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IntoTheAbyssView game page

Submitted by ZDroidH — 5 hours, 53 minutes before the deadline
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I liked it a lot, the idea of going and drilling deeper while having to watch your oxygen. The visuals look charming and I really enjoyed this game.


Question, Concern, and Praise.

Q: What engine did you make this on?

C: When Diving from the top and in the top area in general, slight lag or something. gets really slow but then picks up as I go past the second or third row of blocks.

P: Very chill and relaxing. Easy to play and get lost in. I want to help push this forward if possible.


Hello Thanks for playing my game, i used Godot engine, about the lag its a performance bug i didn't have time to fix :(   ,   it would be pretty cool to improve the game :)


feel free to message me on discord any time. I will get back to you as soon as I get the notification, discords buggy when sending those to me, but yeah I would actually love to join several groups and push some of these game to full launch.


well executed but tbh I really wish it could go a bit faster, I understand the cozy factor here, but perhaps allowing for different play styles could be beneficial


It's like an underwater mining simulator! 


Reminds me of quite a few gather-and-sell games I've played on mobile but with a very relaxing feel. The music choice makes it very easy to forget how much time has already passed. I could imagine this expanding to a more Terraria-like game with more activities and objectives to explore.


Thanks for trying out my game :)


Anytime! Thank you for coming to my stream and letting me play your game!


This was pretty fun to play but one thing really dragged me out of that. I don't know if it's a problem on my end or in the code, but the frame rate absolutely plummeted when I would surface after a deep dive. I had to dive back down and resurface two or three times before it would smooth out. 

Also, I wish that the player sprite could fit down a single square, because I wanted to mine straight down to see how far I could get, or make a really quick surfacing chute. I wanted to slingshot to the moon!

That all being said, I did really like how the surfacing mechanic worked, that was pretty cool. I was honestly more interested in doing goofy things with that than the mining and upgrading (jumping over the upgrade shop and whatnot). It may honestly be a different game, but giving the player things to mine up in the sky too could be fun, building up momentum then bursting up there. 

I enjoyed the music, it gave it a very nice vibe and wasn't distracting. I think you did a really good job balancing the audio too, because when the O2 alarm went off I didn't jump out of my seat, I calmly proceeded to the surface. 

Impressive work! 


Thanks for Giving my game a shot, about the fps thing, its not an issue on your end i had a big trouble trying to make my game run better, but time was an issue, water simulation was heavily demanding.

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Nice game! Good ideas there and water surface is pretty cool. Music is fitting but the game pacing is a bit on a slow side at the start.


Like the DT64 said, I think the game is interesting but balancing is an issue. Think he said what I wanted to say and you said you had no time so I won't say anything about that here. 

Things I liked:

  • Procedural generated map - It looks quite well done, especially the snaking paths that are already dug out.
  • Keybinding - Not many jam games has it but its a nice addition. 

Some other feedback I would give would be:

  • Have another upgrade for the speed. Or have checkpoints. Feels quite slow now, and after playing the game a few times, I would imagine the player being tired of the top part of the level. As most of the time, the valuable ores are at the bottom and I wouldn't want to spend 30-50% of my oxygen just travelling down.
  • Not sure why it's laggy when I surface on low oxygen. 

Hello, Thanks for the feed back and ideas, the issue with surfacing isn't with oxygen but the fact, i have the map split into sections, that De-spawn and spawn when near,  So when you go up quick the sea surface instantly spawns, and causes an fps drop. (the water surfaces is built in a way that spawns about 260 springs so the process is kind demanding)


Ah I see. The map was mostly loaded alr so I thought there was no loading problem. Didn't think about the water.


absolutly loved it i have no feedback tho sorry


I just finished giving this a try and I think it has good foundations but could be refined some more. There a bit of information I would have liked be more available while playing the inventory could show the capacity with a number and a cash value of the contents without having to be at the sell shop. I also think the movement speed should be a  bit higher, though you would have to rebalance the mining speed and oxygen tank. I think these things could definitely make the game more fun to play in general.

The following  are just opinions that may not be faithful to the game vision and I primarily think this because I only got the 1st upgrade in each category.

I think it might be better if mineral density or mineral value were higher. It took me a fairly large amount of time to farm up the cash to get the first upgrades and seeing the 2nd tier be almost 3x as expensive while my cash per dive was not going up at a similar rate had me decide to finish my playthrough early. 

The inventory system may be bugged because when the yellow bar for it became completely red I could still pick up more ore. 

I don't want this to sound overly negative so I'll say that the sfx were well chosen, though the volume of some and the absence of a block breaking sound is notable.

The full commitment to a consistently scaled aesthetic showed me one way I could improve my own game (the sprite resolution varies wildly).

The art for the shop and seller are charming in their own right, and the character of the shop options text is equally so.

The title screen is pretty and the options menu along with a pause function was a good addition because I didn't add a pause function to my submission at all.

Lastly, I'm very interested in the tools used to create  the surface of the water. That is technically incomprehensible to me right now so bravo to that.

Thanks for playing my submission again.

I hope I'll see you in other jams!


I'm glad you played my game, the detailed feedback is really appreciated, the issue with balancing really comes from the fact i didn't have enough time to play test.


nice little mining game

Nice work. It deserves recognition.