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Mahou Shoujo Tactics (SUBMISSION RELEASED)

A topic by Guessy created Apr 17, 2020 Views: 575 Replies: 20
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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hello there, I'm Guessy, and for the Jam I'm going to make a run at building a turn-based tactics game in two weeks. Because I make excellent life decisions.

I'm a solo Unity dev who's tried to dabble in TRPGs in the past but fallen short due to over-engineering the map system; spending months working on ingame editors and all sorts of faff instead of the actual game to the point I ran dry of all motivation and steam. Here I... made a 'gameplay cell' prefab, copied it about a bunch and brute-forced neighbour detection with an editor script and physics queries. I wrote it in an afternoon.

...Game jams, right?

Anyway, my actual dev log is elsewhere, but I'll still dump images and guff in here. WITNESS, THE MAGIC OF PINK CUBES:

Wish me luck!


Man, that is way more ambitious than what I'm doing! I've stayed away from tactics and strategy type games because they just seem so incredibly complicated. Best of luck, and I hope to see this one work!

On the note of hacky code, I've written some insanely hacky code for game jams. In Beach Defend 2000, every boss is actually a helicopter, and in Whistler (unreleased), I think I busywaited in a loop for every single dialogue to complete. This one is no exception; Lucidity will be many things but well-coded is not one of them.


The sadly hilarious thing about this cell system is that it works, it just requires you to place each cell in the map manually... which actually is faster even than using a 3D tilemap tool like MAST. All the brute-force neighbouring cell detection is done in the editor and the results stored for use at runtime.

...Like I have spent months of my life working on stupidly over-engineered map and cell systems for these sort of games that collapsed under their own weight and then I do... this... in an afternoon. And it works. And I have most of a game in two days.

It's... aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Oh hey, are those pink cubes going to be made into magical girl characters in the future? Looks great so far

As someone who tried to but gave up on making 3D, my utmost respect for making a 3D game


Yup, they will be.

Funnily enough I'm actually crap at working in 2D, which is why I try to 3D nearly everything I work on :'D

Much easier to re-use assets in 3D, animations especially. Pixel art animations take so much time.


Haha I see. Looking forward to it.

I guess I suck at 3D because the only way I know how to make a 3D object is in blender and  by defining the vertexes, edges, and faces one by one... I'm too used to working with pixel arts I'm so obsessed with precision XP


Hey Blender's all you need; it's certainly all I'm using.

I actually have a 3ds Max bought and paid for (damn you, university art course) but never actually use it, because Blender is so much better.

I know exactly what you mean on the precision front; I actually started out modelling making units for 90s era RTS games like Total Annihilation, with polygon counts you could measure off on your fingers.

The secret to 3D art is that it doesn't actually need to be complex to look good. Look at Wind Waker, or Kenny's free 3D stuff. You can do a heck of a lot just using vertex colours with the meshes to define shape and silhouette. Photorealism is where indie dreams go to die.


Ambitious! Looks cool so far, can't wait to see where this goes.


Thank you kindly! (love the avatar by the way)


Hehe, thanks. It's modeled after my actual Shibe. I'd never let her touch a gamepad in real life though, it'd be toast if she got it!


Progress continues! Attack orders are in, now for round/turn structure and a very, very basic enemy AI. Once there's a game you can actually win/lose, I'll start digging into the meat of characters, units and animations.


So after getting turn/round structure and basic AI working, I added a basic menu and figured 'hey, now is a good time to do a test build' and HOO BOY-

So er. It turns out Unity has some less than well documented differences between release builds and development builds. In adding a main menu, I also added the ability to start/restart the game, aka 'unload/reload the main scene', which caused a whole bunch of other bugs thanks to me forgetting to unhook destroyed objects from static events.

In short I've fixed everything as best as I can find and the game should work, but there may be crash-bugs and if anyone is willing to give the alpha build a test-run I would greatly appreciate it.


Random moustaches on things make everything better


I like the design so far!

Haha! Yes!


Alpha 3 is up on the project page, featuring the first MG (finally) and the unique mechanic of the game: the Interrupt System!

When a unit is attacked - yours or theirs - they have the opportunity to respond; spend Action Points to Evade (literally dodge into a nearby tile) or Tank the hit (lose HP, but save AP for the following turn). In this sense, it becomes a game of teamwork to bring your opponents down; a magical girl with a flashy boss-killer attack isn't going to do much good if her team can't pin it down first. On the flipside, if she gets attacked whilst still charging that anti-boss move, her team-mate with a towershield can intercept it by literally swapping their positions.

...Not that I've actually implemented those two characters yet, but I'm hoping to get those done in the time remaining. Getting the Interruption System functioning was a bit of a slog and took longer than expected to implement, on the player-side more than for the AI, weirdly enough.

Anyway, onto the characters! The first MG to make it into the game, designed by the talented CornyBones over at Sufficient Velocity: Talga!

She fits the 'Attacker' role in the MG squad: she has a decent melee attack and good movement, letting her go where she's needed to keep pressure off of the specialists, but she doesn't have much in the way of defence on her own, so don't get her overwhelmed.


Magical Girl no #2 is on the field!

Guess what she does :D


I'm going to guess a ranged area attack!

Both your last two updates look great!



And yeah, she shoots linear doomlasers once she's charged her attack


Last MG is in the game. Final stretch now, folks.

Submitted (1 edit)

Aaaaand she's up!

...and I am going to pass out because it's 1am.

Any major crashbugs I may hopefully wake up in time to try and tackle them, but no promises.

Pew pew gets old never