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A member registered Jul 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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I absolutely loved your video, and yes, there is plenty more to go for the current demo. If you do get through it, there are also quick access to alternate paths available through the cheating room. There are three endings available for chapter one and one "dark route". Everything gives greater exposition of the general narrative.  

>I ended up finishing the neutral and bad ending for chapter one. Liked it quite a bit! Billy is by far my favorite character, I like all the development he gets and the fact that he's humanized despite all his shortcomings and past actions. 

Yeah, Billy really is the heart of the story in chapter 1, he is my favorite too, although Arthur comes close...

>Neutral ending Billy feels like a really bittersweet conclusion to the turmoil he's faced and it makes me glad he and Sarah can manage to contact each other after everything. Arthur joining in the Rotten Tree story line wasn't something I was expecting, but it was entertaining to see how heinous and evil he is. Beef Wellington's a cool looking guy and I love how bluntly Arthur explains him existing. Winter's dad is cool too. I wanna know what's up with Velouria so badly.

Thank you for giving my game this amount of time, not a lot of players get to view the nuances of the story. Velouria will be further developed as the chapters progress, last one is Winters own chapter where it all comes together. 

>Again, the music is great. Favorite was the song that plays in Sarah's hotel room.

Thank you, more music to come! 

>I played on an old version so I'm not sure if I should share any glitches I encountered, I don't know if they've been fixed yet. The most notable one was opening the menu during the party sequence and removing the filters from the screen. Jungian Shadow can also be infinitely rebattled in Rotten Tree if you go upstairs.

Bugtesting is hell, any reports are appreciated, I did not know about the ones you reported. 

Yet again, thank you. Anything in particular you want to know you can just ask, I myself do not really care about spoilers, if you are likewise inclined I do not mind laying stuff out. 

You do not have to do shit, I have tomorrow off work, I will give it a spin and post results. 

Hard as balls, cool as fuck. Going to have to give this more time. 

Simple, polished, fun. The music is nice, the balloon and rocket mechanics are neat. It's a good little game. Port this to mobile. 

NOOOO, it opens and then closes right away ;_; 

Spinning top works, the jester kings animation bugs out before he spawns in clones.

Visually what you have made here is fucking stunning. I am thinking back to that space game, you clearly have the tools you need to create something truly astonishing. The "desert" area is mesmerizing. As is the outside space when you go into the black void. A story, some music and you could create something moving I think.

Could not figure out if I was able to do something with the machine across the black wall once I had all the stickers. If so, tell me. 

(1 edit)

Playing the Brinkadea levels now, first off the Jester King clone enemy bugged out in a weird way. I did not have time enough to take a screenshot but there is something wrong there. Second Brinkadea level is much to my liking, I very much enjoy these big expansive levels. Also PUNCH MONKEY. The banana thing I think is the first instant of a sidequest in your game, unless I missed something. Should add I really appreciate the amount of details in this level, such as the piano. 

Faygo provides yet another sidequest. Nortubel 2 open world confirmed. Some slightly more advanced platforming in this section. 

Bonka funhouse section is promising, make the next section harder though, it was a bit too easy. All in all, love the new stuff. 

Okay, I am playing some more. Really like the twisted hand art and that you are making levels that make use of the "switch between character" mechanic. My god... the fucking spider dimension. I love it. 

Oh, and one more thing: recently got to know this musician:, he works for cheap and puts out game music that people can use for free. This song would be perfect for grek:

The Greklovick levels are wonderful, very expansive with a lot of lovely details. The house-boss was simple, but fun. 

I think you should add fiddling with the hands for this stationary animation, peak cuteness. 

You gotta make a better explosion effect, there are free packs with frames you can use. It does not fit the rest of your style. Talking about the bomb one. 

The Greklovick endboss is a nice touch but the gun sound effects are atrocious, they need to go. The actually are hurting my ears. 

Going to go to bed soon, will cover the rest of the levels tomorrow. As always, really enjoy your work. These big expansive areas with lots of details to discover are wonderful. 

Quite a lovely game, played until floor 11. The main gameplay loop is pleasing as fuck, music and sound effects are good and the graphical style is neat. 

For long term engagement I think this would work well with some kind of outside system, while satisfying I think you need something more for players to get really hooked. Perhaps some kind of outside progression system outside of combat, such as investing in a village or something like that. 

Also, more varied areas, more songs, necromancer character, bard character and a monster character.

Ran very poorly on my admittedly shitty laptop. for comparison Ctesiphon runs perfectly though, could be some optimization done perhaps? Like the visual design, like the gun design especially the smokey reactor reload. Lore seems interesting and the alien designs are nice. The door sfx needs to go, it is grating, alien sounds where neat. Interested to see how this develops!

Tried it out, I like the character art while haggling, most things are clunky and I am sorry to say I was not a fan of the music, read that you made it yourself. How do you buy more inventory for the storage? 

Not enough here yet to provide any input, hope you get a lot more work done for next demoday. Good luck!

Very fun and crunchy game, I want a downloadable version though, I accidentally click away from the window and have to restart. Maybe invest in some art assets so you do not have to steal them from Nuclear throne ; ). Got through 10 waves before I clicked out by mistake, would have played more otherwise. Boss and bonus sequences are very nice additions. 

Monkey eat cinnamon bun = me happy, it is as simple as that. 

Tried it out, no loot ;_;

I think the core idea could be interesting and I like your monster designs but it gets too repetitive immediately, you need more for anyone to be able to judge this and provide real input. Anyhow, some ideas: 

Pre-program the sequences so that it always follows a melody. You could make it so that the example you need to follow is always timed to the beat. A player could be rewarded with extra damage if it manages to push the buttons with good timing too, making it more of a rhythm game rather than a memory game. 

Could mix up the memory aspects of the gameplay with other memory related puzzling, or different, more difficult "button setups". Actual "memory" the game could also be used. 

Give it a good basey beat and change the tones/instrument of the button examples and inputs  according to what song is playing in the background. 

General tips such as adding animation to a bunch of shit, get things moving. Foreground layer with smoke or mist, Flashier attacks. 

Taken by the crabs... and at such a young age ;_;

Plenty of opportunities for TREASURE SEEKER 2: ENTER THE PARTYDROME.

Thank you o/

(1 edit)

Watched this on stream as you know, giving it a spin today. Gotten to level 10 for now, got some initial thoughts. The core gameplay system here works, it is fun, but I think it needs a little more flair. Once you reach a level save point, introduce some sort of choice for an ability unlock, make the player able to create "builds". 

Abilities such as: double healing, more damage, survive one death, traps heal you, break rockdoors etc. These are abilities that depend on what is in the game now, I think you can add a lot more. 

Gambling/party feel I think would be good. Special blocks with slots or fantasy roulettes giving gold, exp, damage or something else. 

Every tenth level, introduce a boss sequence, the rune thing is cool. Some kind of clicking minigame to solve a boss, possibly targeting body parts in a correct order or something like that, using the core mechanic. 

Introduce a shop here and there too where gold can be used, also use max gold as score. 

Implied randomized story encounters would be cool too. Nothing too advanced, a rare princess encounter, dragon enemy, mimic chest, mysterious crystal etc. 

Chests with loot. Loot could just be collectible unlocks. 

Edit: Collecting collectable "loot" also provides further investment to play the game more. 

One day you will find happiness Max, and then your input will be friendlier. 

(1 edit)

Menu music is good. SFX on the text is neat. Artstyle is peak, and presentation wise this is a big glow up from the last purely visual novel scene.  Disagree with Max on diagonal movement, but people kept pestering me for that too so it is probably a good inclusion... I like the old school hard turns myself. Every day I am tempted to remove diagonal movement. Animated talking boxes are very good, the environment is simple but effective. Hide a secret in one of the mattresses. 

Menu seems sleek and effective. Mix of black, white and red is neat. Sent friendo up, spotted mysterious character, figured out the rock throwing. Probably could have gotten up together then. 

Spellcheck, should be "Welcome in, Raptor. Do you know why he has a knife?  Church scene was the last submission, or is it different? Yes, it is. 

Anyway, good job, there is definitely a market for these kinds of games, streaming and youtubers suck this shit up. Max Stern is always negging people, don't pay him too much mind. Think he is still sad his old game, which was very neat, did not get any traction. 

That sounds incredibly weird, either you are mistaken or you have encountered one insane bug. Could you open the equipment screen, open cards and take a screenshot?

Cards are not consumables, they are equipment. 

Here we fucking go. 

Gonna watch through your video properly later : D. What conversation softlocked you? To kill Euthanasia easily, get a level or two at the lake and make sure to equip the Jack of the Torpid card you got just before meeting her. 

It sounds like a cool premise, as you might have guessed I am a very storydriven player, maybe in a few demo days there will be such things we can discuss : D. 

Also, any possibility of making an add a gif? 

Still great, the new AI stuff seems to work nicely. Big mech is cool as hell. Machinegun could have a less recoil, shotgun could have more.  I definitely want to make an add, perhaps not as a commercial for my game, but something funny you can use. Anything in particular that would fit your gameworld? 

Recently acquired a new plugin to implement better keybinding, have not had time to test it out just yet. That naming sequence have for different reasons been a headache for a long time, maybe I should just remove it.

Good info with the sequence breaking after the butchering scene, these are the kinds of things that are hard to find on your own. Thank you! 

Controls feel good and intuitive, tutorial does a fine job, new graphical updates are neat. This is going to be great. Making the player a bit more able to take damage I think will be good for the early game, make it easy at the start then ramp up the difficulty. The different damage zones and destruction seem to work well. 

Are you going to cook a story for this somewhere down the line? If so, what are you thinking? 

Very good, good gamefeel and excellent presentation. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the core mechanics, but this is not a detriment. Main menu needs a "quit button". 

Windows version works. Gotta say, this is so fucking hard. I am not ready to give any feedback yet, I need to get at least a little good first. 

Thank you for the kind words and the good input. I will take a look at that particular song, any other audio balancing stuff you encounter is very good information too. Thank you o/. 

I will play more tomorrow, if I spot anything in particular I will jot down some notes. It seems expansive so not sure how far I will get.

No problem my guy! Keep dirkin´ it up.

Jump and hang on a ledge to get to a treasure chest. Think ledge hanging activated in the air.