From what I can see: big social media platforms (Instagram, X, TikTok & Facebook) seems to be considered the norm to promote our work and build communities. My writing buddy uses Instagram a lot to promote her work, as a lot of other writers nowadays. Recently, she suggested I do the same and create an IG account for my current writing project.
But the thing is : I don't like these platforms.
I know, that sounds kinda silly... But I really don't like them ! I deleted my X account last year and put my Instagram and FB accounts on hiatus a few years ago.
My main complaints being :
- The rythm of posting required to stand out is really demanding, especially when you're a hobbyist/non-professional creator.
- How quickly a post gets "drowned" and forgotten in a mass of content without having a meaningful impact on our followers
- The way the algorithm works.
- The negative impact of likes and followers numbers on mental health.
and so on...
Then I ended up with this simple question : do I have to make do with these platforms I don't like or are there some alternatives out there ? More human-sized, slow-paced, ethical alternatives.
So, here I am doing my little research and asking you, fellow indie/arty content creators :
- - What kind of content do you create ? (i.e : video-games, physical games, books...)
- - Are you a hobbyist or professional creator ? (I guess the stakes are different if your income depends on your content sellings or not)
- - Which platforms do you use to promote your work and build a community ? (i.e: a personal website/blog, a discord server, a newsletter...) What is you experience using these ?
- - Do you mix "big platforms" (Instagram, X, TikTok, Facebook...) with "alternative", less common methods ? To what extend ?
I'm curious to hear about your methods. Thank you in advance and have a great day :D