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Ship Control

Build your ship. Tweak your ship. · By ThaiCat

Changelog Sticky

A topic by ThaiCat created May 15, 2016 Views: 1,152 Replies: 32
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Developer (11 edits)


fixed shield synchronization and initial state

default ship is now selected by default

fixed camera follow wrong player object

improved network synchronization

health bars performance increased by (their count-1) times (it's up to 1000 times!)


improved network synchronization

reduced CPU usage by network synchronization of ship objects on clients by 50-60%

physics is now unaffected by network synchronization on clients

collisions for blocks being build on moving objects on remote clients now properly resolved by physics


improved network synchronization (fixed constantly random increasing velocity and angular velocity of ships when out of sync for too long)


improved network synchronization (fixed constantly random increasing velocity and angular velocity of ships when they collide on clients)

fixed inertia tensor synchronization

balanced energy preset is now set by default for all ships


fixed client always trying to join default domain and port no matter the settings

added "stop" button for ships, x by default


added music, sound and particle effects

fixed heath bars still being disabled after turning them off and on again

improved network synchronization


added some new block types

improved collision detection for projectiles, they should not penetrate blocks or shields anymore

minor changes


new weapon type: missile

added description windows for block selection buttons (I did not cared about correct info there yet)


new weapon type: beam

cannons of some types will not shoot if they do not face target

added some placeholders(asteroids, mining beam(very limited, don't expect to see it working), text, limitations)

fixed build menu button count

minor network sync improvement

very minor bug fixing


made interface for inventory system

mining beam now works properly

mining beam can store copies of other ship blocks in inventory, that's a feature

changed creation buttons menu a bit

you can create blocks directly inside inventory (they cannot be used yet) (this is not yet done in terms of multiplayer)

new block: container

each container has its own inventory, but interface for individual containers is not yet done, but if container gets destroyed u will lose it's content (you can see that)


inventory now properly synced

added in-game chat

minor network sync improvement (movement, lag reduction)

ship can now automatically aim and shoot multiple targets around it, you can set this behavior on per ship basis

added damage digits, it will be reworked later


damage text now works for all blocks

returned back sphere shield

returned back asteroids

returned back ship status UI

minor network sync improvement (it is still not good enough)

fixed missile behavior

improved chat UI and behavior


Version 0.25.2016-07-26

improved network synchronization (for movement) (it seems it can not be better with current control scheme and complete server authority)


Version 0.25.2016-10-08

Collision damage no longer applied twice

fixed damage text behavior (correct damage amount, better responsibility)

hidden block components that should not be visible on currently selected block when building

damage that kills block is now visible

added block death explosion

sound and particle effects are now played on block death (collision effects etc.)

collision point calculated far more precisely (for VFX)

added damage text fade effect

fixed error on turret destruction/removal if it has cannons attached

some very minor changes

Web build no longer updated


Version 0.26.2016-11-11

added in-game settings menu (video, audio, controls and game options)

health bars option moved into settings menu

audio volume no longer auto adjusted on gameplay and must be set in settings menu

default unity settings dialog is now hidden by default


Version 0.26.2016-11-20

fixed clicking on another button while waiting for current button input in controls menu

fixed bug with controls always stay default

added option to disallow to assign multiple actions for a single button

reworked main menu

game now remembers last server port and address

added button for external ip detection when starting a host (will not work if my site is down)

fixed error on rejoin/rehost a game after manual disconnection


Version 0.26.2016-11-25

added in-game help panel and option to disable it

asteroids are now stylistically the same as ships

fixed asteroid spawn error on clients (caused multiplayer to be unplayable)

added more asteroid models

Developer (1 edit)

Version 0.26.2016-11-27

fixed bug with controls options do not spawn if there is no game settings file exists, basically every 1st launch was unplayable due to this.

asteroids have collision sounds now

asteroids receive collision damage now

projectiles do hit asteroids too now

Wow! Very good game! I'm excited to see this further develop!


Version 0.27.2016-12-30

fixed bug with game settings path on Linux

asteroid generation now takes almost 2 times less time, meaning less lag at the beginning

asteroids are now invulnerable during world generation

multiple asteroid parameters no longer sent during world generation

world can now be saved and loaded (just asteroids without minerals data yet)


Version 0.28.2017-01-21

reworked network manager

removed lag on world generation on the server completely, reduced lag on client connect

added loading screen

on clients scene loading happens behind a loading screen, on the server both scene loading and world generation happens behind a loading screen.


Version 0.28.2017-01-22

removed interface glitch in the game scene

removed input keycode debug info


Version 0.29.2017-02-15

you can have multiple save files now

fixed save path bug

changed save path on Linux

fixed missing quality presets bug

removed save and load buttons from game scene

game now has autosave feature

ship design can be saved and loaded now (but not yet applied, there is some work with the network to do, to make it possible, I will make it in the next update in about a week)

each loaded ship design has a preview now


Version 0.29.2017-02-21

ship designs can be spawned and applied over network now.

fixed error on loading ship designs, those have turret or cannon type blocks

changed internal ship design file format, previous is not supported any longer (future versions of the game will have compatibility with it)

changed internal world file format, previous is not supported any longer (compatibility with this world format most likely will be broken few more times)

turrets and cannons are no longer separate objects (that was way too unclear for new players how does this work (e.g. place this turret mount there, place turret on it at specific angle, and finally place gun in there), worse performance-wise and harder to develop)

reduced network traffic on block spawn

improved block spawn method (not the same as above or below)

reworked internal ship design (blocks relationships), adding, removing and destruction of blocks should be faster now, idea of sockets on blocks is obsolete, there will be new one.

turrets can no longer be built too close to each other

broken beam cannons


Version 0.29.2017-03-01

fixed and reworked beam cannons, improved beam cannons performance and reduced network traffic consumption by beam cannons by ~2 times as result of merged cannon design

fixed cannons not shooting if they are rotated by more then 30 degrees

removed lag when drawing many ship design preview images

added graphics for block and inventory buttons

updated blocks description and tool-tips

game settings no longer reapplied each time scene changes

new world and ship designs will be given default names if they are empty

world and ship design selection menus UI is now consistent, overall UI is still a mess

broken inventory


Version 0.30.2017-03-05

fixed inventory

simplified inventory (containers no longer have their own inventory that had to be synced saved and loaded on per-container basis, instead only ships have their inventory now, without possibility to access each container's inventory and choose where to store what, it was a nonsense anyway)

inventory UI only updated when inventory changes now

improved UI

minor fixes


Version 0.30.2017-03-06

default player ship consists of multiple blocks now instead of one

fixed beam and mining cannons not being loadable from file

selected ships have square frame attached instead of capsules in the middle

minor fixes

Developer (1 edit)

Version 0.30.2017-03-07

fixed empty block connections data when saving ship design on remote clients (saving ship design now syncs ship design with server)

fixed log file warnings when draw ship design preview buttons on clients (removed some lags)

fixed ship not being controllable after applied new ship design for host/server

minor fixes


Version 0.30.2017-03-08

fixed bug that prevented some block connection calculations on server

fixed ship not being controllable after applied new ship design for remote clients

reduced network traffic at block creation

fixed bug with ship size calculation at game start

fixed bug when ship design was saved by everyone when one of the players saved it

world saving no longer triggered on clients

minor fixes


Version 0.31.2017-04-19 (experimental)

implemented floating world origin (practically unlimited world size)

server no longer has authority over client movement and collision detection (victimized to above)

broken movement controls of ships on clients as result of local authority over movement (because engines is server-side logic now)

changed network sync algorithm (now uses twice as much network traffic)

minor changes in sector saving algorithm

sector savedata is now ignored when world loads, instead only one asteroid is spawned.

autosave will save that, breaking any proper sector data

possibly broken external ip detection and connection over internet.

updated ship size calculation and fixed ship size calculation bug on clients that caused error messages spam in logs

fixed ship status shaking

realigned main camera with calculated ship center by default

ship center is now shown by green capsule

more bugs?


Version 0.31.2017-04-25(experimental 2)

much more reliable client authority calculation on server-side

improved movement sync algorithm (better floating world origin handling, less traffic, more precision)

fixed movement controls of ships on clients

much more responsive controls on clients

improved energy settings calculation, fixed table values and sliders

energy parameters are now calculated on both server and client sides, client only performs simplified calculation for his authority objects

client now calculates ship movement for his authority objects

minor fixes

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