Physical game Devlogs About Game Design
Just wanted to share a video I posted today - 5 Things you Didn't Know about Dwarf Mine. I hope you enjoy!...
Hey Everyone, There is a Mega Sale happening for Dwarf Mine currently here in March! If you're missing an expansion, or have a friend who has been waiting for a...
One of the core concepts of VIGIL's setting are the soulfalls and the fragmented mindscapes that appear in the Midnight Vale. A Soul is Falling Within this quas...
Where does an idea come from? Well, in this particular case, drugs, punk rock, and a lifetime love of fantasy adventure ttrpgs. I remember I was staying with an...
MECCANICHE DI GIOCO Punti Movimento: il vecchio sistema di Velocità è stato sostituito con i “Punti Movimento”. Necessità : in seguito al feedback ricevu...
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A huge thank you to those of you who have downloaded the MVP, and to those who even threw a few dollars towards it! Even in this prolonged dormancy. This mornin...
As I rework the rules for kobold Krew. I find myself trying to fix things I think could have been better. One of those areas is combat. I never really liked the...
Hello today! Happy new year! I know it's been a while, this year has been extra busy for me along with changes I made to how the game is developed, but the comm...
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I made a public Patreon post about my plans to work on Mangayaw this 2025 . Some important points: Cairn 2e/Electric Bastionland-style character creation Making...
Hello everyone! It's been almost a year since the release of Kernel and in that time I've gotten a lot of feedback about what's strong about the game and what n...
Let me tell you about working with Jeremy Forbing. I'd be like, "Look, I threw this dumb thing together, it maybe sort of works, isn't it funny?" And Jeremy wou...
MECCANICHE DI GIOCO Condizione : Il sistema delle tre necessità è stato semplificato e riassunto in un'unica meccanica chiamata "Condizione", per ridurre la c...
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And Solstice is no different! To this end, I've starting to work on Solstice 2: Winter's Respite . This will transform Solstice from it's zine-format into an en...
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The Nine is dead. Long live The Nine! I have taken all the ideas from here and recontextualized them into the upcoming TTRPG using the Mörk Borg license, Under...
Today I'm gonna be writing up my process and thinking for designing the Extra Advances of New Blood! Actually I'd already done this but then lost my draft which...
We reached the table book stretch goal! You wanted tables? You got 'em—all organized, all separated. And yeah, the cover art's done too. Right here. From toda...
I’ve been thinking a lot about how to simplify Fast Action Wrestling and while I have a number of simplifications in mind, the major ones are below: Change th...
Hello everyone. In the time that I haven't been updating Gothic-Punk, I've been studying several other skirmish games. I've been seriously considering changing...
Hi there! I don’t intend to be in your inbox too much, but people have claimed a whole ONE HUNDRED community copies and we’ve been at #5 on the phys...
The Help Action We finally cracked the code, campers. During every play test players would ask me if they could help another practitioner cast a spell. The only...
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I’m going to need another extra week or so to post the update 1.2 of Magical Girls & Mecha. I took an unexpected detour to update Hot off the Press (which you...
I am writing a Technicolour Post Apocalypse expansion for 6Q, it was going so well, and at almost 50 Pages my brain finally went: Hold it, 6Q doesn't need fully...
I am going to do a series of Post-Mortems on this game, kind of laying out all the different stuff I did and where I drew inspirations from. The design of this...
Hey Degenerates, You may have already noticed that I released the sequel to Dismal Armory and made this one free instead of pay-what-you-want. I want you to kno...
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Let’s start off with the big news: There are about 46 days until the self-imposed deadline that I set myself to update Magical Girls & Mecha to version 1.2, S...
This playtest is using a version of Awen somewhere in between the second draft of the cards and the third; it may not exactly match what you've got if you downl...
[Adventure] Journey into Malebolge Pt. I (2014) Paul Elkmann & Geoffrey O’Dale (Spellbook Games) Portal to Adventure (AD&D 1e homebrew) Lvl 10+ And now it beg...
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Last time I made a post about mechanics I talked about the Grid . Now I’m…still talking about The Grid, kind of! But it’s a different one this time. Home-...
Hello July and welcome to the second devlog of the update of Magical Girls & Mecha v1.2 which really it should be v0.2 because in retrospect what is currently p...
I've just uploaded a separate PDF that goes into a few details about the making of Hill Marks. This was motivated by the Disc 2 jam . I was particularly interes...
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This version doesn’t use dice. It uses character abilities, narrative circumstances, and resources to determine outcomes. By using a decision matrix focused o...
Stamina is a resource I bolted onto both the RUNE engine and the NULL/CIPHER healthless idea for Valiant Horizon Tactics. It’s a very major change to how a RU...
It was pointed out to me that my Cheat Sheet and Wandering Creature Prep Sheet do not factor in Surprise when determining the encounter distance. This is a feat...
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The Disc 2 Jam invites participants to provide commentary, extras, and additional content for their existing games. So I decided to write about what brought abo...
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Hello! It's been awhile, but the time has come to make a fairly major update to The Walled and the Wood and also to prevaricate on these upcoming modifications...
Salve Esploratori! È giunto il momento di parlare della Modalità Veloce, o Quickstart: ANTARTICA Quick Icebreaker. Immaginate di immergervi direttamente nel c...
(This is a companion piece to Gila RPGs/Spencer Campbell’s recent stream about healthless TTRPGs , which is well worth your time if you have an hour to spend...
I recorded a 20 minutes designers talk about the game, the creation of it and the thoughts I have around some parts of the design. I hope you like it! Let me al...
This is a design commentary. It's also downloadable as a PDF in the game text! It's attached to the new 0.7 update and covers all the new changes! DESIGN COMMEN...
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Salve Esploratori! Oggi vogliamo immergerci nel cuore pulsante di Antartica, esplorando il delicato equilibrio tra libertà narrativa e struttura tematica che d...
Salve Esploratori! Oggi vi condurrò attraverso il ghiaccio e il vento dell'Antartide, immergendoci nei meandri del game design mentre esploriamo le Relazioni t...
So, a friend of mine--who is helping me with game development--suggested I launch a Patreon. I did a while ago under the guise of wanting to post some deeper di...
One of the great joys of maturing as a game designer is that I've got very good at making complex systems as simple as possible. But it turns out when you decid...
After I had published “Issue 0” of Echoed Invocations, I decided my next issue was going to be themed Deviations , as it was going to focus on optional rule...
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(En español a continuación) Dear backers, I am glad to announce the first creation jam for The Lantern. The idea is to get together and create new playable ch...
Doing the first design exercise of applying the mechanics of Wandering Blades to media that inspired elements of the game was so fun, I had to do it again! Comb...
A member of the Asians Represent Podcast Discord community (thanks, Izen) suggested that I produce an episode breaking down cinematic action scenes as if played...
Hi all! Just to say, AfterGlow has received a rules clarification update based on some feedback - the digital files have been updated accordingly! Thanks to Ale...
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Hello! Just a quick couple of notes about the considerable changes to the game. The main focus for the development of the new version of the game was two-fold...
Today I'll be tackling the design of all four callings all at once! Mechanically, there's not as much going on with them, but I think Callings are a really inte...
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