Hidden in the Bug Reports/Feature Request topic (starting from a reply by SOILEDit), LAWatson posted the personal level editor they used for making and testing levels for the game: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ukqihpluddgve62/KeyTool.zip/file
To open it once you’ve downloaded it (on Windows; I’m not sure if the structure is the same elsewhere), go to wherever it’s downloaded, open the KeyTool folder, then open the “About KTool + Setup” file and follow instructions from there. If the application throws an error when you try to open it, make sure you’re opening it from within the extracted KTool folder; it won’t work anywhere else. If it still throws an error, I’ve heard that downloading https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26999 might help fix it. Once you’ve extracted the files into a new folder, I recommend copying the “sample maps” and “skins” folders and the “How to make levels” file over to the folder of the extracted files; the “About KTool + Setup” and “how to make levels” files will give you the information you need to know when it comes to playing and making levels.
Now that that’s out of the way, I’d like to share three levels I’ve made using KeyTool. I’ll give a tooltip (what the text on the bottom of the screen would say if this was a puzzle in the actual game) and some hints (encoded with ROT13) for each one; these hints won’t be “here’s part of the solution”, but rather questions to get you thinking about the puzzle in a better way. To play these puzzles, download their files, then open them within KeyTool. You’ll need to open the files using KeyTool to play them; opening the files themselves won’t work since KeyTool can’t be opened from anywhere other than within the extracted KTool folder. That unfamiliar grey blob in each puzzle is the goal; when you touch it, it will turn green, indicating you’ve won the puzzle.
Some control changes to keep in mind:
R still works to reset the puzzle, but as far as I’m aware, KeyTool does not have an undo option.
Shifting the Lens of Truth between normal view and I-View is done with Q in KeyTool, not S. Do NOT press S; this is a “save” function that makes it so when you restart, you’ll restart in whatever position you last saved in. This is useful for testing IWBTG levels but not for testing Lockpick levels. Someday I might make a puzzle that uses this as a mechanic, but unless otherwise stated, do NOT press S in these puzzles.
There's a bug where destroying a Combo Door while on the wrong Lens view (i.e. destroying a Combo Door without any imaginary copies while in I-View) will cause the door to be destroyed and apply its spending cost without destroying a copy of the door. This bug only seems to apply to Combo Doors, not regular or Bicolored Doors. Be careful in puzzles where I-View is used!
“Counting to 10”:
Tooltip: “If counting to 10 is so easy, why did I give you all these negative Master Keys? Whatever strategy you come up with for this puzzle, you might want to prepare for it before you blast your Master Keys away…”
1. Checyr Xrlf ner pyrneyl gur vzcbegnag pbybe urer, naq gur Znfgre Xrlf ner hfrq gb znxr pbcvrf bs gur qbbef ba gur hccre-evtug, ohg pna lbh svther bhg jung ebyrf Plna naq Benatr cynl va guvf chmmyr?
2. Pbafvqre gur ahzoref sebz 1 gb 10 frcnengryl. Ubj ner lbh tbvat gb trg lbhe Checyr pbhag gb rnpu bs gubfr ahzoref? Gel gb hfr nf srj Znfgre Xrlf nf lbh pna ba rnpu bar.
3. Erzrzore, gur svefg hfr bs rnpu qbbe vf “serr” nf sne nf Znfgre Xrl hfrf ner pbaprearq.
“Shaft of Balance”:
Tooltip: “The royal advisers who built this shaft centuries ago claim that only those who have achieved inner balance can pass through it. I’m no expert on that kind of spiritual stuff, but I think I get the idea of the kind of balance you’ll need to make it to the bottom.”
1. Ybbx ng gur qbbef va gur funsg ba gur evtug. Jung qb gurfr qbbef gryy lbh nobhg gur nzbhagf lbh’yy arrq gb unir bs Juvgr, Oyhr, naq Oynpx Xrlf?
2. Gurer’f fbzr zbqhyne nevguzrgvp tbvat ba jvgu rnpu bs gubfr guerr pbybef. Jung qbrf gur zbqhyne nevguzrgvp gryy lbh nobhg gur nzbhagf lbh’yy arrq gb unir bs gubfr xrlf?
3. Tvira gung gur bayl jnl gb qhcyvpngr qbbef vf ivn fjvgpuvat lbhe Znfgre Xrlf gb artngvir jvgu gung qbhoyr Znfgre Oynfg qbbe, juvpu qbbef ner gbb rneyl va gur chmmyr gb or tvira nqqvgvbany pbcvrf? Uvag: gurer ner fbzr qbbef gung ner gbb rneyl gb or qhcyvpngrq ba nyy guerr cnguf!
4. Juvpu qbbef va guvf chmmyr pna or qrfgeblrq ivn Znfgre Xrlf? Gurer zvtug or zber cbffvoyr gnetrgf guna lbh guvax.
Tooltip: “There are two dimensions of Master Key around here. Real Master Keys can only break doors with real copies, and Imaginary Master Keys can only break doors with imaginary copies, regardless of what the spending cost of the doors are. Yep, Master Keys of one dimension are useless on doors of the other dimension. Definitely.”
1. Guvf chmmyr vf fbeg bs fcyvg vagb sbhe cnegf onfrq ba rnpu gvzr lbh trg n arj fhccyl bs Znfgre Xrlf, fb vg znl uryc gb pbafvqre rnpu dhnegre bs gur chmmyr frcnengryl.
2. Va gur frpbaq dhnegre, lbh bayl trg bar Vzntvanel Znfgre Xrl. Jurer qbrf vg unir gb or fcrag? Jung qbrf gung gryy lbh nobhg jurer gur Erny Znfgre Xrlf unir gb or fcrag?
3. Lbh fubhyq unir -1 Benatr Xrlf bapr gur frpbaq dhnegre vf pbzcyrgr, naq lbh arrq gb unir 0 Benatr Xrlf gb pbzcyrgr gur guveq dhnegre. Ubj ner lbh tbvat gb trg evq bs gung artngvir Benatr Xrl?
4. Vs lbh unira’g svtherq vg bhg lrg, gur gbbygvc unf fbzr fnepnfz arne gur raq. Jung unccraf vs lbh qb hfr n Erny Znfgre Xrl ba n qbbe jvgu na vzntvanel pbcl be ivpr irefn?
5. Rnpu bs gur sbhe pbybef unf vgf bja ybtvp va gur sbhegu dhnegre. Pbafvqre ubj gb trg evq bs rnpu pbybe frcnengryl, gura jura zhygvcyr pubvprf nevfr, pbafvqre gur raq tbny bs trggvat gung -1 Oynpx Xrl naq hfvat hc nyy lbhe Znfgre Xrlf va nqqvgvba gb oynaxvat gubfr sbhe pbybef.
Those are the only three puzzles I’ve made for now, but I’ll post any more I make in the replies to this thread. If you make a puzzle with KeyTool and want to share it, post it here too.
P.S. To LAWatson: in that first devlog, you said that if the fans make any good puzzles, you'll put them in Part 2 in some sort of community puzzle area. Is that offer still on the table? If it is, and these puzzles are good enough to get in but need a few tweaks (such as changing the proposed tooltips or changing a few numbers), feel free to make those tweaks to make the puzzles better.