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The Sluaghs SacrificeView game page

Found Footage Horror game set in an unknown location in Ireland
Submitted by Massive Melt Media, dishbutt, OghamAudio — 4 hours, 23 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Sound Design#103.5293.529
Enjoyment (Best Game)#153.4123.412

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Great atmosphere, looks and sounds super high quality for a game jam game, nice job! I always like when a game has good looking VHS effect. The only thing that bothered me is that there was no cursor, I feel like a small white dot in the middle of the screen would've made it a bit easier to interact with objects, it was a bit bard to aim.


Thank you, that’s a really good point actually I’ve never thought about that. Gonna add it to the QOL update for after results.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

It would have been great if there were subtitles.  Nice horror experience overall everything was great from down to music to horror. 


Thank you! Gonna be doing a QOL Patch when votings over, we made some mistakes in explaining what you need to do clearly


Cool game! I liked that the voice acting and dialogue felt natural and really added to the experience. The level design and gameplay mechanics were fun and really suited the found footage style. Great job! :D


Thank you!


Great found footage theming that plays on the analogue horror trend. I liked the fairly expansive design of the house and the rustic aesthetic that added a bit of character that differentiates it from the usual 'scary living room' vibe that many of these type of games end up pursuing. The Irish flavour helps! Once the undercroft was discovered, I really enjoyed the sense of delving deeper into the madness of what was occurring, as the game got more esoteric and grislier. All in all, this one really exceeded my expectations and I think that just comes down to the size and design of the space you created. Great work! 


Thank you!


I don't know if it was just me, but when you press the Y key you enter editor mode and can go through all the things.

Otherwise the game is incredible, keep up the good work and success with the project.


I think that may be a debug option in our controller we forgot to take out lol I didn’t even know that was a thing. Thank you though really nice words!


This happens, I myself had to rebuild our project because I had forgotten the "infinite run" button active lol

- If you could take a look at our project, any feedback helps :)


Thanks for the feedback and kind words! Was a lot of fun to make.


I am grateful for the experience!!!

- If you have some time to take a look at our project, I would appreciate it :D

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

I didn't finish it, (I'm not sure if this would've been avoided by downloading it, but I got jittery lag that made it much harder to move and look around) but I enjoyed it! I always enjoy low-poly styles and VHS aesthetics. Cool looking monster, and I was really spooked about it all. Made me want to freeze up lol. I like the gnarly set-up and the nasty, spooky old house.


Ah yea that sucks, a lot of lighting going on in the game so some browsers may not like it too much, haven’t come across it yet myself but it can happen with 3D WebGL.

Thanks for the nice words though you got unlucky there if you were in the demon section I’d say you were 2 mins away from beating the game haha


Yeah I figured I wasn't too far from beating it but I was really wrestling with the lag U_U But still! I enjoyed it :]


Made this to show friends but you were close lol so if you wanna see the ending head to around 6:30


Decently little horror game, though I didn't finish it. The atmosphere was pretty sold. few issues I have is the Flashlight appears to be a physical object that got caught on other object when I try looking around, also wish I could of use [LMB] to interact with objects sense the button is not being used to fire a gun or anything.


Fair enough and good points I think it is, thanks for playing boss


Really liked it. The lack of sounds really added to the atmosphere. The monster design was really good. The only thing im pointing out is the camera movement, it is too sensitive for me. But the rest is really good

Love the gore it has, the bodies and everything. Good job!


Thank you!


Loved the monster design, having to look around for keys with it creeping around gave me Amnesia vibes, which is always the best kind.

I do have to say I found the camera movement a bit too sensitive for my taste and there were several instances where I'd get stuck on the walls just by walking close to them, kinda weird.

Loved how gory it is, it added to the horror aestethic and I am all for that. Great stuff!


Thank you thank you an amnesia comp is awesome lol. Noticing the sensitivity myself now you mention it and I agree with that gonna definitely tweak it.

Walls issue is new but going over the level colliders is on my list already so I’ll be checking that out too nicely spotted.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Damn that camera movement is driving me crazy, but in a good way! It's very scary because sometimes the light circle gets so small and everything is dark in that moment haha. Liking the visuals and the voice acting also! Nice game. :)

Edit: *flashlight* movement, oops

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you boss, glad you enjoyed it and noticed our little flashlight spooks lol


The voice acting was a nice touch, I like the atmosphere of the game it and the vhs effect.


Thank you boss


This game gave me mad Barbarian vibes. Loved the aesthetic and how the gameplay actually has some depth to it, if that makes sense.  First time I saw the monster i said "ah hell na get me outta here" out loud lol. At the 3rd door there was a collider somewhere causing issues. Couldn't get past it half the time and had to try again at a slightly different angle and location until I got past it. You guys did a good job on this one.


Thanks so much thats a huge compliment for us lol we really wanted to lean into a big bait and switch. Have had a couple mentions of weird collider issues, I see the one you’re mentioning just a tired error there, will get it sorted.


this is amazing! great atmosphere from the visuals and the sounds. good job!


Thanks you!


Very nice work! I wandered aimlessly around for a bit in the beginning because I missed the first note but that's on me haha! The first encounter had me jump in my chair and the vibe you've managed to create is very spooky. Sadly I got stuck behind a invisible wall or something after checking out the second locked door so I couldn't continue but I had fun! :D


Haven’t come across that yet damn, I’ll do some checking out with that sounds like a dodgy collider somewhere. Thank you though!