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Man, that is way more ambitious than what I'm doing! I've stayed away from tactics and strategy type games because they just seem so incredibly complicated. Best of luck, and I hope to see this one work!

On the note of hacky code, I've written some insanely hacky code for game jams. In Beach Defend 2000, every boss is actually a helicopter, and in Whistler (unreleased), I think I busywaited in a loop for every single dialogue to complete. This one is no exception; Lucidity will be many things but well-coded is not one of them.

The sadly hilarious thing about this cell system is that it works, it just requires you to place each cell in the map manually... which actually is faster even than using a 3D tilemap tool like MAST. All the brute-force neighbouring cell detection is done in the editor and the results stored for use at runtime.

...Like I have spent months of my life working on stupidly over-engineered map and cell systems for these sort of games that collapsed under their own weight and then I do... this... in an afternoon. And it works. And I have most of a game in two days.

It's... aaaaaaaaaaaaaa