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Twin Ship ShooterView game page

Arcade style shoot-em-up
Submitted by GrumpyGoblin (@Grumpy_G0blin), Groovy Goblin (@groovygoblin_) — 3 hours, 56 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#2363.6453.645

Ranked from 31 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
Twin Ship Shooter is a space-shooter with the added twist of having two ships to control. They move together, fight together and die together.
Moving them apart from each other makes dodging easier, but being together provides a huge deal of firepower. The gameplay revolves around choosing the correct strategy for every scenario.

Did you write all the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
Yes, except for the crt-shader, everything has been hand crafted by us for this game jam

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Lovely old school art style, smooth mechanics, and satisfying gameplay.  Love it.


Been a while since I played this type of games. 

The mechanic is really nice to play with. It felt super satisfying to play and very simple to get.

Well done!


Good aesthetic! Very simplistic!


Love the aesthetic, graphics, and sound of this game. I would love to learn post processing like this because it just feels super polished!


I really liked your game!  I have the same thoughts as the other people with having a score counter and using the ships themselves as the lives.  And maybe also getting more ships as you fly along so you can get even stronger.  But I especially enjoyed watching the enemy ships get wrecked by the asteroids in the second checkpoint!


This was a really cool game. The sound effects and the graphics were the best. I didn't manage to get past the second checkpoint lol. Maybe starting with 3 ships and as you go forward and die you lose ships and you are less stronger so that makes wanting to keep the ships would have been a great idea. But this is also a great idea and I had a lot of fun playing this. I absolutely loved this game and I give it a 9/10 because there a little lack of challenge (maybe a score or something like that would have been great) . You did an amazing job! Nice!


I really enjoyed playing this game. It's a nice mix between Space Invaders and Asteroids with a little bit of Galaga thrown in! I like how there is a ripple effect that goes through the ships and UI elements, kind of like TV static.  The movement of the ships are nice as well as the shooting. It was interesting that you could move two different ships but all I would do is put them together into one ship and leave it like that for the entire game. Maybe make it so the ships each have their own individual health, so you have to lose both before you lose a life. I also like how you can set the color in the beginning.

One other thing that would be nice is a scoreboard at the top, with a life counter and score. It would be cool to provide some kind of incentive to shoot the asteroids instead of just avoiding them, as it makes it more dangerous, especially when it splits into the two mini ones that move fast. (The particle effects when the asteroid splits are really cool!) Other than that,  It's a nice twist on the arcade game genre! I would love to see it be developed further after the jam. Thanks for letting me stream it today!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Hello majesity, thanks a ton for streaming TSS. We were super excited to watch your stream, and we’re glad you took the time to leave us such a detailed comment. That’s exactly the kind of feedback we need to create even better stuff :D

We’re planning to make a kind of hotfix after the voting period is over, just to iron out the biggest kinks of the game (mostly the stuff we didn’t have the time to optimize/add).

We’re also considering to rework the game later down the line, and polish it up with the feedback we’ve got. This will be the part where we will add more features to really drive the theme of the game home. A score counter is really a highly requested feature, so we’re considering that too.

Thanks again for streaming the game, we’re glad you enjoyed it. See you in another stream :)


What a beautiful game! I love the modern arcade-style graphics and music. Obviously, the gameplay wasn't super original, but it seems like that's what you were going for. Great work!


The concept is not unique, just a twist of space shooter. And I think it didn't fit that well with the theme to be honest. The sound and art is well made. One suggestion is that you could add color change to the asteroids to make it more colorful and etc. Well done. 


Thanks for the feedback :)

We wanted to do much more with the theme, but sadly couldn’t do as much as we wanted due to the deadline. It was our first Game Jam after all.

We’re considering polishing up the game some time after the Jam, to really drive the theme of the game home. Stay tuned :D

Until then, thanks a lot for playing and giving us feedback.


An excellent take on the classic Asteroids game! The graphics were very polished, the movement was great, and the turn effect on the ships was a subtle but great touch! I really liked that you could change the colors and the effect of shooting an asteroid was very satisfying and made me want to fly through the debris field! I did and died, but that's why you don't fly through asteroids :)

Overall the game was one of the best ones I seen in this game jam! I'm would have paid money for this and I can see this becoming a full game. My only problem is that I would have liked to have a UI on the top with how many ships I had left and a high score.  If you are making an arcade game, then you should definitely add a high score system.


Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

The lack of health indicators for the player is sadly due to time constraints. We’re considering updating and polishing up the game at some point after the voting period is over, and this is definitely something we want to add. Stay tuned :)

A highscore display is actually a pretty highly requested feature. During development, we didn’t really think of it due to the level-by-level progression of the game. But after the feedback we’re considering it for a later patch.

We’re glad you enjoyed the game. Thanks for playing :D

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