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Otter DestructionView game page

Otter Destruction is a game about an otter trying to survive the humans, Its a game about surviving to save your friends
Submitted by Diego Lima, ItsArichuu, BoMwasTaken — 4 hours, 22 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 27 people so far
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Fire Music frfr


Biased smh lol


i saved all my friends from the evil humans! I had fun playing it and it becomes more tricky as the humans start coming and chasing me away from the trees. Well done. 


I played "Otter Destruction" and thought it was a nice game. It was challenging to play, which made it even more fun.

Submitted (1 edit)

The best part of this is the sprite work. I think it needs more development mechanically. I basically just spent a couple minutes building the bridge when a random human killed me even though I had already gone near one without anything happening.

Big otter fan though.


Would be nice if you could pick up more than one stick at a time, or have some way to automate their collection. Fun though!


I was exploring and some humans killed me :´) Was fun though


The beaver seems very cute


I thought the otters were quite cute. It felt a little confusing how my goal was to clear-cut a forest to escape the humans who were evil because they were… clear-cutting a forest…? It did seem that swimming out to building spots was bugged, but that I could just instantly build once I tried that and was near a stick, so the game was over awfully quick. The basic idea of “try to build this thing really fast before you run out of resources and get overwhelmed” is a great concept though. and again, really cute art :)

Submitted (1 edit)

Loved the cute lil' otter!


the humans are evil? :0 cool gameplay. and interesting theme, amazing art :D
I invite you to play my game and give me some feedback as well ^^


river killed me O=

timberborn successor for 2d lovers for sure

I spent quite a bit of time chilling on the menu to listen to the music. Game was a fun gather and craft, has potential!


I'm glad you liked the music so much! I'm releasing the OST soon so glad to see that it might get some attention! I had a lot of fun making the title track


interesting game and the music works really well!

Submitted (1 edit)

Neat little experience. I don't know if it's meant to be where you can build with sticks from wherever you're at, but, the game got a lot easier and quicker once I noticed that. Like, just by standing where there are sticks and pressing E, I was able to build out the thing and eventually finish the game, rather than swimming out to the "build" icon. So, not the intentional way to play I presume, but I dare to say the game is actually better because it's not tedious 


Not bad


This is really nice i noticed tho if you pick up the pickaxe and then drop it for some wood the wood would just disappear :(, anw Check my game out when you can :)




I really enjoyed this! I did find a bug however where if you build once you can spam pick up the axe and sticks and it automatically places it on the bridge. Still fun though!


that's a nice challenging game, really liked the pixel art


i love the bit of the switch up. When I first ran into the humans, it sort of threw me through a loop. A cute little beaver (otter? Im not sure) game with a darkish subtext

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