I have defeated you game, you dastardly scoundrel! Now make more content, lest I severely damage your mind with my opinions!
Play RPG adventure
Dirk The Adventurer's itch.io pageComments
Instantly reminds me of old adventure games from the DOS era. The controls are a bit wonky at first, but got used to them quickly. Loved the writing, loved the puzzles - they certainly have a flair of "moon logic" to them, but aren't impossible at the same time. And there are multiple endings depending on the route taken, which is also great. Dirk is an absolute chad, what charisma 5 does to a mf.
Art direction is great, and aside from the climbing animation missing a couple of frames - can't complain about anything.
Great stuff, loved it. Keep it up!
Dirk! He's finally here! All the dialogue seems fun, if kinda janky in places.
Apparently I'm not very good at the game because even though I played through it several times I still couldn't figure out how to find any alternate endings to the goblin one. I really though the lockpicks I found would work to free the bard...
I got a blue screen, I think while talking to the nobleman. Or maybe trying something with the broken lute right after talking to him?
player.lua:240: attempt to index a nil value
player.lua:240: in function 'dialog'
player.lua:778: in function 'update'
main.lua:184: in function 'update'
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
I should mention somewhere in the game that lockpicks can't open all doors, otherwise they'd be OP. I added 'examine surroundings' functionality and now it's a little clearer what can be interacted with more. I also did a bughunting, hopefully the game won't cause that many issues. Thanks for playing and your support!
Besides crashes, bugs, and etc, I had a good time. I like the writing and endings. I thought I found everything I could, but apparently the sparrow does exist I just missed it. I would have tried for longer, but a crash removed all my progress. Luckily the game is a lot faster once you know what you can do, so back in I go.
Got a couple more endings, including the zero skill one. I think that's a 100% now, fairly satisfying.
Looking forward to more of this next time, keep up the good work.
I swear I break so many games by playing on an ultrawide and sadly this is not an exception. Encountered an odd bug pretty early on where I tried jumping using space due to muscle memory, which opened the stats menu. I tried pressing Z to close the stats menu but it kept resizing the window. Was basically hardlocked due to this.
Got that one handled, it's funny as it's basic instinct to go back from the menu by hitting 'escape', yet I've never thought about it. Again, tunnel vision, but it should work fine now ;). Now I'd still need help with ultrawide, as I don't want the screen to scroll past certain value. Message me if you want to help me with it :D
I win, or … ?
Control scheme is already confusing, and also not localised to keyboard layout (it’s not "left shift and buttons right of it"). So you can see me frequently scrambling for the right key to press.
Don’t know if I missed any content in the demo. It was kind of funny. The artwork is very sovlful. Looking forward to playing this again next DD and seeing lots of progress.
Man, nothing makes your game look bad than wrong scale and out of bounds regions. The game should run in lower resolution. Also these jumps shouldn't be that high! I'm guessing that you have an ultrawide screen with 144 hz refresh rate. I gotta modify the game so it detects it properly.
You've seen about 1/3rd of the game, missed one of the doors that leads to room with collapsed ceiling. Left Shift + z + x are pretty close (unless you have qwertz keyboard), I'll have something for that occasion. That blue screen happens when you're out of bounds area. Lame, I know.
Next demo day will be about combat with much easier puzzles, I think it'll be much more enjoyable.
The game is super charming but it kinda sucks to be stuck with no way of progressing without knowing just because you didn't pick the right stats and being forced to restart. I started with stealth which didn't get me anywhere, afterwards I restarted with agility so I could jump and could finally progress. The font can be also pretty difficult to read. Curious to see how this game develops though, keep it up dude.
Thanks for your opinion! Now there is a way, or even couple of ways, to progress with NO stats improved. There are items hidden everywhere and some of them are locked behind skill checks, but it's perfectly fine to achieve first planned ending and hidden ending without extra skills. Only the true ending demands you to improve couple of skills to serious level and those extra stats can be earned through consecutive plays and puzzle solving.
I'm a little torn about this, as it's not stated directly, so people can be confused by it, but at the same time I want to have a layer of mystery and feeling lost, a type of game that makes you wonder what could be done with different skills and items.
I think that next iteration will be combat-focused though. I'm trying to make a game that is available for all types of players. In current build you still can fight with monsters but these weapons are hidden behind some of the nastiest hurdles.
Finally, Dirk is here! Sorry for not having a Dirk NPC in Plunderground yet, just didn't have the time.
Anyhow, the others already mentioned the dialogue needing a hint at who is talking, like having the text have different collors in old Monkey Island games perhaps.
Control scheme was iffy for me, because im using a QWERTZ keyboard, not a QWERTY one.
I didn't get too far in the game, but i started of with a point in charm. When i was stuck i tried agility to jump around, remembering that book on the shelf, but i couldn't pick it up. Jumped around a bit more but couldn't find a way to go on. Maybe im dumb like Dirk.
Dialogue in general is pretty neat, even though the font is sometimes hard to read (recently switched out the pixel font from my game just because of that, its a pain). Dirk seems to be the classic idiot hero of old adventure games that everyone can identify with, thats great. And i love his green hood/green cape outfit, somehow it really appeals to me.
My chad reference didn't make it either, was finishing the game literally minutes before uploading it. I'll do it, don't you worry, Dirk is here to stay!
Yeah, color-coding isn't difficult and looking back, Monkey Island had the good idea about it.
I will add rebindable keys too, I've done it before and I'll do it again.
There are many ways to progress, and some of them are blocked with the progression system. I'm tempted to add debug option that adds a bunch of spare points so you can find everything and unlock the final ending on your first playthrough. There are 8 endings and for some of them you just need a high charm stat or sneak stat. Search for items, talk to people, topics can be unlocked with items and with conversations you can learn new information. Search cupboards, desks, etc.
Dirk is not your typical hero. It's just a regular guy with no greater aspirations but is forced to act due to circumstances. He is forced to learn and adapt and usually will choose the lesser way to progress. I'd like to build his character through the game, so he actually becomes a hero due to unfortunate circumstances and not because he is destined to be one. That is NOT in the demo though. He starts weak, he can finish it with high stats but he still is as clueless as before. Character development is for the main story. This is just an outside location unrelated to the main quest.
Alright, i'll have a go again later today then. Gotta admit i didn't talk to Sophie again after picking stuff up, maybe that was my issue in the charm run.
Having only 1 stat point was a clear sign of what you are planning i think, especially with the corresponding descriptions of how bad he still is. Very interesting for an adventure game, thats for sure!
This is great, I love the idea of it all. The pixel art and humor is really good. It's pretty rough right now though so I won't bother you with tiny flaws I'm sure you're already aware of. But the game starts in the wrong resolution or something, stat screen is off to the upper left and the game looks like this:
Disabling then enabling full screen makes it look correct though.
Figuring out where you have to stand to interact with some things can be really finicky, I kind of wanted to just run around and mash Z the entire time. Can be hard to see what you can interact with.
Needs to say who's talking in the dialogue window.
After jumping out the window I immediately tried going inside again and the door locked behind me, shit...
Crashed once, unfortunately I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing at the time so no idea when it happened.
Dirk is great, I want more.
Yeah, that's the last bug I was trying to squish, I've been opening the game in the window mode this whole time and maximizing it a while later. After adding tutorial pic it was unfortunately unreadable so I changed the game to start in fullscreen. Somehow it calculates the width/height of the desktop wrongly at the startup.
Picking/interacting is also something that I have to think about, I have to increase the interaction boxes. Pixel hunting isn't as severe though, all items have the same sizes so it should be much easier when the collision boxes for interactions are increased.
Doors shouldn't be locked. I think that exit is still active, just your exit position is - again - a little off and interaction box too small.
That error though, it's the second time now. Now that's the big one. Blue screen is my biggest enemy so if you have the willpower to trigger it again, it'd be very helpful as it's ruining the progression of the game.
I went on a little bug hunt for the elusive blue, but no luck. Tried to do pretty much the same things again. You'll have to contend with some whining instead.
About interacting with doors, even while standing in this position I can't enter the door:
What I meant about the locked door was if you enter the house from the outside this door will shut behind you.
You can start the climb down animation on this thing but nothing happens.
I realized why it feels so bad jumping from ledge to ledge is because you can't be close to the edge to jump from it, so from this position you can't jump for example. Also sometimes it looks like you made the jump but you phase through instead.
I'm gonna start off by saying that this game has potential purely because true RPGs are a genre completely abandoned by studios and indies alike at this point. There's a lot of games out there that call themselves RPGs, but which do not do the thing that this games does -- changing the player's journey based on his stats. I like that you start off the game as someone with literally no skills. I like that lacking certain skills locks off paths to the player. My advice about all of this would be whatever you do with this game in the future please do not make it possible for a player to max out all the skills in a single playthrough. It takes away from the main strength that this game could have. Also a fair warning that making any kind of true RPG can very quickly escalate into terminal scope creep due to just how many different stat configurations have to be accounted for and having to provide unique content for different stats.
I got two endings -- the naked guy one and the goblin one. Sedating the bird was funny. I think the graphics work really well for the type of experience you're going for and I think they're evocative enough to work as is. Of course most people might not agree with me, so maybe your ideal sweet spot would be to keep the art direction and just improve the fidelity a bit.
The story all on its own is fun -- not just funny -- fun. The tone is just right for this style of game. I liked the writing but it has a lot of ESL spelling and grammar errors all over the place.
Still felt like playing some kind of lucasarts game from the 90s (except actually funny) so that's good.
The thing I like the least is the pixel hunting. Some interactive objects have way too small of an interaction collider or blend just a little too much into the background (the grain). If you overcome this properly you've solved one of your main problems.
The core of the game is absolutely the stat system. This is the one thing that makes this game stand out among a sea of other games. Focus on that. If you didn't have it it's possible I might have come to the conclusion that the game has nothing to offer.
Only serious bug I encountered is that when you click exit game it just places you in the home screen (with the stats) but everything is frozen. Pressing Z just refreshes the whole program but nothing happens. Have to alt+F4 the game to close it.
Starting a second run spawns you in front of the mounted head without any of the intro dialogue. If you walk left to the intro dialogue position only then is the dialogue triggered.
Finishing a second run tells you you have 3 spare points but only allows you to use 2.
This happens too from time to time. Just randomly.
Thank you for your input. Something to clarify:
stats can be increased only when you have the same or higher amount of spare points. Maybe I should write this somewhere or give a visual clue that it's not possible, but I think it makes sense. It makes the least effort to improve from a total newbie to someone competent, but if you want to be above average you need to invest more in self-improvement. It also gives extra choice - should I keep my spare points to improve my main skill, or maybe spend them on other skills that will still alter my path.
The bug with frozen stats after hitting Esc, you can unfroze it by pressing X. I managed to replicate it and I'll fix it the next free moment I have.
Please tell me more about that blue screen bug, I need to fix it as I believe it impacts the replayability the most. Which dialog, which character, which playthrough, I have a faint idea what causes this but I've never had it break in this place.
Also, point me to these grammar errors, I'll un-ESL the game as soon as I spot them. Some of the dialog options still need proofreading as a lot of the later game dialogue was written in a stream of consciousness during the demoday.
2 Endings? The naked guy was supposed to be a secret, I think I made it a little too easy. You have to free the Bard at least, you can't leave him there do you?
This gets wild. Time to cover some issues.
Did the treasure map ending and escaped that way. Managed to free the bard but couldn't do anything with him so no idea if there's another unexplored path with him. I can't give the makeshift comb lute to the bard or really do anything obvious with it.
If you want to make interaction points a little less frustrating you should make sure that every single interaction point (the nest, locked doors, etc) should give interaction dialogue by default.
Very often it seems like it's very easy to break dialogue order and trigger dialogue lines which you shouldn't be able to access in the current context If you get the sparrow without talking to the lady and only talk to her after that she still gives you the task and the sparrow is RIGHT THERE.
After returning the sparrow to the lady it goes away again and I can capture it one more time but this time I no longer have the option to return it to the lady. Not sure if a bug or just an endless cycle of negligence that's intended so that the sparrow can be used for another purpose.
Since the game allows you to inspect objects at any point and that counts as dialogue you can trigger the animation while Dirk is facing backwards.
Pressing the escape key triggered this screen at one point. This is after starting a new game 3 times in a single run. The ESC menu was stuck like this from that point on for the duration of that session.

Using the bow displays debug text for each arrow fired and it keeps stacking. It disappears when the arrow hits something or you leave the room you're in.

Some objects are rendered over the health bar.

Grammar and spelling mistakes are too many to list. I came across at least 30+ lines like this. Some of them seemed intentional but others are just errors.

I didn't get the blue screen crash again. The only thing I remember is that the one time I got it was when I pressed two keys at once and the other time was when I was just walking. No idea.
Hello mr charming!
Yeah, that bird thing. That one dialog should be disabled, my bad. Sparrow can be used couple times for one extra ending though, so try to not get him drunk next time :P
I tried to delete all of the debug messages, but it seems there's always something thet gets through.
Now talking with his head turned, that's definitely something I should fix. Now to think about it you probably can trigger it even when jumping...
That frozen screen is an unfinished journal page. It still holds some info from main game but I'll be honest, I have no idea why it showed up.
Too many spelling errors eh...? Maybe my intelligence is on par with Dirk's after all T.T.
Thank you for all those finds, they'll be very fun to hunt down ;)
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