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A jam submission

Kevin3D4: Kevin34 in... BuRRITO BOnAnZA ...The Musical!View game page

God Damn I love Musicals. Jermery Jordan eat your heart out
Submitted by CE Studio, LasagnaBones — 2 hours, 59 minutes before the deadline
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Kevin3D4: Kevin34 in... BuRRITO BOnAnZA ...The Musical!'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall Good#113.5713.571
Overall Bad#223.6193.619

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

If you have implemented the modifier, how have you done so?
Kevin3D4 is a wonderful experience jam-packed with awesome action-inspiring sound effects and voice lines that are sure to fully immerse you!

Any additional information for voters?
The controls are in the instructional PDF. You probably want to read it.

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I've got to admit I absolutely loved this game!

First off, I'm so happy to finally see another game on the SBIGBox! After an entire year without any new releases it was really just gathering dust - Happy to  see it has a new system-seller!

As someone who is a big fan of musicals, and musical games especially, I was so excited to see this, and the musical numbers did not disappoint! It kinda reminded me somewhat of the musical numbers in the Donkey Kong tv series, where they'd sometimes cut to  a completely different place and it would just be a bunch of wide shots of them singing.

The platforming was fairly difficult, and I definitely had some issues: one primary one was early on, where even though  I'd passed the first checkpoint, when I  missed the jump there was seemingly no way to actually get back to the checkpoint I had reached, as I  had killed all the enemies so couldn't die. A "go to checkpoint" button might be in a good idea!

Also in another lesson of "never underestimate the player's stupidity", I  did not realise the respawn button on the death screen was actually a respawn button. When I  "died" I actually just continued playing the game with the Death UI in front of me, finishing the first level and going to the next level.  (Still in slow motion!) I think I eventually softlocked myself and had to restart the game.

Though otherwise, I think the platforming and shooting is a really  smooth! I am one of the biggest fans of 3D platformers (Rayman 3 is one of my favourite games of all time, and  I was one of the first Kickstarter backers of "A Hat in Time" back in 2013! 😮) While this clearly had the aesthetic influences of a Bubsy 3D, it very much has the gameplay style of one of these more modern 3D platformers, optimised for mouse controls and being a lot more smooth and fluid in it's motion.

I did face one other issue where one of the checkpoints (the one on the wall next to the giant laser iirc) kept on pushing me off whenever I respawned. This was kinda annoying since there was quite a hard platforming bit there, but no biggie!

There was so much content here. It's amazing this was done in 9 days. You clearly worked very hard on this and it takes a unique mix of skill, creativity, and sheer perseverance that  can lead to an achievement like this.

Are there things this game definitely should have? Yes. It probably should have had some sort of save system. Especially for a fairly long game with seemingly multiple endings. Then again, I get the urge when introducing some of those "nice to haves" might come at the expense of adding a certain cutscene or level. So I fully understand the tradeoff in the  context of the jam.

Wow this was one of the longest reviews I  wrote. I love both musicals and 3d platformers so this was totally up my alley! On a slightly related note, I've been debating for almost a year now about organising a game jam for games that are also musicals  (with dedicated ways for people to find people to voice characters etc!). I don't think there has been a jam quite like that yet from my research and I  would be interested in your thoughts about whether you'd think it would be an interesting idea!

Anyway, long post over. I loved this so much! One of my favourite entries so  far! Well done!


This was really cool! I unfortunately didn't make it to the end because after the 6th time I missed the jump after that first  checkpoint I was just too annoyed to keep going.

But I liked pretty much everything abotu the game, the PS1 style graphics were well done, the audio was well done and the voice lines reminded me of Gex. The movement mostly felt good except for how I kept falling off at that first checkpoint in the level like I mentioned.

I loved the death screen btw.

Overall I liked it, but the platforming just became too tedious after a while.

Good work!


Dang I should have made a SBIGbox port for my game. I chose n-gage instead :/


Okay, just to get the nitpicks out of the way - the game did feel like it dragged on a bit too much. Especially in level 4, which ultimately left me feeling so utterly burnt out by the contrived parkour challenges I simply didn’t have it in me to actually care that much about the ongoing story in that level. By the end of the game, I honestly felt relief at it being over. Secondly - not a fan of the bean supply just vanishing upon death, because there were moments (especially in level 2) where it just left Kevin out of ammo and surrounded by enemies he was presumably supposed to defeat to get past (leading to some rather awkward dodging). Finally, you might want to mark the .exe build as being for windows, because that way it’ll be possible to download it via the desktop app.

But, that out of the way, the good bits.

You clearly had a vision in mind with this game, and I’d say you successfully delivered the experience of one of those PS1-era 3D platformers, with all the jank that entails. There’s clearly been plenty of effort put in with this game, and has a truly impressive scale given the short timeframe for the jam. It all comes together to create something very impressive. And that instruction pdf is just the cherry on top.

(However, those aforementioned issues do somewhat sour the experience)


Oh that's why I couldn't shoot sometimes. I just went "forget it" and played the game without ever using the slingshot again. I stopped playing when I got to the maze level with the lava mine carts.


the death animation is top notch


i raelly luv kaven the doode so i maed a fnarat fur him
i houp u peepal laik et


there are two more musical cutscnes to make the sound design excessive!!!!!!!


excessive sound design, excessive PS1 styling, excessive game manual, phenomenal opening scene/music. 10/10


This is a really neat concept. A somewhat cursed retro platformer in PS1 (or fantasy SBIGBox console) style. It's a pretty competent platformer, too, with fairly smooth movement and a variety of movement mechanics. The graphics and overall design definitely fit the SBIG style, though there's an issue with them I'll get into in a bit.

I love the addition of the manual, although it did make me a bit worried that the game would be super complicated that wasn't the case. It was actually really intuitive!

I really enjoyed the first level- the only complaint I have is that I missed the jump to the second elevator and had to redo half the jumping to get back to where I was. I do feel the game overstays its welcome a bit, though. I'm not super big on platformers, so it was getting a bit repetitive and the frustration factor is higher on the second level. Even still, I was willing to keep going if the game didn't start literally giving me a headache. Part of that is the visual style, with huge swaths of bright solid colours. It's hilarious at first, but after a while starts to hurt your eyes.

The other issue is that the game runs like absolute hot garbage. The framerate is not great, it's not so bad that you consciously realize it so much but enough for it to feel off and for me to go "wow, this is so smooth" when going back to a text box to write out my reply. On top of that, there were occasional stutters in the first level where the game would just stop responding for several seconds. I'm not sure if this is a WebGL issue or something else, but if it's the former I really wonder if a downloadable version would have been better. I'm hardly on a slow machine, so I wouldn't expect a game that looks like this to run this badly.

I'm not sure about the modifier implementation. I really liked the sound design, but I don't know if I would consider it excessive. The musical intro is super cool, though.


Believe it or not, it was Clarence's decision to hard-code a 20FPS framerate. Despite Bubsy3D running smoother than that. The huge spikes you got, on the other hand, were in fact WebGL being wack. We have since added a .exe download which should run much better.
Glad you enjoyed the game otherwise!
- Epsilon


awww~~ Clarence~~~~


I kinda wondered if it had a deliberate framerate limited, but then went "nah, that wouldn't have passed testing". I see what you were going for there, but at least for me it exacerbated the visual issues that made the game eventually painful to play.


Loved the opening song!


Amazing game!! Love the instructional PDF also :) 


How did you made such a wonderful piece in such a short time? 😮
Are there some sorts of talent bonuses for being a furry artist? 🥴


Being a furry artist comes with the "adhd" status effect, unlocking the "unhealthy levels of hyperfocus" ability

Submitted (1 edit)

I only have this status effect called "Assburger Syndrome" or something i forgor

All it gives me are poor communication skills, social anxiety, weird preferences and uncontrollable urge to make random noises when I'm bored.


There I was: one minute in, sold on the beautiful singing... Really silly 3d platformer! I loved the theme of a fictional console with the manual and everything.