Any plans on making it a requirement for games?
Actually, it was a "requirement" for games even before. It was and is in the quality guidelines.
If your project involves automatic or AI generation, make sure it’s clearly stated in your project description and that it adds substantial value to the user experience.
Though one can misread it to mean live generated AI stuff. There are games that do that. But in context it talks about AI content, such as images.
But in many cases, it was not necessary to bother either way. The usage of AI in games is often very blatantly obvious. Problematic are only the cases where the developer is activly lying or hiding the AI usage. And as has been discussed above, the usage of some AI generated code is not the same as AI generated images and story, so most people do not even think about this, when talking about "AI", in my opinion, because code != content.
While some developers did use the tagging system to state their usage of AI, there was no commonly agreed upon tag for that or the reverse.
The new feature adds the capabilities to give the information in the meta section and generate a standard tag and anti-tag and even sub-tags and hopefully more anti-subtags. And as soon, as the AI info is given in the actual information box on the project page, devs need no longer worry about that "clearly stated in your project description". (The meta info "tag" is currently is not shown. If you see an ai tag, it was manually added by the dev, not by the system. You do can search by that tag, but you do not see the ai meta info on the project page, like you do see engine info or session length and such)
With the current filtering options, a no-ai tag is also very handy, although only to be trusted for assets after the grace period, because the AI info is strictly enforced for assets due to legal ambiguties. Assets are meant to be used in other projects after all.
I do hope there will be a no-ai-content tag to exclude the code usage, because I suspect there are many developers that use ai tools for their code and most people that want to browse for "no-ai" would not mind ai code, but only ai story, images and voices.
We have a strong disagreement in our team in regards to the current state of the system.
On the surface, its goal seem to be to filter blatantly AI-generated assets which is reasonable and understandable. But in reality and based on leafo's answers, projects should be marked as AI-generated even if we used something like Chat GPT / Copilot for writing portions of the code. Our game is built by experienced and professional programmer but some scripts (small percent) were generated to save time on a game jam.
With desire to be honest we marked the game as having AI-generated parts in its code, but it leads to our game being in one big pile with more blatantly AI-generated projects. Currently it is not possible to opt-out without "lying" about use of AI in project page settings.
It does not seem fair that games with small part of AI code in technical side are put in one category with less crafted projects. It especially hurts feelings of our artists because the game is hand-drawn and a lot of effort was put into visuals. "AI Generated" tag is too broad.
It seems that games should either be give options to opt-out (which is not possible once tag is selected) or being forced to opt out (after all games are much more complex project that art assets) or categorization should be improved. It seems like "No AI" tag is made so people could filter low quality projects or assets with questionable legal status, not nice games with some chat-gpt-generated generic code under the hood.
I honestly do not see how marking code in games as being partially AI generated helps anyone. I understand that it is more reasonable in regards to assets, especially paid ones though. But my post is about games. Perhaps there should be different tagging for games or it should be disabled for now until better way is figured out?
Please advise.
(our game is Headquarters, first game in AI-generated tag currently...)
So yeah, I marked some of our games that were developed with a small portion of usage of ChatGPT/Copilot, and now we are the top-1 game on itch with the tag “AI generated.” From a user perspective, this may look like we just generated our game, which is, of course, not true, and a lot of effort was put into it
At the same time, @leafo includes in all his examples that it’s fair to say such projects should be marked as I did, which leads to a situation where the tag, from the user’s point of view, is not entirely misleading, but many would misunderstand what it actually means. So the system, in its current state, seems not to be working properly for user experience as it puts games where 1% of the content is made with assistance of AI and games where 90% of the value was made with not-so-good-looking AI into the same bucket
I wish we could either remove that tag entirely for our games, as it unfairly puts us into the odd company of fully AI-generated content, or have a green light to put “No,” as the portion of AI-generated content is as small as if we simply copied it from Google (which I believe also uses AI-generated content somewhere inside). Therefore, the first option is not available in the interface, and the second is basically a road to de-listing our game as it looks like we are breaking the rules, which I also cannot do
Moreover, people who see the “AI generated” tag probably won’t look at what exactly was generated (actually, itch does not provide a very easy way to do so as the only possible way, as I see it, is to open each tag separately and check whether the game is listed in them). So, from the average user’s perspective, people may think that we generated game art (which is mostly what people think about generation in game dev), which reasonably upsets our artist, yet I upset him even more with my scareness of getting delisted
P.S. If possible, I ask the administration to remove that tag from our games, as it was not mandatory, but now we cannot do it ourselves, if it is, of course, possible
P.P.S. Want to make it clear - we as a team do not intend to hide anything, we just don’t want to be judged as people who generate our games heavily. If there was tag “ai-assisted” that would be much more appreciated
For assets this is all good and well. But for games there is the issue of the "no-ai" (meta) tag.
How will people use it. For what purpose?
To filter out games that used ai gen assets?
To filter out games that used state of the art code generation tools?
Are there any players here that plan to use the no-ai tag while browsing for games? What are your expectations?
Do you care for ai gen code? Do you even consider it generative ai usage, or is it only "content" that you want to avoid, such as ai gen stories, dialogue, images and in general everything the developer might have commissioned an "artist" for?
In my opinion and observation of discussions about ai, code is not a focus. People either do not care or do not think of code when arguing against or in favor of ai gen things. For code, a thing like ai gen can be considered as a next level in programming abstraction. People do not code in assembler most of the time. They do not even use a language that is close to the hardware, like C. They use "higher" languages. In case of games, the use of librariers and game engines are also a step higher. All this, including ai gen, simplifies code to the point where the pseudo code is the code.
When you use a prompt to generate an image, you want an image and try hundreds of times, till you get an image you like. When you use a prompt to generate code, you cannot just randomly check all of the results till you like one for esthetics. It has to do what you want it to do. Also, most ai code generation seems to be luxurious autocompletion and templates.
While I agree with the sentiment here, the execution is a bit heavy handed.
I have a comedic game “Eggular Game” and I have an AI sound that plays that pokes fun at AI. It’s the only AI I’ve used in the game. However, somewhat ironically, I’ve stained my game with an AI black mark due to this. If this is to be enforced are there exceptions that can be made or can I expect my game to be removed if I don’t mark it as AI?
Additionally, what or who decides if something is AI or not?
It is only enforced for assets. Unless you lie about the gen ai nature of things and claim you made it yourself, I do not think this will be a problem.
For games, the question is, how or if players will use or not use the new infos. There are catalogues of items where you would have check boxes to select which attributes the items you will see can have. Itch only has one such check box that I know of, and that is the adult content checkbox.
The rest is just tags. And those stack up to an url. However that works under the hood. In comparison, on Steam you have several account settings and when browsing games you do have check boxes. But they also have a limited pool of tags and so on. So you could check boxes for pvp, languages, some tags, the os, controller support and so on. Adding a filter to that layout to filter the 4 gen ai categories would be trivial in concept.
But on Itch with the tags, the only tag currently is no-ai and that is a catch it all. (Yeah, there are 5 positive tags, but I somehow suspect, the negative tag(s) will be used much more often).
Oh, and objectivly telling if something is gen ai or not is simple. Did you make it with a prompt of a llm gen ai system and optionally modified it afterwards? If yes, then it is "ai".
That is why all the coders are very concerned, because asking a gen ai system to spit out some code snippet and integrating it in your code is business as usual, but would qualify the whole game as "ai" under that no-ai tag.
i'm glad i'll finally be able to filter all this annoying junk out of asset search results-- but frankly, i do wish itch would just ban AI entirely. it is harmful to the planet, it's harmful to artists, it's harmful to the internet as a whole (ask wikipedia editors how they feel about it) and even if you don't really care about artists, the planet, or the continued availability of trustworthy information on the internet, it's currently in kind of a legal grey area in terms of what you can and can't sell. gamedevs using it really do so at their own peril.
It can be used and abused like any tool. Personally, I wouldn't be able to make the slice-of-life RPG I'm working on right now without AI-generated art. I don't have the artistic experience to make the assets I need myself, I don't have the money to hire artists (who thus aren't missing out on work anyway), and I doubt there's free art assets that fit what I need for the game. If my game miraculously takes off, I'd love nothing more than start a Kickstarter to raise money to hire artists who could replicate the ingame art from Midjourney, but as it is, on a student budget and making a freeware game, it's a pretty big ask to hire professionals to do the art for me.
tl;dr, it's a bit black-and-white to claim AI hurts artists when I literally couldn't have made the game I've dreamt of making for a long time without the assistance of AI. Again, all AI generators are tools that can be used or abused, they're not inherently good or bad.
I really liked Austin McConnell's take after he received a lot of criticism for using AI-generated art and voices in a video he made.
Also feel it's grasping at straws to use AI-generated articles on WP as an argument against AI-generated assets in games.
Sure you could. You could draw some crap art, plenty of fucking fantastic RPGs have taken this approach in the past and it didn’t hinder them at all. Working with and around your limitations is part of the craft.
I can only speak for myself, but I find projects with visuals that have poor technical quality significantly more impressive than ones with AI art–regardless of how you feel about the financial aspect, in the former case it’s immediately clear that the creator actually gave enough of a shit to try.
you should check out these two games if you think AI is just blanket bad:
creators like this shouldnt be punished over some moralistic nonsense.
Hold on–I’d urge you to stop and consider the implications of your last sentence.
creators like this shouldnt be punished over some moralistic nonsense.
This is about disclosure, and allowing people to select what they want to see and not what they don’t (after all, games with and without AI content are all visible by default).
Yes, personally I don’t want to see games made with AI content. I’ve given my reasons, and I assure you that a couple of fangames that couldn’t be arsed to even come up with an original setting aren’t going to sway my opinion. It’s your right to argue about whether you feel that’s unfair, try to change people’s minds, etc. But at the end of the day, it should still be peoples choice to make.
In short, contrary to what a shocking number of people in this thread seem to think this isn’t a fucking punishment–it’s about letting people decide what kinds of content they do or don’t want to see. And look–if you still feel like it is a punishment because people don’t want your content once they find out it’s got AI stuff in it…maybe stop and think about the implications of that fact.
EDIT - Just realized you’re in this thread not advocating lying about this so I guess you not only have thought about the implications, you came to the conclusion that ‘it means you’re lying to your players’ was cool and good. Christ.
Tried replying directly to Hughes and got an error message for some reason.
Fair enough. I'm considering trying my hand at tracing photos of the places I'm taking photos of and seeing if I can make backgrounds that way (unless I just slap filters on the photos and call it a day), but drawing people? I think that's too high a hurdle for me, thank you. Also there's the slight issue that I want my game to actually be done at some point. So far I've written 20 000 words (or roughly 44 pages) of dialogue and narration and I've only covered a fraction of the scenes I'm planning to make. If/when the game is done, it'll probably be novel-length in terms of narration/dialogue. Then there's all the time to spend coding, testing, bug fixing, taking photos of locations, etc. Learning to draw people on top of that sounds unrealistic, to say the least.
Sure, you could say people should work around their limitations, but I'd rather my game looks good. And I mean, I'll also be sourcing my music from others, probably a combination of free and licensed works, yet I don't think anyone is going to criticize me for not trying to make my own music, you know? To be frank, I don't understand why the moment we talk of AI, suddenly there's this expectation that creators are supposed to do everything ourselves, or gatekeep creativity by saying it has to be done a certain way, otherwise it shouldn't be done at all.
Also, see the vid by Austin that I linked to.
I think going as far as to tag AI generated code is a bit odd. If there is one thing I can say has actually been great with the advent of AI, it's having a way to quickly debug code by sending it to ChatGPT. Even experienced programmers use it, it's just a handy tool. There's no malicious intent at all there.
This was annoying to encounter only because of how it was implemented. The UI did not make it clear I would have to manually select what assets it applies to when I clicked the option saying that NONE of my assets are generated. It’s also EXTREMELY ANNOYING and if I was in the middle of making a critical update while this was popping up, I should be able to temporarily dismiss it so that I can perform other important functions.
Additionally, it seems really weird to me to not have the prompt consider the date of publication when asking to tag things. The only asset I’ve made that I was forced to add this disclaimer to was made in 2016 and never updated. It should be obvious that it is not generated content for that reason alone.
Yes, it is possible there will be a few that slip through the cracks if you choose an arbitrary date to assume older content isn’t generated, but be reasonable. There is no reason to question an asset that is almost a decade old.
I'd like to add my 2 cents as someone who has an actually AI generated game (as in I make calls to the OpenAI API during gameplay to generate content).
When I visit the AI generated tag, I am specifically looking for games which use 'meaningful' AI generation, and with this new change its impossible to tell which used AI for code (not meaningful to the player) and for which ones AI is a part of the game experience.
My view is the AI tags should be expanded to something like the following:
I think these tags would sufficiently separate the different ways AI can impact games for players and developers. A game which is 100% AI would apply all 3, but devs can choose to what extent their game was AI generated. Or at a minimum it could change to AI Assisted and AI Content :)
I think everyone here is asking the same thing, and I do too:
- Do you mean that using AI in any part of my creative process (coding, art, ....) means that I have to tag it as "AI generated" ?
Because that is what the first message says: "if your project contains the results of generative AI. " (....) "your page will automatically receive the AI Generated tag."
So if I use AI in some point, no matter the amount or if it's purely generated or mixed with other skills, it becomes all "AI Generated" to the eyes of everyone, as if we had put zero effort in doing it, and it was only the result of random clicking a button or writing a prompt.
I mean, that I use AI doesn't mean that my work is "AI generated". It means that there are parts that are generative, but I may put more work on it, and use it as a base or as a combination of other existing skills.
I understand that you want to ban AI on assets, because it will overflood everything if you don't do, just because some people posting lots of crap.
But force games to be considered all AI generated for using it in some parts... that's crazy.
Between using the output of an AI generator without alterations, and doing all handmade, there is a wide spectrum.
That is terrible advice. And apart from violation of Itch guidelines might be grounds for legal action of customers. The reason for mandatory ai disclosure for assets are of a legal nature.
AI disclosure was requested before this new feature, in the quality guidelines:
Please ensure that your content brings something new and valuable to the community. If your project involves automatic or AI generation, make sure it’s clearly stated in your project description and that it adds substantial value to the user experience.
The tagging feature just formalizes the method you can desribe your content having gen ai.
What I see critical is the usage for game filtering. For assets it is clear. Any AI usage has to be known and filtering is a big help. But for games there is a fundamental difference if the content is gen ai based or if only code is gen ai based.
So I would prefer to see a no-ai-content tag. Gen ai code is not content. It is not story, it is not assets. The few people that hate AI with a vegan mindset should have their no-ai thingy, but it is not helpful for people that just want to support human made art. Code is not art in this context, but non developers might not grasp this at first sight.
I saw this come up again in the context of a post by Nifflas on Bluesky (regarding small bespoke neural nets). Thankfully in his case it was clearly ok.
But frankly I find the AI content guidelines, and the discussion here, to be completely unhelpful except in the most extreme yes or no cases. (And also very "Game centric")
It's very easy to think of realistic use-cases that don't obviously fall either side of the tagging policy. Some examples:
I have seen that in the "ai generated" tag, once you deactivate the NSFW display at your settings (because otherwise you will scroll through an endless list of that), there are many good games that use ai at some point.
I cannot tell in what part they use ai, except in very few cases. The quality is good, and there are very original ideas and creativity. It seems the community is not restrictive or doesn't care.
So I understand that if some people need the tag because they don't want to browse games that use ai in some way, it's their right.
So when I upload mine I'll use the tag. But it may be good that it is named in a different way. If you don't change the name, it's OK, as the community understands it the right way.
But "ai generated" sounds like most of the work is randomly generated by ai. That's not the case of the games I see there, except maybe the graphics of the NSFW visual novels (most of them NSFW).
Some name may be "ai assisted", which reflects the reality of people using ai as a tool of the box for parts of their work.
If you search positive, you can use the sub tags for graphics, sound and writing.
In the suggested box there currently is only no-ai and ai-generated. Both include code, something most people will not care about. The games where you did not see which part was ai might have had "ai code".
But code is not content! Not to my understanding of language and not to the current description of what the tag means.
Featuring content created or edited through generative AI, such as AI-driven narratives, character interactions, and generated assets.
Also, "AI Generated" sounds like the game was made by an AI or the gameplay is AI driven. There are games like that. They either have a llm on your computer or connect to a llm service to let an npc act.
The tag should be named ai-content or similar and exclude code. Respectively no-ai-content. The "full" tags could be named no-ai-usage and ai-usage.
The absolute majority of users will not have read this thread and have no idea that code is included in "ai generated". It must be usable intuitivly by tag name and description. I mean, it is a popular thread, but only has 10k non unique views.
"no-ai-usage and ai-usage." That sounds more precise and right, IMHO.
I actually use Microsoft Copilot as assistant. It behaves like a person. It makes mistakes, bad coding, and all. But it's great for ideas, for formatting, and when you don't remember how something was done it tells you an unusable example that you have to adapt.
So I suppose I have to use the ai coding tag, if it existed. Or not? As you see the real life practice is not at all as people think.
Then the ai art part. It also means making source images from scratch, then using my own styles, then rendering concepts and people I've created, then retouch and possibly iterations, paint parts, paint on top, recreating other parts by hand... Not at all as people think.
So the use is more like ai-usage than ai-generated. I know many other people work this same way, specially if they already had artistic and coding skills before ai.
So in my opinion that is how the tag should be named, exactly as you suggest.
Why does the quality of the end result matter? For those of us who want to support developers who refrain from using AI, the end result is irrelevant. It is the process itself that is in question. Your example is kind of like saying "Yeah I know they steal their cars, but they do a really good job of fixing them up afterward." Or, "I know this company pollutes the environment, but I like their burgers."
It's your right to do as you wish and that's why the tag is there. I don't wish to debate more about this. It depends on if you think that training is theft or not, or if you think all the work is done by the machine or not. I haven't a simple point of view on any of those aspects, and distinguish shades of gray.
But there's already many ais that were trained and work ethically, and in 2025 there will be a major release of at least one that is fully trained, not on donations or similar, but on public domain images (classical art). So this is a debate that is already becoming old, soon will have no sense at all, and I think the existance of a tag has full sense so everyone does as they wish.
But about that: I think quality is important and I value more to avoid flooding of crap than how something is done. Anything with quality involves human work, no matter what tools were used. I saw sites completely flooded by crap that were not ai at all, and others flooded by ai. I value quality, inspiration and work. That's why.
Well said.
It is just not "the process" that is complained about or questioned. It is the result: cheap artworks. And instead of attacking this, they attack unethical ai systems or large power consumption. Both wich can be debated or remedied.
Especially the power consumption is a bit confusing. I can install a llm system on my desktop and churn out cheap artworks. This takes less power than me working on hand made art on that same desktop. Either ai is cheap to make or not. If it is cheap, it cannot suddenly be more costly in production when it suits the argument.
So better to "attack" the quality. Most AI works look AI. Why? Because they look the same. Uninspired, bland, out of place. And if they do not, you can bet that the developer put a sizeable amount of sweat into the work.
I do see parallels to painters and photographers. A painter takes days, weeks to paint something that a photographer can take as a picture in seconds without knowlege of paints and canvas and anatomy and so on. Yet photography still evolved to be considered an art. Curious, isn't it.
Power consumption is more of a concern when using company servers that you don't control, I agree that using a model locally on your own machine would be (probably) harmless. And by the same logic, training it on only data that you own should also be harmless.
In regard to tagging though, I would suspect that Itch wants to keep things as simple as possible. If you really need a disclaimer then you can add it to your page, each developer can be as specific as they want about their process.
Even when you use company server it is still more efficient as it does not really matter where you use energy - on your pc or on commercial server. (In fact, I believe commercial servers are more energy efficient). Because those networks use a lot of energy in a short period of time but alternative is to use average amount of energy for much longer period of time. Of course it is not always like that and just to be clear: I do not have exact numbers but it is how I assume the situation
But when we are talking about energy I always think people who really care about energy that much should not use x86 processors and services like Steam or Itch as they run their software on big commercial servers. Because where to put the line?
And by the same logic, training it on only data that you own should also be harmless.
And yet, I usually see all generative ai treated the same way in these discussions and with the handling of the tech. There is no differenciation at this point about any legally non-ambigous or ethically "clean" solutions. It is ai or not ai. And that is why I am lamenting that arguments against the tech should be solid and future proof instead of shortsighted and emotional.
With the current/initial filters provided there is also only ai yes or no with no practical information if it is content or just the code (yet?). Unlike artists, developers embraced the tech. Or at least that is my impression. It is the developers that create code with the tech. But with art, it is usually not the artists that use it to create more art, but people that could not draw at all to create images. Maybe it is, because in software it is a common concept to reuse other's code from templates, examples, and of course your own previous works and adapt it to new situations. In the visual arts that is frowned upon as "tracing".
There are many artists using AI. Also many painters, that generate references with it, or animate their own paintings in digital, and many mixed media artists, or hybrid artists. They all can draw and paint, as myself.
In one year or less, as public domain fully public sourced models appear and people identify the ones that are ethical, everyone will use it, except a few.
I marked my game with the AI tag, gladly. I hope the name changes to "ai usage", but it will be obvious that my work is a mix of traditional and generated skills as soon as people see it, so I don't really care. It's impossible to make a half decent game solely on AI.
The confusion about licenses, copyright, and polemizing on all this subject, fueled by the media, has damaged everyone. I understand the hate about the flooding of crap, but I hope it also becomes an old issue (exactly as when people got tired of DSL cameras and stopped annoying everyone making photos all day long).
So I'm learning to code right now, I've made a game and written out all my code myself, I have however used chatGPT for debugging and some maths stuff I didn't understand, would that mean I have to tag the game as contains ai code? Ive used it to learn about coding in unity basically but nothing has been copied and pasted
...Literally all videogames use AI, though? It's what separates them from tabletop games. "No AI" as a tag is WAY too broad and overreaching to be useful- from these replies alone, you can see that everyone has a slightly different definition of what this even means (and clearly- as can be seen even HERE- some people just completely shut down all discussion once the letters "AI" are even mentioned at all... so you can see why introducing this is problematic- especially for small indie developers- AAA devs are going to use it either way without disclosure, so this is just unnecessarily branding indies with something potentially damaging... I think that's the exact opposite of the effect that was intended).
This really needs to be clear and unambiguous. 'Use your best judgment' is... not helpful- at all.