Bought the game on Steam, reviewing here because steam forums are cursed. Not completed it yet, but some early thoughts:
The 'unfortunately' on the 'Made With Unity' splashscreen got a laugh. Hoo boy...
Do love the atmosphere so far. The effects and sound all work together well.
Remappable controls would have been a godsend
On a related note, turn sensitivity for the analogue stick in options; I keep accidentally running around in circles playing with an xbox controller. I feel like turning should probably have been on a separate analog stick. Haneko turns slowly, but she starts turning at the lightest input left/right, it feels like; it makes it unexpectedly difficult to move in a straight line.
The way text shows up seems to be using the 'add characters' method rather than 'show characters'; there's a number of free assets for handling this, and it would mean the text isn't constantly shifting about all the time while it's appearing
First-person/behind-cam modes getting overridden when you enter a camera transition is rather frustrating. Similarly, trying to hold y for first person and then look up/down with the right analog stick is... well, it required an uncomfortable amount of dexterity. First-person/behind could have been bound to the unused shoulder triggers and made them a great deal easier to work with.