Attempting to use butler? Please check out the guide here:
Q: Why is web upload limited to 500MB (or 2GB on demand) whereas butler will let you upload a 32GB game?
There's a technical side to it: our web uploader will only accept files as large as 2GB (which is what we can lift your upload limit to) — whereas butler is a more advanced uploader and has no such technical limits.
The other reason is simply that downloading large games from a browser isn't the best user experience — especially updating them. When you upload with butler, there's a bunch of things happening on our servers:
- First of all, it compresses while uploading, which means you have less to upload
- Second, it computes the difference since the last build, and uploads only that — which again, means you have less to upload
- The differences you uploaded (the patch) is then processed so it gets even smaller for folks using to update
- It's also used to make a new .zip archive of the latest version, to support players who still want to use only the website
- And finally it's also chopped up into blocks, which in a future version of the app will allow players to repair their game installation if it was corrupted, and make the install process for large games smoother & faster