

that's some ideas I come up with while I was playing the game. I hope that help you in some way... :D

ps: if you haven't notice I like the word "cool."


So far, i really liked the game. But there's an issue where i get into sandbox mode and lose all of my ingots, logs, coals and moneys when i get back into shop mode.

There's also the stability issue that keep lagged the hell out and send things flying. Don't get me wrong, it's hilarious.

Also, i would love it if you allow the player to make their own grips and guards using woods and small parts out of metals, and of course, armors.

Oh, and is it not an option for the player to equip the things they make as a weapon? That way you can add some more thing like thieves that break into the house when you forget to close the doors or beasts and animals in the forest you can hunt for its fur. I don't recommend hunger system for the player though, just a more clear energy bar would be better.

Oh, and also it would be great if you could consider giving the player horses or carts to stroll to the mines faster and more efficiently. Because as far as i'm playing in ver alpha 0.0.9, it always feels like a total pain to walk into the mines. Cool for the first and second time, but tiring for the third time.

So far, good work with the game though! I really loves the concept and effort poured into this. Wishes to see this game fully released on steam soon!^^


I really like this game and it is really promising so far! I'm not exactly sure on what you have coming up the pipeline idea wise but here are some suggestions from me.

1) - Make the player have to purchase mines

           In the beginning of a game, all mines would be locked. This means that the player must purchase ingots and have them delivered, but when the player makes enough money they can purchase a mine. Have the mines scale with price. For example, the cheapest mine would be a copper mine that the player would be able to purchase first, then the next would be a tin and iron mine and so on and so forth. This would add another goal for the player to work towards.

          As a side note, later you can implement workers that the player can hire to work in these mines that would deposit any ore they mined outside the mine for the player to come by and pick up occasionally.

2) - Have the ability to hire and outfit guards / have theft events

           Now before I get into this, no I do not want any combat mechanics in this what-so-ever, I believe that would detract from the spirit of the game. I do however believe a theft/burglary event of some sort can add another fun element and obstacle that the player can overcome. Perhaps every night or when the player goes to sleep, there is a random chance that a burglary can happen. When it does happen, the player will awake to a message on their screen saying something along the lines of that there was a break in and lists the items/money that was stolen. The items that are stolen can be random somewhat, but giving weight to the type of item and the cost of it. So for example, if you have a lot of copper ingots but you also have a handful of iron ingots as well, the thief will go after a couple iron ingots before the copper. You can work out the mechanics exactly but I just wanted to put you in the same place I was thinking.

    Now to minimize the risk of future burglaries the player can hire guards from the castle. The guards would have different stats that the character can use to determine which guard would be better. Now, the more better the stats, the more expensive the guard is to hire. After a guard is chosen, the player must equip them with armor and weapons. The better quality the weapons and armor, the better the guard is....or something along those lines. You could also hire more guards to guard any mines you've purchased too, because those can be potential targets as well!

3) - Have better ingot organization

       This is more of a quality of life thing, but trying to organize and put away ingots just seems a bit too tedious and awkward when trying to put them on a shelf or something. Perhaps have the ingots snap to each other so that they will automatically orient themselves next to another like ingot, or have special shelves that the player can make that has a grid that the ingots can snap to, much like they do already with the anvil. It just takes a bit too much time in my opinion trying to orient ingots so that they all fit nicely on the shelf as it is now.

4) - Be able to build a cart for your horse / yourself

       With the ability to craft shields and what not, it got me thinking why can't you also build a cart for your horse? There could be different carts that you can build from a small cart that can hold a max of two boxes and can be pulled by the player much like a rickshaw. The medium cart can be like the cart that is in the game now, but can hold 4 boxes and requires a horse to pull. The largest cart should be able to carry 6 boxes and actually require a 2nd horse. These carts would obviously increase with price as you upgrade and would require various metal and wood parts to build.

Well I know it is kind of a lot to read, but these are just some of the ideas that I have thought of while playing your game. This game has a lot of potential and I know you probably have a lot of ideas on where to go, but I hope that you possibly consider one of my ideas. At any rate, this is a great game and I know that whatever direction it goes, it will surely be fun!


i like the idea of the theft/burglary.
But i would build it out. I would say when the player forgets to close the door the chances are higher that a thief is going for your money.
Also there could be a way to craft a lock, which decreases the chance of getting robbed. 

I personaly don't like the idea of a personal guard, because in the timeline blacksmiths didn't had there personal guards.
The Blacksmiths had to pay taxes, like everyone else and the city guards should protect them. 

But the idea of taxes already exists and will be implemented in the game i guess.


I just had the idea that maybe you can equip the weapons you smith and hunt a boar or something, tan it's leather and then you have a new realm of possibilities with hide amor and leather over shields etc. Also I think the crafting needs to be more complex like a sword should be copper, guard, grip and pommel. Also maybe a whetstone of some sort? So you can get orders to sharpen blades and once created if you sharpen something it's worth more and bone or ivory! Bone was sometimes used for short daggers or handles or pommels and ivory was used by the romans and saxons for grips and pommels. And just armour in general I reckon, like come on what decent blacksmith didn't make armour? Love watching the game but unfortunately can't play as I have a Mac.

yeah is a good idea, bc the blacksmiths not only makes weapons


Daisus i solved your puzzle, now what, i got a new crystal, i have 5 w this one


Try it again Gokana in the new update and something else happens. Ill let you figure it out.

this gets interesting n_n
(1 edit) (+1)

I'm a fan of your progress and the idea of the game.
I really hope there will be a finished game on steam and im looking forward to support.

My suggestion would be:

Hire Adventures/Friendship System/ Just kindly gifts for the player

With that said i mean: It would be nice if the Costumers would have names and you could slightly interact with them. Asking them what there adventure is, for what they need the weapon and suggest them other Blades/axes or try to sell them a shield. 
For Example a Costumer comes in and says :"Blacksmith make me a copper one-haneded axe please"  --> You say/ask "Sure no problem, what's to use for if i may ask"  -> he could say something like "thats on of your business" or could say --> "there is a bandit camp i need to raid" --> your response would be(if you have other tiers of ore unlocked)  -> "maybe you need something better than copper for that? May i interest you [insert ore here]" or "Many bandits require good protection! May i interest you in a [insert shield type] ? "  -> and they would be interested or not.

The reason for it is, costuemrs just rarely buy shields in my shop. im on Day 10 yet and noone even bought a polearm weapon. With that implemented the Player could sell the typ of weapon thats left. 

Hire Adventurer/Kindly player gifts

A nice little idea would be, that you sell weapons/shields to costumers and the next few days you receive a mail with letter that says something like "Hey Blacksmith! I am [Name] and i just bought a two-handed copper sword a dew days ago, remember me? Anyways.. i completed my adventure and your Sword just did it's job perfect. I was able to clean it with ease. After looting i just found [Ores/Ingots/logs/a Grip/and so on..]. I thought it would interest you. You will reveice the gift in your garden!"  --> there could be a little area were costumers can place there gifts in tiny boxes, when opening the boxes would disappear and only the gift is left like 2 copper ingots, 3 copper ores, 1 log .... 

And what i really would love to see would be: repairing weapons and shield

i bet im not the first one with this diea, so i think i dont need to go into depth in this one. 

so the short version is like -> Costumer comes --> One-hand weapon broke --> and the way to repair it can be different.. my idea would be that you need to remove the blade of the weapon -> smith a new one and replace it with the old blade.

EDIT: --> also sharpen the blades would be nice

Can stone become usable?


Hey Hettow,

In the future, I'm hoping to add a use for it.

house upgradessss

Here are some of my suggestions which surpise me that haven't been said yet: 

1.  Armor, Armor and Armor. Such would be great because like shields it would be tedious with all sorts of tiny pieces. Great addition that was by the way. 

2. A way for crates to collect ore without the player having to grab each one. Perhaps controlled by opening and closing the crates.

3. A pitch/yaw axis keybinds in order to rotate items. I think it would fit well as Q and E when using WASD to move. Since E is currently used to equip that could become F. Or all of these could just be rebindable.

4. Perhaps making it so crates don't levitate in front of your face as you carry it? Or at least making the scoll out item distance longer.

armor has been said - Both In making and in repairing (all repairing including armor) 

Quite likely the system that lets you smelt objects back down to their ingoty form will likely be utilized at the start whenever (if) it gets introduced unless a more specialized method is made. - as for the other two... 

Well. There's uhh alt? and Alt-ctrl? or maybe that's ctrl and ctrl-alt which allow various rotations.. though they're not always perfect because the directional compass of an item isn't always upright and forward...

Also I hate games that take the use key away from use to incorporate some silly leaning/rotation key that I would just remove if possible or at least rebind. It's so absurd to have the longest string of games use E for use, but then the stray game with spin/rotate/lean goes "what's that? WASD and E and Shift and Ctrl are the same in 99% of games? F that lets make ours reversed and upside down and make you have to turn the keyboard over because unique!" It's dumb. so Dumb, so easily hate-able and dumb.


But that's just my Opinion.

And I assume you know about the rotation buttons - and are suggesting a "auto" version, Essentially speaking - Where Alt/Ctrl "hold" and Q/F "pulse"... or rather "Hold without additional action" - while alt/ctrl would be Hold "with additional action"

Also afaik most of those are currently rebindable - I at least know I rebind action wheel from Z to one of my mouse buttons as well as character sheet, and there's still several others in controls...

As with most PC games rebindablity is nearly essential. E to use or F, whatever someone's preference is. My suggestion with rotation is based on flight controls commonly used in games. Essentially a system for a rotation axis that can be rebindable. Alt and ctrl-alt is  not currently rebindable. Also E in this game isn't use its equip. Not used very often so I don't see the issue with having it moved if necessary; but that is just something that gets worked out with rebinds and personal preference.

i would say that E is good e for equip now F? thats bad that would not make sense (but if you make that a lamp hot key that would be cool) ctrl is a good button for rotating use, theres just something about use E that makes me want it for equipping stuff or as a use button if it dos something like rotation it just would bother me to no end mabby R would be some use if you dont like ctrl?


1. i would Love it if you could hire adventures to bring back "special" stones that if you add the to a weapon they might give it a enchantment and make the weapon cost more

2. give the player a stronger beginning (like 20 bronze?) and make it so that delivery's take a day to come they will just be at your door when you wake up (this might give the other shop some use as well). And maybe make it so the mines give you a "little" bit more ore? and possible make it so you can make your own grips? so it would be entirely possible to not use the delivery system or at least rarely use it?

3. maybe make it so that it takes a week for the mines to reset but you could get a lot more ore though it would take a lot longer to mine it all, possibly making the entire day go by so you have to take a break from your shop on that day?

4.also i want a dog... 

just in the corner...

might bark occasionally...

PS (also if you add a calendar to your room?)


I hate dogs.

Nah jk but no other than the Dog most of those have been suggested and thought about. - well, maybe not the like "Stronger beginning" - unless Easy mode does something along that line - but the customers or whatever kinda thing, that's been played with from multiple angles, the mines being expanded - multiple layers of mines or what not. Making your own grips is planned, I believe,  and Geoff (the other shop) has better prices. ._. Every grip you can buy in delivery, is cheaper at Geoff's - plus he has the cheaper wooden grips (1 and 2 coin respectively) - Although, Wooden grips are literally that value, while the cheaper grips at Geoffs are legitimately cheaper, and will get you a few coins more profit.

Geoff also has unique Guards that you cannot buy through delivery. - Not many, yet, but that's likely to increase over time, Likely you'll be able to make these all eventually, but delivery will probably remain limited

(1 edit)

well the people who have "shity computers" (like me) cant run it at full... capacity ? so if you could maybe if you can make it less of a big run job or what ever it is so it can run better on peoples "shity computers".

I would also like a tad bit of optimization. My toaster PC isn't as bad as your potato but I do get considerable lag inside mines. 


First thing first, I love the game! I have played it for many days and I have enjoyed every moment. Yet, there were few things that I'd like to suggest for now. I'm sure there has been loads of suggestions already, but these are the ones that I'd like to change.

1. It would be nice if you could go to bed whenever you want so you don't have to wait the whole night. 

2. Also, as the night is so dark, it would be nice if you could craft or buy some lights on your property. The small lantern doesn't really do all that much in some places. It does well in your shop, but not so well at outdoors or even in the mines.

3. As you start making higher tier weapons, it becomes meaningless to make cheaper weapons anymore. You wait customers to buy the best tier weapons you can make but they just want lower tier stuff. While it's fun to make them for the first three hours, it can get boring pretty easily and this is critical to keep players interested. I don't really have any suggestions for this, but for now, I just stand behind the counter day after day waiting to make a profitable sale. Maybe you could decide what tier to sell or something. I noticed that if I left my Mithril weapons on the counter and the customer wanted Adelite weapon, they took the Mithril one if it was the same type of weapon they wanted. This was a small help but as you go higher it's still quite rare.

4. Make the horse so you could ride it without the cart and put small items into a saddle bags. Bigger items like logs would go to that cart. Saddle bags could work like small inventories so the items wouldn't fly around.

5. The player could also have a small inventory for a couple items so you don't have to throw stuff around 1 piece at a time.

6. You could make some customers to pre-order some stuff for the next day so you can make them ready when they come to get them. These orders could be more profitable than normal orders and include more items customers wants to buy. Another way to do this could be a bulletin board where the player can  go check if any customer wants to order something special.

That's all for now, I really hope this game will continue to develop and I'm definitely looking for the future updates!

(1 edit) (+1)

1. You can you just need to be out of stamina.

2. You may want to increase your brightness. Though this would be a nice idea. Purchasable lanterns that you can light and leave at places. Better yet smithable lanterns!.

3. What could work would having a sign that blacklists things that you as a business don't make. Ex: We do not sell: items made with copper or tin, weapons with normal grips, or pickaxes. Gotta keep the place classy you know?

it's still not whenever you want and I always need to wait past 1:00 no matter what I do.

It's not the matter of brightness but textures and reflections.

That would be great indeed. Especially now when the customers want even more stuff such as brass, bronze and steel.


VSync would be a very welcome addition, as I usually get 5 tears on-screen with maximum settings.


Hey NicholasRC7,

I'll see what I can do.


Suggestion> Bows, arrows and Crossbows, bolts

Bows- could be easy made from wood and string (string could be pursed from other shop or ordered from list)

Arrows- would be made from wood, heads from ingots and feathers (10 pieces from 1 wood and 10 heads from ingot, feathers also could be bought from other shop) (or found in forest if you will add birds in some updates or even hunt them)

Crossbow- wood, ingot, string, wooden handle, front from ingot and string

Bolts- wood, ingot, feathers, from wood it would make 20 pieces as it twice as short from arrows, 10 heads from ingots because they are same as in arrow and same with feathers.

I really enjoy your game so I hope you will read this suggestion and I will see Bows and crossbows in furthers updates

(Sorry  for my mistakes not so good in English)  

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