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A member registered Jan 06, 2018

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(8 edits)

Hey Dasius, I got also a few ideas that would make more interesting the game, like:

(my English and spelling is no good just yet, sorry if my spelling makes your eyes bleed lmao)

1- special customers comes with the request for you to build a special weapon with special ingredients they brought to you. this kind of customers will rarely appear (like 1 out 10).

2-it will be cool if you could implement elementals to the weapons like sword or great Sword, which will require you to obtain certain  material and carefully crafting. This kind of weapon will be more like an order, costumers will request this kind of weapons and come to the next day to pick it up at the same time of the day that they ordered it.

3-it will be also cool if the blacksmith had his very own and unique hammer that can be upgraded through experience so you could build more powerful weapons.

4-Adding the ability to build armor pieces will be cool idea.

that's some ideas I come up with while I was playing the game. I hope that help you in some way... :D

ps: if you haven't notice I like the word "cool."

I agree with ur coment ItsHyalite.

well, you put the log over the crafting table that is outside of the shop, that should show you a menu where you can see the different types of shields that you can make, and the far as I know they only been use to summon some kind of dark entity which I don't know for what purpose is this entity used...

Great work so far! I love the game and I really enjoy what you have created so far. I currently became a patron and got the version 0.092c and something that is still present from old versions, it's whenever I put  the ores on the box and try to take out the ore out of the box and by accident pick up the box instead of the ores all what is inside bounces away so far from where I am, because of that it makes it hard to work with the boxes...

but how do you install or use these files in order to fix these bugs? I am so confuse