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Of Decks and DiceView game page

Heart Vs. Spade
Submitted by Hawke Gaming, DaforLynx — 1 hour, 37 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 38 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Two suits duel with dice. The player must avoid randomized attacks and use cards to enhance their own rolls.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Now that the jam is over, the game has been updated. A few bugs were fixed (like the big die's size not being correct) and controller support was added!


Feels fun after few mins of gameplay +)


really enjoyed that one, it could be a fun mobile game if you want to, very nice!

good luck :)


other than launching on the wrong monitor, this game was great haha def one of my faves of the jam!


This game was phenomenal :0. Everything was nice and clean and the game play was super creative. One thing I think that could be changed is the speed of movement for the player. It felt a little sluggish, especially for how complex the spade attacks can get. Other than that, maybe a tracker for how many dice you have in your possession and a summary of the rounds when you die, but those are just some quality of life additions. Will definitely be keeping this one on my computer and playing it in class hehe. Great job^^


Awesome, glad you liked it and thanks for the feedback! This is actually the first jam game I'm planning to update once the jam ends (mostly tweaks and bug fixes) so lookout for that if you're interested.


I love this game! I opted for a run where I optimize for getting as many dice as possible.

You did everything right for this game. Core game loops is solid and fun to do. The game isn't complicated even though you added cards.

The graphics look simple but you added a lot of game juice that immediately makes it feel fun.


Thank you so much! And dang, that's a lot of dice Lol.


Overall, awesome job. Really polished and fun gameplay. Has a lot of replayability. Music is great. Loving it. Keep it up.


Loved it!!It reminded me of an undertale boss it was awesome!!A complaint I have is that the player is a bit slow which didn't really make me take a lot of hits but it still felt a bit too slow.Also the every rolled 9 effect never did work not sure if its bugged or I didnt get how it works.And lastly it can be a bit brutal to die in the second or 3rd phase because it takes a bit of time to wait for the attacks.But those complaints dont really hold up in a jam so no problem! The music is also really really good and the art is nice and simple!Overall I really really liked it!


I had so much fun playing this! Initially I thought it was a bit brutal, with the boss having so many ways of attacking vs my limited rolls. But I couldn't stop playing! And it made rolling a huge attack so satisfying. 

Highlighting which effect is activated is a nice touch that I was looking out for while playing. 

Great job! 


Amassing a pile of thousands of dice that would multiply every turn felt very satisfying. This could easily be used as a sort off Card, Dice aand Bullet Hell game template. Maybe replace the heart with a few party members glued together and the spade with a dragon and you got a really unique fantasy game. I had alot of fun, this was very creative and was pretty addicting. The loop of getting cards to add more to dice was especially rewarding!


I haven't played undertale and don't generally play "bullethell" type games, so this type of gameplay is new to me and I needed two tries to get the hang of it and actually win.

And I love this to bits, this is so polished for a GameJam. All the little animations that work together seemlessly, the cards that stack together, and the slapping  music.

5/5, loved it!


I sure do love Undertale

Jokes aside, this was an absolute blast. Watching as your dice rolls gradually get out of control, dodging progressively crazier sequences of attacks, watching in horror as the boss enters its 27th phase!

My only beef is that some of the attacks could do with slightly more generous telegraphs (or a slightly higher movement speed for the player), as I sometimes found it hard to figure out where I should be dodging to and then actually make it in time. But hey, maybe I'm just bad!

Also the music slaps. Cracking stuff!


Thank you! For the record, the rest of the team was against adding a 27th phase but I told them it was worth it.


That was really fun to play! It was quite easy and I appreciate that for a game jam but I think if continued the difficulty should be upped by a bit. Apart from the beginning being a bit too slow, I love how intense the fight becomes with all of the attacks being combined and you having to frantically evade everything.

I also really liked the way you did the combat for the player, seeing all the dices bounce around each other before stopping, then seeing them multiple and so on was really satisfying and kept me wanting to unlock more abilities. You did however become quite strong in the end and I was able to pretty much take out over 60% of the bosses health in one go, it made be feel really strong but yea maybe a bit too OP. I'm going to replay this just to try new abilities and see how much more dices I could get. 

The music was tense too and it was a cool touch to make it faster and more frantic as the stages went on. The visuals are simple but work really well for this type of game due to the amount of stuff going on and the border being the health bar was cool too.

Overall it's probably one of my favourite games so far, embarrassingly I never played Undertale but I might if the combat is similar like people are saying. 


Congrats on submitting your game!

I was stunned at how much I ended up enjoying this game. I was sorta disappointed there wasn't a secret 4th phase! My favorite part is that you let the player be OP. So many games try to "balance" and not make it too easy, but there's a fine line to walk between "too easy" and letting the player feel powerful. You nailed it. I loved watching my 1s and 2s get upgraded, then my 4s get doubled and doubled again. Wonderful.

The die rolling for the number of pip missiles to fire at you was a nice use of the theme, but it would have been fun to see that incorporated somewhere else into the attacks, too. 

And as much as I enjoyed feeling powerful, I felt the boss phases went on a tad too long. While it's good to keep them pretty easy (especially for a jam game), getting to that powerful end game took a little bit longer than I would have hoped. Some of the boss attack rounds felt like they dragged on a bit too long. But this is mostly just a balance and playtest issue, and y'all did a great job with what time you had. 

Well done! Keep making cool games!


Thanks you so much for the detailed feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Wow this was really great! Had way more fun I though I would! It's like a very exciting and well designed boss battle from some great game.

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